Guys, to refresh the thread that I recalled last year. This white woman that I met from Andy's. Her name is Shari.'s the interesting story that I wanting to share it with you today...I hope you can help me with that. Last week, my family and I went to do some shopping to find my brand new suit for funeral coming tomorrow morning, I informed them that I wish to speak with my friends about my great-grandmother. So I went to Andy's restaurant to see this female friend of mine who's working there. She ran so awfully happy and ask me that question, she's very curious if I will get to having the cochlear implants surgery in the coming year, I told her that it's not going to happening, because of my health insurance is not going to pay all this coverage. How did she feeling about that? She was completely crushed to hear this news. Almost as if she's holding her tears back. I don't understand why she wants me to having this surgery so badly, but ok? Anyhow, I broke the news to her that there's death in my family. All of sudden, she wants to make sure that I'm doing all right without doing anything crazy despite my history in the past. I told her that I refused to eat all that foods because it will upset my stomach when it comes to shed my tears. She didn't like the answer when I refused to take all that foods, so she made me to eating all that foods! She wasn't going anywhere until I'm eating that foods. So what's the meaning of this? She's acting like my wife all of sudden at the moment, because she warned me that if I don't eat that foods, I would be sick. Is it possible that we're on the road to having the relationship in the future?