Whats the deal with Blacks and Drugs?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I personally don't smoke pot and only tried it once when it gave me a severe headache and I wasn't interested in trying again.

    But from my experience with a large family of pot smokers, and having lived with persons who abuse other substances including alcohol, I agree that marijuana is not at all dangerous, I would rather someone smoke pot than drink excessively as the pot smoker tends to be much more calm and easy to deal with than the drinker (that's been my experience).

    I do think it's ridiculous to put people in jail for using or selling it, at least in small amounts. I would vote for a law to legalize marijuana, not because I think it's all that great, but because think criminalizing it is a waist of man power and resources.

    I personally think that people who smoke pot regularly tend to be less ambitious and less productive, but that's just from the ones I know, and not necessarily a real issue, it could be that those people are that way anyway, and they also smoke pot.
  2. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    Love is a drug too, because when I'm in it, I'm crazy as hell. As a matter of fact, pussy is the biggest drug. That stuff has made men kill, move mountains, start wars et'al.

    Weed side effect is raid the fridge.
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. :D. I do agree with what I've "bolded" too, and I do apologize if I gave a different impression. It can be tricky for me to express myself accurately sometimes. I don't always think before I type or speak. Bad habit.

    Yea, money=power. Not white=power. OJ is black and he got away with double homicide, killing two white people! Just one example, but at least there is one. I guess. I think everything is just circumstantial, not whitestantial. So to speak.
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    If you're just starting to do it you shouldn't take more than 2 tablespoons or you'll be puking your guts out. And it suggests downing that really fast mixed in a glass of milk. I remember hearing about that on TV, then researched it online. Then tried to get my man to do it instead of weed. He's one of those who always gets caught with weed. And arrested for it. Instead of like other people I know who get high everyday and never seen the inside of the gray bar hotel. But instead, now he's just stopping altogether. *glee*
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    That's been my observations as well.

    Whites are also FAR more likely to use and abuse perscription drugs like Oxycontin and Vicadin...especially younger people.
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Coffee is more of a drug than weed


    Coffee drinkers freak-out worse when they don't have that cup than any weed smoker.

    Pot is hardly a drug.

    You don't see women selling themselves for weed.

    You don't see men blowing guys for some herb.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    V77 ain't one of us.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    A conspiracy theorist has come to mean anybody that doesn't believe what the State tells them.

    It's really weird how subseptible Americans are to even the cheapest forms of propaganda.
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'll be more than thrilled to answer your question if you'll be willing to reply to my questions from your previous thread.;)
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LOL. Tony, I'll give you an "E" for effort. You keep trying! Kudos to you for not giving up. :D
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member


    Hi, I would like to add something to the weed discussion, perhaps play devil's advocate? :smt074

    Cannabis is a drug (consider one definition of a drug is any substance that causes a change/reaction). It does have side effects such as impairment of memory and simple learning tasks, catalepsy (retention of fixed unnatural positions), tachycardia (fast heart rate), and long term use has been linked to an increased incidence of schizophrenia.

    Admittedly, alcohol :smt030 is more acutely toxic than cannabis, but to suggest that weed is harmless is something I'd like to avoid. Also, the cannabis of today is many times more potent (through brilliant hybridization and cloning efforts) than the cannabis of the 1970's for example.

    I know many folks would like to silence me with duct tape or something for saying this, but I just wanted to present another side of the story - a more pharmacological aspect I guess.

  13. Ell

    Ell New Member

    There are lots of black people that go to school..we just tend to notice the obvious ones that don't..Every black college athlethe goes to school..Every black professional athlethe has been to school. Exept like .1 percent. Every white friend that I had in college smoked the hell out of weed. Who do you think taught us about it..They call it pot. I know doctors and lawyers..etc that smoked all through college. The differenct is whether or not you will let it affect your life. You gotta know when to stop. Some just don't know when to stop. You have to be productive in life always. Weed can make you lazy. We tend to only notice the lazy ones.;)
  14. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    guys, i didn't say that other things r not drugs.
    Sigarettes r a drug, coffee can be a drug (italians know that! lol).
    just because women don't sell themselves for the weed, or because DH don't feel any side effect (it depends on the person!!!), THAT doesn't mean it's not a drug.
    It's not that since it's a plant, then it's ok. Cocaine comes from nature, opium too and so heroine. they r sintethically elaborated but they r still drugs period.

    I've worked in a SER.T (public service for dependences) fo my internship and I've seen ppl wich is psichologically dpendent on weed. What do u think that being high means? it means it change the perception of reality.

    don't keep defending weed like it's something innocent. i'm not jugding u, i respect u the same, but it's just the truth. give up. lol :smt051
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I never said it's ok because it's not a drug. I said it's a plant with a drug in it. Cocaine comes from coca plants, THC comes from marijauna plants.

    THC -is a drug-.

    I feel plenty of side effects. Much better ones than I'd feel on zoloft. And yeah, I've seen people psychologically dependent on it, too. But I've also seen people mentally addicted to the internet, coffee, cigarettes (the physical addiction is accompanied by a mental one, generally, with both coffee and cigs), television, books, games, etc, etc, etc ad nauseum. anything can be mentally addictive, because people get addicted to things. Some people are more prone to it than others.

    Now, I've seen people so addicted to the internet and MMORPGs that they rarely leave home, and only leave their computer to sleep and use the bathroom. It's nowhere near the healthiest of behaviour, and it screams addiction. A very strong mental addiction. Now. Shall we ban them? People can get psychologically dependent on them. It can ruin lives. I've seen it tear marriages apart, destroy friendships, cause people to get fired...So by your reasoning it'd be just as bad as weed, and weed is illegal, so shouldn't MMO's also be? The games aren't a drug, I understand, but not all drugs are bad. I love ibuprofen, it helps with my migraines, and amoxicillin is great if I have a sore throat.

    Being a drug doesn't make something bad, the nature of the drug is what determines that. Heroin is a chemically addictive substance that often kills it's users by overdose, because the amount to overdose on it is surprisingly low. There has never been anyone overdose on marijuana, because the amount it would take for a human to have deadly levels of THC in their system through smoking and/or eating it is impossible to ingest. If you try to smoke that much, you wouldn't be able to. You'd get very sleepy because weed works as a great sedative, and you'd go to sleep. Now, you may have some interesting dreams, but it's ok, you probably won't remember them clearly anyhow.

    But you would wake up the next day and have time to puzzle over just what happened in your freaky dream.

    Anything can wreck a person's life if they become addicted to it, and there are so many people susceptible to mental addictions it's almost laughable. But just because some people let it ruin them doesn't mean it's bad. I've seen plenty of mmo players and pot smokers alike have happy, productive lives...because they understand how to keep it balanced. And I've also seen people who let either thing turn their lives into crap because they gotta have their fix.

    Different name, same beast.
  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    u r right about the internet and stuff, but i'm talking about chemical elements, and even though u agree that weed and whatever it contains is a drug, there's a lot of ppl who don't. i repeat anyways, i still respect u whether u use it or not, I just don't understand it.


    Then, try it (ideally with close friends and a relaxed atmosphere). :smt118
  19. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    The active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, is certainly a drug due to its psychotropic qualities; however, marijuana addiction is almost purely psychological. Physical addiction and withdrawal from steady cannabis usage like you see with cocaine or opiates is pretty much unheard of. Now, I don't think that marijuana should be used excessively, but as far as drugs go, it's very benign and in my opinion its recreational usage should not carry any more social stigma than that of the casual consumption of alcohol.
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    no way. not gonna let that shit in my lungs, they r already sick enough.

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