Hey everyone, new member here and I've got a question for the gentlemen, (and the ladies too if they want to give their two cents. ) What do you define as thick? (Physically speaking, of course. lol) I thought my definition was pretty much like everyone else's, but after a recent debate with my male friends, I find that isn't the case. What is thick/curvy/fat to you? Is there a difference between them or do they all pretty much mean the same? To one guy in the deabte, all three are the same, but it depends on how the girl carries herself. A curvy girl who has confidence and takes care of her apperance is "thick", while one who doesn't take the time to make herself look good is just "fat"...Thoughts?
If I like her, she is "curvy". If she is a friend, she is thick. If I don't like her, she is fat. :twisted: I think it has more to do with her shape more that the total pounds. Ahhh, The old hourglass.... If a woman has the classic hourglass figure, she can carry more weight than a woman with a more "in line" shape. The hourglass shape is what it is all about with most guys. With this guy....
designer, 100% concur. It is about the hour-glass shape, not so much about the weight. If she has the hour-glass she can pretty much carry a few extra-pounds. As you know, even the hour-glass figures can get fat---when the waistline completely disappears or there is a waistline but with a huge gut. That is no longer curvy but straight up fat. Curvy and fat gets mixed up too much today and it is quite irritating. They are not same to me. If you have an "in-line" figure, gaining weight is not going to make you have an hourglass but just fat with no curves--given the fact that she is healthy to begin with. Now women who work out to the point they are too thin and then get the athletic form can look pretty straight up and down. I have seen it too many times, women were in great hour glass shape, but they slim down to the point of "losing" their figure, and then toned to look "rock hard" looking more like a man than a woman. Or they just worked out to the point that they are too thin--underweight--they lost their shape. Thus, weight gain can be specifically related to having curves in these special cases. Also, a woman can have a hourglass without necessarily having a big round full high behind, but it does make the package look better. Hourglass, in my definition, is having full breasts, a small waist line, rounded out and full hips with great full toned thighs and, hopefully, legs to match. Since this is a WW/BM site, I will use WW and close look alikes as examples. Ex.) Monica Bellucci, Salma Hayek, Kim Kardashian, Kaui from the new MTV show, and the perfect case of going super thin from a great figure--Lindsay Lohan. She was a beautiful buxom red head and lost all that weight and then went bottle blonde--NO!!! They are just a couple of examples of a classic hourglass shape and none of them are overweight or fat. Peace.
I would've prefered not to go into the dynamics of race, but as with many segment of American life, it is drawn along racial components. Generally speaking, what African American men (well, black men of all persuasions to be honest) perceive in relationship to body shape is completely different to that of white men. The standards of body are completely different. Take two contrasting examples in say, FHM and King Magazine. One prefers stick figure models while the other prefers bootylicious wome (no prizes for doing the math). In case you didn't know, they cater to different audiences. FHM is aimed at white males whilst King magazine is geared towards black men between 18-35. I cannot speak for all black men but about 98% of us would describe women like Joanna Shari as "thick" whilst most white guys would say she's fat (believe me, i have proof). Also, some of the women whites would describe as "curvy" would be brushed off as "skinny white girls" by black men. Even so, our standards of what constitutes booty is different. Sorry, but black men have a monopoly on what is "real" booty. I remember some (white) dude say to me Jessica Simpson had a big butt. I laughed so hard i almost wet myself. To me, curvy, thick and fat are completely different things. It is possible to be thick or even fat without being curvy because one has to literally have a "round" shape around the waist, hips and thighs area. Round and chunky are not the same thing and people get them mixed up a lot. Being thick is pretty much what it sounds like, being thick. There are some people whom i'd call thick but not curvy or fat like Joanna Shari. Her lower body just does not have that round shape to it. To be curvy, you've gotta have what we Nigerian guys call "the figure 8 shape" and it must be natural. Fat is when you're just grossly and inordinately overweight. I'm sure we're all clear about that one. :lol: :lol:
I hear you, my man, but i've seen it discussed online many times. I've even asked a few of my white male friends what they thought and they all said she's packing too much chunk.
man, if they don't like that :shock: ..then i just don't know what else to say. :smt102 i guess the white guys are more into the boobs or whatnot..lol
It's all good. Different strokes for different folks i guess. I know for me personally, when i clicked on her personal website, and went into the photo gallery for the first time, never before has so much drool come running down the side of my face..LOLOL :wink:
So let me get this right LaydeezmanCris, I have seen the website of Joanna Shari. Do you mean she doesn't have any hips? Because she definitely has full thighs, a small waist, and a round full butt. I really didn't see shots where it showed her her full frontal. I think I know what you're talking about, b/c I have seen women who were "thick", having the big butt, full thighs, small waist, but their hips were not round but straight. Thus, they did not have the figure eight look. Ex.) Like Tisha Campbell who plays on My Wife and Kids. When she was on Martin, she was thick and she wasn't fat, but she definitely didn't have any hips. She didn't have the hourglass or figure 8 look. Peace.
Exactly, you've nailed it. This girl is a model so she knows exactly how to pose to sway the viewer. If you look closely at her pics, specially the ones where one would think she has hips, she is bending her body in some way. The fact that she has a round butt, small waist and thick thighs makes it all the more easy to believe she has hips. Look at these links for illustration: But if you look at this pic where she's standing straight : You'll see her hips aren't as round as you think they are. If a woman has hips, you'd be able to see it from far but the same can't be said for her. You need to come close to Joanna to notice her waist and the fact that she's either bending her booty to make it rounder whether by standing as in here: Or by bending as in here: That makes it easy to believe she has hips. And many women with a big, round booty, and thick often can make people believe they have hips. But i can totally see why you'd think she has hips, the pics fooled you. If you study pictures much more in detail, you'd understand it. Exactly. Someone with the hourglass figure is undoubtedly Beyonce. She has a round ass, full thighs, a small waist and there aren't very many people who have more hips than Beyonce out there. However in Beyonce's case, her wide hips and small waist make people believe her ass is bigger than it really is but that's another story......
This is easy - If your shaped closer to a Pear or the Liberty Bell, I'd say your FAT If your shaped like a Coke Bottle, your CURVY If have a juicy butt, nice thighs, either a flat belly or just a hint of softness in the middle, your THICK I have to UNCHECK Voluptuous when I search dating sites cause I get more BBW's when I check it for some reason... :roll:
Yeah, I get it now. It is funny b/c I thought shaped like a pear meant, you were just small chested on the stop, but you rounded out in the hips, butt, and thigh area, given you had a flat stomach. B/c for the longest, I use to label beyonce as being pear shaped b/c she had small breasts and rounded out in the hip, butt, and thigh area. But now, I understand what you mean by hourglass, so yes, it would be safe to say she has the hourglass shape. And yes, Laydeezmanchris, I have noticed that about beyonce, her hips does make her booty bigger than what it really is. It is funny, every since this thread started, and you and designer posted your definitions, I have been looking at where I stood. :lol: Peace.
It's weird though because i always thought Beyonce's breasts were around C cups. Guess i was wrong. To be honest, it's very hard to find a woman who have the hourglass figure. There are indeed people who have it but it's hard. Because some either have thick thighs and hips which makes it seem as though their booty is big and vice versa. I guess you know how to spot them now. Of course. She's tall and very, very curvy in the waist, hips and thighs so she often bends her waist in photoshoots to make it protrude. But i've seen her here in South Florida and she isn't packing as much heat as you'd think. Take a look at this picture: http://www.beyonceworld.net/gallery/awardshows/2005/BETawards/Show/images/BET30.jpg But if she stands straight, you can see it for yourself. lmao.