Sad but true some men find drunk females sexy ever since the first fermentation of a substance called beer and wine.
i like how his handlers basically dont care. they're just draggin him by his hoodie and threw him in the car. thinkin, "i know you pay me but this is pathetic. where's your manhood." hahaha!!!
Probably New Years 08/09. My ex had a apartment in downtown and about 20 friends met up at her place for the pre party and we got pretty lit up. So we all walk a few blocks to a club we had reservations shots of who knows what coming from every direction :smt030 Who knows how much money I handed the restroom doorman. So its about 4am we're all wasted and ready to go. I grab my coat from the coat woman, take my drunk ass to the front door thinking my friends are still right behind me. They get distracted and go back into the club. I must have wandered around the streets of downtown for 1 1/2 hours lost and freezing my ass off, tryin to stay warm by goin into stores which were all closed. Through the glory of luck I actually run into her building....Barely able to see more than 10 feet in front of me, I look over and see them across the street drunk off their asses, my ex being the worst of them all. I was so pissed that I didnt even acknowledge them and went up to the apt. Next thing I know I have a trash can in front of me in her bedroom thowing up and my ex is right next to me with a trash can in front of her. :smt118 We spent the next day and half bed ridden with faint memories of what happened. Whats funny is all the stories about how drunk my friends were so I was glad we barely got the worst of it all
at the risk of shame, i can say that i used to drink and man i cant even remember the worst i ever got hammered. i think it was the last night of Jr Year at University, I was partying and drinking at a Frat unit 6 am and my flight home was at 9am, needless to say i missed that flight, was drunk all day, caught a later flight, met a hot girl and we talked and since i missed my connection in ATL her mom insisted i come to sleep over at their home that night
Back in 1997, I was a camp counselor at my military school. Well what I didntknow about summer camp was the fact that there would be counselors from other nations of the world. Well my roomate was from Austria. He was always commingin fucked up every.night but great inthe morning. Well one night , I decided to go out with him and these two from Coratia one from Siberia.. Ok we went drinking and I wasn't in my drinking prime back then. OK the girls were saying American beer had no taste and was like water . They said they could drinkme under the table as well. Well 8 vodka shots,and 6 beers later,my dumbass ,trying to defend national pride was toasted. I could not move properly. UPUNTIL THAT POINT, WHENEVER I got drunk I was silly but could still way away ok.... I WAS swirving from one side of the street to the other. In wayne,pa barely traffic on the streets I was on. It took me about 90 minutes to do a 30 minute walk. I was on cloun 9 head spinning ans seeing stars.... Thr guy and girls were normal laughing their asses off at me but they made sure I got back safe at least
Art,I hope you later hooked up with one of those women. Getting wasted without a female at your side is embarrassing.
Long story short I was pissed off and ended up f**kin myself up bad. Was in acoma for a couple days...nasty alcohol poisoning. NEVER TRY AND TURN UP 100 PROOF TEQUILA "ToKILLya" or ANYTHING!! and yes I was stupid..!
The only one time I got drunk, I’d gone to an Irish pub with two gfs and it just so happened to be happy hour, I was being greedy and sipping on two smirnoff double blacks (that hadn’t been opened in front of me - mistake no.1) after these two drinks I felt an urgency to use the rest room, got to the bathroom sat down on the toilet and suddenly couldn’t talk or move, literally thought I was going to die in the toilet lol my best friend knew I’d gone to the toilet and after not returning out of the toilet she came in knocking on the doors trying to find me, I remember her calling my name but I couldn’t respond, she ended up crawling underneath the toilet door and rescuing me lol and unlocked the door to let me out. I was so out of it that we had to leave, I was legless and had to be pushed back to my friends house in a trolley. Somehow I gained my composure back enough to supposedly yell out to a turban wearing Indian man ‘do you want some pu$$y’ something I deny to this day. Basically I ruined the whole night but knowing how messed up I got from two drinks I’m certain it was actually spiked. The next day I woke up to my car being broken into and smashed windows. It was not my weekend! I’ve never accepted open drinks off a soul from that point on.
Holy shit, that's pretty scary. I'm glad your friend was there with you. I used to drink Smirnoff Blacks and if yours were anything like ours, it was basically carbonated lemon juice.
Yeah it was a pretty terrible feeling, hearing my bestie call my name but not being able to answer back wasn’t the greatest feeling. Haha yeah these are called double blacks but even still downing two drinks at once wasn’t enough to knock me off my tits lol I’m surprised my girl even fit underneath the door in hindsight lol