When was the last time you...

Discussion in 'Parties and Games' started by Nikkers, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    over 2 months ago *sigh* don't remind me...

    Last time you masturbated...
  2. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    I won't lie, yesterday only cause I felt like I had :smt026:smt026

    Last time you saw a gorgeous female/male?
  3. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Yesterday...and I'm seeing him again tonight. Mmm mmm mmmm!!

    When was the last time a kiss made you weak in the knees
  4. chocolatecream4u

    chocolatecream4u Well-Known Member

    when i was in 8th grade

    Last time you had a goose pimple orgasm?
  5. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Haha I don't know about the goose pimples, but I enjoyed a few drawn out orgasms on Friday ;) He wore.me.out :p

    When was the last time you slept with a friend
  6. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    3 months ago, I think. It was at McDonalds. O.O

    When was the last time you had a massage?
  7. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    2 years ago

    When was the last time you went mountain climbing?
  8. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    Never. I'm surrounded by mountains all the time and yet I don't climb them....o_O

    When was the last time you played an awesome video game?
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Today (Ocarina of Time).

    When was the last time you played in the rain?
  10. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    ZOMG yay a Zelda fan!!! *high fives*

    Never. I hate the rain.

    When was the last time you went sun tanning?
  11. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I was at the beach a few days ago...and I tanned at the salon today. I'm so incredibly white that even when I tan, I still glow in the dark :(

    When was the last time you called someone by the wrong name
  12. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    Yesterday. I accidentally called one of my friends my brother because I was so tired! LOL

    When was the last time you got tipsy/drunk?
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    In bed?

    I stay in my lane kid lol
    I don't want to get cut

    When was the last time you unplugged from the world?
  14. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    Never drank once

    when's the last time you've ran, at least, one mile
  15. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Never. My electronics are attached to me at all times.

    Every day. I'm a runner :)

    When was the last time you skipped a work out
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    today tired as hell lol

    When was the last time you ran 5 miles?
  17. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Yesterday. I alternate between 3 and 5. This ass will be in shape come summer!

    When was the last time you rode a bike
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    yesterday its part of my cardio routnine

    When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
  19. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member


    when's the last time you spoke in front of more than 20 people?
  20. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    summer 2008

    Last time you got into a fist fight?

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