Where did your facination start?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by EarthAngel, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. sarahgirl

    sarahgirl New Member

    My fascination started back when I was in High School. Before then, my junior high and lower had predominately been all white. But when i entered high school there were more people of all races. I do not think can trace my start to one specific moment, but I do remember seeing one of the boys on the basketball team and thinking damn! I have dated both since.
  2. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Re: in the beginning

    Welcome to the forums, csbean.
  3. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Who do you date now? And to all the girls do you see yourself marrying a brotha if the right one comes along or is it more of a fetish? In my experience I have seen a lot of both, coming from a bi-racial family I came up a lot different then a lot of people here both men and women. That is as far as my experiences and the way my parents related thier values to me, I truly just see all people the same and have always been around every ethnicity. There is no race but the human race, seperation ofrace was invented by racists! Unless blond hair and redheads are a different race then, we are all humans, and we are all just people at heart, we are all here together, on this rock. The more open someones mind the more fun they are open to having in this short life. I have had the pleasure of being in relationships with every ethnicity of woman in every corner of the world (I'm an army brat that loves to travel), but in the end I think I'm one of those guys that like women who remind him of the woman that raised him, thats what I'm doing here in the first place.
  4. snowbunni87

    snowbunni87 New Member

    I don't see skin color. That's just not how I was raised. If I find someone attractive then I'll date them. Lately I've been into bm because southern wm are irritating, generally speaking, with their lack of confidence. I like a man, of any race, who has the guts to walk up and say he's interested.

    To answer your question, Sifu, yes I'd marry a bm if he ended up being "the one."
  5. Jake_Vig

    Jake_Vig New Member

    With me I can't say I have a preference for White women so much as if there's a certain mixture of the confidence and intelligence and yes, looks I like then it draws my attention. I never really came to some realization that I adored White women any more than others. It's just that their mixture of what I like may get my attention more often.

    Probably my upbringing and the fact that I just was able to communicate to anyone in school when I was a kid gave me this extra option to accept someone who just clicked with me.

    I'm definitely more attracted to intelligence in a woman first and foremost. I'm all about building something in my life to have. The ideal partner is one that can take the reigns and guide this thing if I'm not around. An equal. Weakness and co-dependency is an instant turn-off.

    Not really into subservient types or timidity. So that's opened this weird door in my life. I've always been open minded and an equal opportunity type. But on more occasions it's been White women that have fit that bill.
  6. dossou

    dossou Member

    Earth , I'll give u an All West African view point and some History orientations for you to understand how it works naturally here and to widen your culture about IR
    Kayyy Africa is the ROOt for All Bm .that's obvious then my story.

    It started since the first time I saw a young white women .I mean we were all babes , so let me remember ,since pre -prmary school
    4 years old or something like that. And I crossed the ocean(traveled) a lot so it was and it's still obvious for me .just as obvious as breathing .I'm completly and fully at ease with a ww.
    There's this attractive electrical feeling which flows when togeher.
    Here in Abijan West Africa it's too common place to see white children blending with blacks and other race , depending on the school you're in
    So it''s normal.that's why you can read me on this site :arrow:
    Let's stay we did not have to fight for racial equality as in the States or South Africa.... so it 's not a taboo
    An all normal thing and in african family you have racial blending often.
    Here in West Africa coast, thre was 6 centuries of history, contacts and blending with other race white race wm or ww because we're located between Americas and Europe.Geographically speaking we're linked.A dark side of this story brougth what you know as African American People.some descendents of the Black race
    .For instance on the East african coast youhave Kenya;Obama's roots and other countries blening with indian chinese and asiatic people .This has been for centuriesThese things are obvious for us.I'm talking as an African .We did not have to claim this or fight to be recognized as men We're what we are
    Just a natural thing
    S'o times as i said Inthese african family, it's the ascendant who is wm o rif we dig well youcan have ascendants as ww
    Africa is all racial blended It's among the Continents where you have a high rate of racial blending May be the First
    Make some research check and you'llsee
    Kayy , I was happy to share.
  7. sarahgirl

    sarahgirl New Member

    I have dated both black men and white men on a pretty even basis. But my relationships have not always been great. I mean on a trusting sort of level. About a year and a half ago I was engaged to my longtime friend from highschool (who was white). Later I found out that he was cheating on me, which was crushing. I still have feelings for him to this day, although I am no longer seeing him.

    Now onto my dating with bm and marriage, I think race doesn't matter, and I feel like I wasn't ready at the time. As for the future I am not sure what lies ahead, but I know one day I will know what will be right for me.
  8. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Don't you mean who :lol: I'm just kidding you do sound real genuine, and I understand about marriage and being too young also. I was married for four years starting when I was twenty-four and my ex-wife was nineteen. Way too young to be married!
  9. drow

    drow New Member

    Actually, it makes quite a bit of sense when you consider all of your past experiences. I haven't posted here in literally quite a few years but decided to peek in just today.

