Is this how politics work in the real world? Does it really serve the public good, or tribal interests against corporate interest? Many times it is obvious we have little understanding of the world, yet we can't trust some, i.e. those that have spent a lifetime trying to understand it. I guess this is the terrain many walk, the terrain where sense does not make sense. Here is one of those times when sense isn't enough.
Thats because if this man gets elected and starts making adjustments that improves the economy before the 2012 election--Pres. Obama is almost guaranteed to be re-elected and that is more important than jobs, the economy or anything else. These Senators have high-paying jobs with full life-time health benefits they don't care about the other 99% percent because half of them are 'value' voters.
It is sad he's giving up, it would be nice if he at least was around in ome type of consultancy capacity.
I hope so too. It is sad that the Republicans wants to pull the US in the abyss just because the President is Black.
Nobel prize is shit. Look who they gave it to, Obama. What did he achieve in first couple of weeks of office before he got the prize? nothing, except read well written speechs in his great baritone voice. Next....
Come on, Black.:smt104 Obama's prize was ceremonial, more symbolic really, it wasn't awarded for a lifetime of research, publication and academic rigor in his chosen field. I've yet to hear or read about a person who received a Nobel Prize in economics being a 'lightweight' or irrelevant. The partisan divide on Capitol Hill is the biggest threat to the future of the American Experiment. The GOP has become rabid faced with the two unforgivable sins of having both a Democrat in the Oval Office AND an overqualified Negro.:smt088 Most congressmen are lackeys for corporations and represent their high-powered donors before the interests of the American people. Every day I think the only way we'll be able to fix the shitstorm in D.C. is for the entire U.S. economic system to collapse. The U.S. government needs to be more efficient, but it can't be run like a corporation. There are inherent interests to the people more important than profits, cutting spending and lower taxes. When someone like Professor Diamond is blackballed from the Fed by partisan opponents, it's very easy to imagine Obama losing in 2012 and by 2015, the United States will be in the midst of a fullblown depression.