The reason why I'm asking you, because it's time for me to upgrade my dvd drive in my PC. Blu-ray, that is. Won't it be affect my hard drive? Forgive me for being worry wart today, I need to know. Here's what I found at YouTube about Blu-Ray on PC. Will that help for my four year old PC? Can I play? Just asking, that's all. I hope that you guys can help me, so I can stop being worry wart today!
It shouldn't affect it. They are in different areas. The blu-ray drive would not fit in the harddrive bay in most cases. I would have bought a new pc since the bu-ray cost so much and you will have to upgrade the rest. You didn't provide any specifications of your computer so no one will know if the blu ray player will work.
I was hoping that Blu-Ray can plays smoothly on my windows XP. So does that mean I have to upgrade the rest?
I think windows xp will run it. I don't know if your graphics card will be able to take it. You have to look up to see if your graphics card can display the info.
Thanks once again. I will go and ask computer guy in Washington, NC. He should be able to help me with all this blu-ray stuff. All that aren't that cheap to get. Should I also get new graphics card?
If the current graphics card can display the information from the blue ray disc then no. otherwise yes.
All right. Thanks again for your help. That's pain in the ass, that's for sure. Not all PC have Blu-Ray on it. Two years after High Definition format wars, Blu-Ray won the format war...I liked HD-DVD better, though. Once again, thanks for your help to clear up the confusion. I thought that hard drive is part of DVD Drive in my PC. But I was wrong, after all.