Unless I've been sleeping, I've been pretty much eating non-stop the last 48 hours... When was the last time you slept with someone? (Sleep sleep lol)
Saturday night. My daughter had a nightmare so daddy had to hold her. When was the last time you experienced this southern humidity!! Damn!
Can't even recall.... A decade? More? When was the last time when your brain decided to think about random stuff. All. Night. Looooong.
today....hell just read some of the posts in this forum...these people are funny as hell when was the last time you sneaked a fart in a crowded room
Never I have too much dignity for that shit (pun intended) Last time you disobeyed a boss/supervisor/superior?
Every day: I get out of bed and grace the world with my presence. Last time you lied through your teeth?
haha...lied about something the other day w the sweetest smile on my face... Last time you threw up in your mouth