    Your posts have enticed me to make this one when I had no plan to do such! Just want to say that I appreciate your sharing with this site and your very eloquent way of doing just that. I enjoy your thoughts and the way you expressed them.

    Keep doing just what your doing! :wink:
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I guess you can say that my fascination started way back when I was working at a major league ballpark as a teenager and a great deal of my co-workers were white girls. I’d seen a few at my high school but they were mediocre at best. I’d always been attracted to white girls but had only seen the really pretty ones on TV.

    Anyways during the time I spent at work, I met some of the prettiest, coolest and down-to-earth white girls you can imagine. Needless to say after getting to know some of them and working side-by-side everyday, I ended up finding out that they were no different than me. I was hooked from that point on but I was still kind of skeptical.

    It wasn’t until about 10 years later [2006] after dealing with a number of failed relationships with BW, that I begun to throw my inhibitions to the wind. I realized that for whatever reason BW and I just did not click for some reason and the chemistry was just never there no matter how much I tried to force it.

    I love all women, but I find myself much more attracted to WW. I don’t get all the smokescreens and the silly games with WW as opposed to BW. I thought that because I was black that I had to find a BW. Recently I had to ask myself this: what do YOU really want? Is your ideal woman what society deems she should be? Or is she what YOU want her to be?

    My answer was simple.
  11. Julia Alejandra

    Julia Alejandra New Member

    Mmmm, my first fascination with black men began when I was 15 yrs old. I had no first boyfriend at the time and my best friend was black. He and I never dated but I had a secret crush on him because of his skin. Sure hope to get another black friend like that with big georgeous lips and smile, only this time He gets to be in love with me...hehehehe.

    Interesting fact: After that crush all my exboyfriends all had big lips and none of them were black... So I'm thinking, maybe that's why my relationships never worked out! I have been waiting for a black man all my life!

    Keep dreaming I guess...

    Jules :roll:
  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Keep dreaming huh? You're bound to wake up one day soon before you know it. I'm just glad that you are open and receptive to what your sub-conscious is telling you.
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i think it was natural for me, since i grew up in integrated world (school, church, family, neighborhood and family belief).

    first girl in 2nd grade, Connie
  14. 6foot3geek

    6foot3geek New Member

    For me it is mostly culture. I grew up with a large number of whites as friends, and some that I call family, so I don't see dating someone who is white, or any race as wrong. I have just mostly been attracted to white, asian, and latina women. Also east indian and middle eastern women as well. I do not find too many black women attractive, i don't know why.
  15. kickchic

    kickchic New Member

    When did the attraction start?

    My attraction to black men is relatively recent. My martial arts instructor is black and I absolutely found him to be so masculine, strong, bold, confident and intelligent. I signed up for personal training with him and the very first day I wore some supertight Nike shorts and apparently he was blown away by my ample behind because before I knew it, he was doing some very creative stretches with me that allowed me to know how amazingly endowed he was. The rest is history. At first it was just physical, but now I'm totally in love. A white man or any race besides black will never be able to turn my head again. Black men possess an inate masculinity that makes a woman feel so taken care of and safe. I am just sorry that I cannot see him more than I can and we are still very private with our relationship and will remain so for many years until he sells his business. He is also 16 years older than me. Oh that beautiful skin, that gorgeous short haircut, those big brown eyes... heaven.
  16. Julia Alejandra

    Julia Alejandra New Member

    Re: When did the attraction start?

    I just loved what you wrote cuz sometimes I get the same felling from black men....HEAVEN, JUST HEAVEN!

  17. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    Not to put you on blast but you have issues if you are a black man and can make that statement. Although I am married to a WW, black woman generally age better and overall look better. If you do not believe the following women below are not attractive take a closer look at yourself, a real close look.

    Halle Berry
    Gabrielle Union
    Stacy Dash
    Lola Luv
    Leila Arcieri
    Alicia Keys
    Eva Pigford
    Kerry Washington
    Garcelle Beauvais
  18. kickchic

    kickchic New Member

    don't forget Rhianna and Toni Braxton.
  19. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    No man put him on blast because he dead wrong. White women some not all don't want to hear a brother put down another woman because he wants to get with them, That is the best way to fall out of favor player. I say if you like white women just say you like them and leave them roodypoo excuses at home.
  20. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Co-sign. You can't make a statement like that and not expect to get flamed for it. You can say that you prefer white women, but to put another race of women down because of your preference makes your entire argument worth ($0.00).

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