When was the last time you...

Discussion in 'Parties and Games' started by Nikkers, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Right now. Baby girl is at the library and I'm in bed in my birthday suit listening to japanese flute music while scented candles dance in the background.
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I didn't need that vision planted in my head
  3. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    TDK in his birthday suit?? Thats precisely what I'm wearing in bed right now. I can dig it!!! The flute music though?? I'll pass :p
  4. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    last time you scheduled an appointment?
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Deal with it lol
  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Thursday - orthopedic surgeon.

    Last time you got brain freeze (from a cold drink, not a daily recurring event)?
  7. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    2 nights ago when my boyfriend and I went to McDonalds to get cold drinks before hitting the theater. My milkshake gave me a dead on brainfreeze and it was not fun--the milkshake tasted really good though! SLUUURRRRRRP...! :D *no pun intended*

    When was the last time you rode a horse? :p
  8. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    That made me laugh :)

    I was 5 the last time I rode a horse....and I cried the whole time. Not a horse fan.

    When was the last time a kiss made you weak in the knees?
  9. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I give kisses that make'em weak in the knees and it was yesterday.

    When was the last time you fell victim to a great sex session?
  10. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Haha I bet you do love...(15...lmao) ;)

    Friday! :rolleyes:

    When was the last time you went for a run
  11. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    About 3 days ago with my daughter.

    When was the last time you washed your own vehicle
  12. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    A year and a half since I did it myself. A guy in my neighborhood washes cars for $20 and does a good job.

    last time you went driving or cruising around the city with no destination in mind?
  13. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Everytime I'm home. Lmao. My town is about 3 miles across!

    When was the last time you went in a Walmart?
  14. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Last week.....there are a lot of fucking wierdos in Walmart at any given time.....

    When was the last time you went Jet Skiing?
  15. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    And I'm one of them. Lmao

    Never. I would love to go!!!

    When was the last time you ate subway?
  16. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Shit havent ate subway in a minute....I am a bigger fan of Jimmy Johns...

    When was the last time you were on the Vegas strip and looked up at the hotel balconies with hopes to see people fucking....
  17. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member


    last time you went to las vegas?
  18. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Last year March ....

    When was the last time you sat down and really picked apart your soul....
  19. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Few times over the past couple weeks...life changes quickly and we have to keep ourselves grounded in who we are and what we want.

    When was the last time you longed for something/someone
  20. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    Last nite

    Last time you purchased something over $1000

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