Whats the deal with Blacks and Drugs?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    I always wondered why so many Blacks like drugs. In Black culture their is alot of encouragement of drugs. Back in my high school almost all of the Black students were on some sort of drugs. I never did drugs because i was scared that i would get caught one day and go to jail. Blacks should figure out that drugs will mess up your life and bring you down from glory. Weed is the most used drug in the Black community. I get really sad that many Black youths waste their lives on drugs. They have the chance to go to school becuause of affirmative action. I wonder why so many Black people do drugs when it hurts them?
    What starts them on it or what is the attraction to them?
  2. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    Is this a personal observation or are you speaking from stats?
  3. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Ummmm...haven't you been here purporting to be a black male? Not to say that there can't be a civil discussion on the pejorative effect of drugs and the drug culture in low income black communities, I'm just curious because the manner in which you posed this question taken in conjunction with some of your other posts gives me the distinct impression that you're just here trolling.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I can tell that you arent black from the above.

    Anyway,in my experiences its been the total opposite.In highschool,only a small amount of the Blacks did drugs and it was always weed.On the other hand i knew alot of white kids that did drugs and more of a variety of them also(ecstasy,cocaine,meth).Some of them even sniffed stuff like markers and diff sprays for highs.
    I remember distinctly being in class and hearing these white guys near me talk about a variety of drugs that they did the past weekend or planned to do at parties and etc.These white guys, in particular,were the "punk rock" type.The baseball team(which consisted primarily of whites) use to go behind a wall out in the field and smoke weed from pen caps LOLLLL

    ahhh,I miss highschool :(
  5. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    I had to re-read this again... and I've come to the conclusion that you do not have any idea what your talking about. It seems to be just pure conjecture and speculative sounding off if that. You have no stats whatsoever and as a matter of fact, I don't believe you need stats if you've even been paying attention. Clearly as Malik have stated, I don't believe your of African descent. Never the less, people of African descent are less likely to engage in "drug" activities and those who do are in lower numbers than many other ethnic portion of the population.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Weed is not a drug. It's a plant, it just grow like that. And if you so happen to set it on fire there are some effects. That's not the same as drugs. Drugs, you gotta do shit to it chemically. You gotta add baking soda, water, stir it up, I don't know the recipe I'm just sayin' - paraphrased from the below video

  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    IT'S THE WHITE MAN'S FAULT! Keeping them down and oppressed, You know? Like DUH! :smt081 JK
  8. Tonivegas82

    Tonivegas82 New Member

    I went to a private high school with majority white, upperclass students and I can tell you that cocaine and ecstacy use was HUGE among my classmates. Alot of them went onto Ivy league colleges and management positions in big companies thereafter. Drug use is rampant across the board, not just a black problem.
  9. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    V777 has yet to tell the truth in any of his (her?) posts. I assume he's lying about everything, including the impending death of his mother.
  10. raocha

    raocha Active Member


    Yeah, I grew up and went to high school in a predominantly white, upper middle class suburban area, and drug usage was rampant among the kids there. You could go into the senior parking lot any time of day while classes were in session and buy just about anything you wanted. Right before I graduated, I found out that the kid who lived next door to me, whom I always believed to be pretty straight-laced, was making several thousand dollars a week dealing after he got arrested for possession of a large amount of weed and acid.

    I miss high school too. Life was so much simpler back then.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  11. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I think there is a good conversation to be had about the institutional racism and classism that is in fact inherent in the so-called "War on Drugs", which along with the privatized American prison system is nothing more than a huge racket designed to make millions in profits by warehousing a large percentage of the population, and other outrages like the Rockefeller Laws, mandatory minimum sentencing, different sentencing guidlines for possessing powder cocaine as opposed to the possession of crack, and the different perception of the abuse of "street drugs" as opposed to the abuse of pharmaceuticals ect.; however, after reading posts like this one (despite the fact that it is obviously facetious) and some others in the "Normally, I would say this around black people..." thread, I think it's best that I avoid discussing this subject in depth here at least for the time being.

    That's not to say that I believe it's fair for an individuals to blame other people for their own personal failings, so anyone who is planning to respond to me with some blather about blaming white people or the "victim mentality" can save it. My point is that you have to be willfully ignorant or insane not to realize that there is a huge disparity in the treatment, perception and penalties for a person's substance abuse based on their background.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I don't have the brains to have any idea what you're talking about up there. Use smaller words next time, please. ;)

