What's this racist bulls***?

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by BoredMale, May 22, 2008.

  1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Personally as a white person, I would never use those words,(as they were terms developed my whites to describe blacks during the nadir of black and white relations) but if a black person feels comfortable using those terms to describe tehmselves then so be it.
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    well i respect each individual for choosing to use or not use those words, but it would be odd in my creole family if you were the only one not using it and scared it would be offensive. the N word is used all the time in the world and yet no one seems offended by that, except me.
  3. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I sm offended by that word, I write my students up with out questio for saying that. The only other word I write them up for is saying fuck off to another person, if they say in beause they make an error they get the teacher look and say sorry. Usually it only takes a couple scapegoats who think they can challenge me to get it across you leave the N word out of class.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i agree with you, when i was a teacher i would kick them out of class for N word, words against whites, asians, hispanics and Jews. I dont think the N word is any worse than any other racist word.

    any curse word i would write up, i have 0 tolerance for any cursing from kids
  5. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    your ignorance is not worth my time.

    and the last statement....how dare you :!: you don't know the first thing about me or my husband. and you don't know the first thing about any man or woman on this board.

    i don't know anything about the size of your penis, nor do i care....but i think you've shown all of us the size of your mind.

    you disgust me.
  6. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    C-sign. Especially the part about the mind's size
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    My new poem....sung to the tune of Tina Turner's "Proud Mary"

    Rednecks keep on burning

    But the blondes and bros will keep on swirlin'

    Trollin' on the In-ter-net!

  8. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Bored male- you are making general statements that don't make sense. Sometimes there is just a natural attraction between people which has nothing to do with disliking one's own race or the size of their c_ _ k! Please don't come on here and make any more ignorant statements or assumptions that are not wanted.
  9. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Chosen one- I love the poem. No trolls allowed!
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

  11. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i've had a rotten couple of days....that made me laugh!! lmao!! thanks!! :wink:
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    you're welcome.. :p
  13. XXX

    XXX New Member

    Before I begin, I'd just like to say... great poem Chosen.

    IMO, this dude who's posting is obviously a tro-l. I know we're not supposed to say it, but there you go. Probably insecure white dude looking to stir up trouble.

    His point seems to be why do the folks on this board seem to have special preferences when it comes to dating?.

    Pretty dumb question, since you're on a forum called White Women Black Men.

    Others have basically answered this point well. In essence, in the real world, most people have preferences. Some go for dark hair, some go for fair hair. Some go for white skin, some go for black skin (and every shade in between the two).

    You can question these preferences -- but it's pretty pointless really. Most reasonable folks would agree that in a free society, you should be able to date who-ever the hell you want. Whatever your preferences, or for whatever reason you deem fit.

    Now if you think liking particular physical traits is shallow - then you may have a point. I don't doubt that. After all, beauty is only skin deep. Most of us have been raised not to judge a book by it's cover but by the contents within.

    All I have to say is that if you're going to argue this type of point, you better be willing to see it through to it's logical conclusion - no half-assing. In other words, if there is an extremely obese woman who has skin like a crocodile and looks that would have made Shrek yelp out in terror but has a heart of gold, you'd better be up for dating her. Coz otherwise your point sounds like it's full of shit.

    As soon as you start distinguishing features from one another you're bound to have preferences. At least, as a human in the real world. Whether for specific eye shapes/colours, nasal cavities, or whateva freaky thing you are into.

    It sounds as though the OP does distinguish people for physical characteristics. For example blacks who dress like Fiddy from those who don't. And he discriminates against them. Without even knowing what they are like.

    Which is pretty silly logic given that he has expressed his dislike for those of us who do have physical preferences.

    To round up, I'm also a little tired of hearing rants about Muslims. My family background is Islamic (though I'm not really a strong believer in any religion), and 90% of the folks I know are the most loving, tolerant people that I know.

    If Muslims break the law (by flying planes into buildings, or assisting in bombings, for example), then they should be punished.

    But if they are totally law abiding -- then what exactly is your problem here?

    So they have thier own cultures and customs... so be it. Lots of folks do. And providing it's within the realms of the permissable law, it's no more "weird" or "foreign" than the next lot of immigrants in a land full of them.

    But perhaps the OP (who's from Sweden), doesn't really understand that.
  14. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    OK, I'm not about to get into some long boring diatribe about the obsession of race worldwide but I'll instead lead you with a quote and a story.

    Quote : People like what they like.

    Story : One day a man went into the supermarket. He had been sitting at home and he felt a sudden urge to get himself some Corn Pops. Cool, so he rushes down to the store to take care of this little problem. While he's in te Corn Pops section, not far away is a man who abhors Corn Pops but instead has a rather unhealthy obsession of Frosted Flakes. He becomes enraged that this Corn Pops fiend would choose the dreaded Corn Pops over the beloved Frosted Flakes. He goes to attack the man as a result. :roll:

    Honestly, if you heard something like this on the news, you would be like WTF big time. And I know some of you will read this and say, You can't compare race relations to cereal brands!!!! Shame on you!!!

    Can't I? The bottom line is that people like what they like. It's really a little inconsiderate and a tad bit shallowminded to undermind what someone thinks simply because it doesn't click with 1)Something you believe or 2)Something society has brainwashed you into believing or 3)Something yo' mama 'nem told you.

    Personally, if someone says they have a strong preference for dating IR, it's cool as a fan with me. Strong preference for dating Intraracially. Cool as a fan. Dating intraracially but want to jump all over IR relationships even though they don't concern you or your beliefs(ie. attacking the Corn Pops fan), you needs to get a life. For e.g. I happen to go weak for a white chick with jet black hair and light brown eyes. Doesn't mean I hate sisters, because I don't, just means that I like white chicks with jet black hair and light brown eyes. Loving Corn Pops does not mean that I hate Frosted Flakes.

    This is in all in response to the original post. It may all seem a bit wordy, but I don't think someone is racist just because they date only one race. And just because they date only one race does not mean that they are dating said race simply because of skin color. The world is a million times more complex than that. Humans are a million times more complex than that.

    P.S. the cereal story really happened. 8) And that's a FACT!
  15. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    Paradoxically I could come up with a million psychological reasons why a person could be racist for dating only within their race, but I really don't view this as a serious debate. And it's bound to be come a Chicken Or Egg spectacle. Besides, it's not that serious. And furthermore, r a c i s t could mean so many things.

    By the way, which one did come first? Chicken or Egg. My bet is on the chicken. :roll:

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