Okay, so I have been apart from my ex-husand for 2 years, divorced 6 months legally, emotonally divorced since about 2001. Anyhow o vacation, my an says that we wished that I would have reverted to my maiden name. It really never mattered to me. If you were dating a divorced person, would it bother if they kept their married name?FTR my man is divorced as well as his ex kept his name. Thoughts?
interesting I kept my married name also. I guess I figured that I had it longer than any other last name and my children have the same last name. (not to say that I wouldn't change it if I were to get married again) I guess I would be surprised for a man to say anything about having kept it.
As far as I know most divorced women keep their married name. It shouldn't matter to any sane person.
Technically the court granted me usage of my maiden name again after the divorce, but I've yet to get the proper paperwork fixed up. I will, eventually.
I am changing mine. I was so happy to get rid of the awful thing and am even more glad to get it back. :lol:
...talking about an insecure guy. Watch out. Next he's gonna want you to get rid of the sh*t given to you by past lovers.