    Yep, that's the way I feel. I don't think it's fair for an individual to blame other people for their own personal failings. I was joking about what I said that you're responding to because, I just get so fucking sick of it sometimes. Blaming everything on "the white man" while I don't believe whoever this "white man" is, that he's innocent. But I do believe that people are responsible, more often than not, for their own damn stuff they do. Once and a while, I also think, maybe the reason drugs are so common in the black community, might actually be because it's harder for them to find legit jobs, or ways to handle their depression/emotional problems due to things like that, and the different environmental factors more blacks, than whites, find themselves in. However, I will not believe that it's all white people's fault, no matter what. I disagree with that. I'm a white person, I grew up below poverty level, I've been evicted, I've starved, I've been unable to find work, I've gone without utilities, I can't afford to go to college, etc etc. And I'm not slangin' rocks on the corner or prostituting myself, or turning to any crime in an effort to fix my financial crisis. So, who should I blame that on? Should I blame it on the white man too? :smt017. Anyways, I just don't buy it. JMO
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Drugs reign supreme where poverty is. There's far more rampant drug use among those below the poverty level than anywhere else except maybe with rock stars and actors. Just like the crime rate usually goes up the lower the average income an area has. You wanna blame something for drug use, blame poverty, because it's a likely suspect.

    Think about it this way: in the projects there are drugs everywhere. Who lives in the projects? Poor people. There are drugs everywhere in my hometown. Who lives there? Poor people. Doesn't matter the type of ghetto, if it's a ghetto in America there are drugs. Go to the suburbs and you'll see stupid kids huffing whipped cream and dropping E at parties, but the most you'll usually see out of their parents is alcoholism. Not many drugs. Who lives in the suburbs? Not so poor people.

    Drugs are an escape. The allure of drug use isn't the scary facts of overdosing and addiction...it's a chance to get out of the hell you live in for a few hours, even though you're not going anywhere. They help people who feel confined to feel free. Psychoactive substances have been consumed for centuries for religious purposes...take the Native Americans and peyote induced spirit journeys, for example. Salvia is still in use today for similar religious and spiritual purposes, and, unlike marijuana, is a mostly legal dissociative drug.

    Why on Earth would someone with no money to spend on anything want to waste cash on crack, or meth, or heroin? Because the alternative is to live in clarity in the shithole they call an apartment, with the pisspoor excuse of a life they have. It'll start as a way to cope, lead to addiction, and it's all downhill from there.

    When people feel they've no choices left they look for whatever release they can find. Some people just aren't strong enough to fight the pressures they're given.

    It's a vicious cycle. Jenny starts using because she's so tired of her life and her friend says it'll make her feel better. She gets addicted, and buys her stash from Bob, who started dealing small time when he was 14 because his dad left and his mom couldn't pay rent, and he wasn't old enough to get a legit job. Now he's moved up in the ranks, and is actually making a whole lot of money selling dope...dropped out of high school because he didn't see the need in wasting his time there when he could be out making money, now he's unskilled and uneducated and the only legit job he could get is at McDonald's making minimum wage, so he figures he should just do what he's good at, and what makes him a good living. So he sells his brand of mental vacation to the desperate, and they thank him for it. Time passes and Bob finds willing peons from the poverty stricken teenagers around him, who in turn start selling to the others to make a little cash and dole out fake happiness in each little baggie, and it goes on and on and on.

    If the government really wanted to break the cycle of drugs, they'd work harder on breaking the cycle of poverty first, instead of clogging our prisons with small time dope dealers.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    As always :smt023 You should be a philospher, I think. Oh yes, yes, yes. If I didn't have to spread any rep around before I can give you some, then I would give you some!!
  15. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Anyone who blames the entire white race for their lot in life or honestly believes that simply being born with fair skin is a ticket to wealth, privilege and prosperity is a crackpot. It's foolish and callous to blame individuals for events that they had no part in, and I think that your anger and exasperation are somewhat justified. Conversely, it's also ridiculous to equate ANY discussion of discrimination with "playing blame game", wallowing in victimhood or demonizing the entire white race. Pointing out class or race-based institutional discrimination is not tantamount to blaming all white people to the man/woman for every perceived slight or injustice. That sort of kneejerk reaction is just as irrational and unfair.

    As for the drug issue, I've seen first firsthand how people from privileged families and people from much more modest circumstances are treated differently when they get into a bit of trouble. The people with money get a second chance, and the people without have a much more difficult time for the rest of their lives.
  16. V777

    V777 New Member

  17. V777

    V777 New Member

    I'm as black as you are (I'm assuming you are black too). Alot of whites do drugs in my area too. But there is an epidemic in the black community. I used to volunteer in the ghettos to help the youths. I would be hit up by couple of drug dealers a day to buy drugs. I tell them don't sell their stuff to the middle and high school students around the area because they are better than that. They target the youth so much.
  18. V777

    V777 New Member

    Please don't call me a liar. Thank you. I'm not.I'm just trying to help the community. And my mom's health is failing by the way.
  19. V777

    V777 New Member

    Weed still alters the mind and has effects to your brain. Why do the police consider weed a drug and charge you for "drug arrest" when you are in possesion of weed? My friend had weed in his car when he got pulled over and the police charged him with a drug charge.
  20. V777

    V777 New Member

    drugs causes and keeps you in poverty. Even if you were poor why do you choose to try a drug. Drugs are expensive and where does the poor get there money for their drugs.

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