What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Well technically they -can-, but I don't think they -will-. But until I decide on a foolproof hiding spot (i've got a few ideas) then I'm just not going to have it here.

    According to the rules anything inside this apartment is under their jurisdiction to search at will, and this includes guests and their belongings. But the rules read a bit differently than it usually plays out. It's like...they didn't look through my drawers at all. I could tell, because nothing was moved. And they didn't look under the mattress or any of the other typical hiding spots.

    Though I'm not sure if it's because they had already found it and assumed I didn't have any more, or if they just didn't think I'd be that stupid. I dunno.

    I'm just not comfortable running the risk. It's easier if I get any at all to just get enough for one sitting, smoke at 3 am when nobody should be watching, do it in the bathroom and spray air freshener like a mofo so in the morning if anyone shows I'm good cause the smell won't be overpowering.

    But it's all good. Like I said, it's not like I need it. It's the beautiful thing about marijuana...horrible for the lungs, but only marginally worse than smoking cigarettes, it just makes you stupid for a few hours, relaxes you, makes sex feel 10 times better, makes you horny, and makes you hungry, all without being addictive and leaving only mild long term affects to your short term memory, and only then if you use it heavily for a long period of time.

    And I don't have any short term memory to begin with! Been that way since I was born! *L*

    Though addiction is arguable, because anything can create a mental addiction. It's just as true with weed as it is with the internet, masturbation, comfort eating, etc. It's easy to become reliant on something if you develop a habit for it. But if you're aware enough not to let it take control, it's all gravy.

    I just love weed. *L* I've never went to class high, nor have I went to work high, or did anything important high, because I'd rather not be under the influence of anything for important shit, but I just see no problem in indulging myself when the important shit is over and I got chillin time. I think the laws against it are silly and biased, and it's a fact that they're only in place due to propaganda and a smear campaign in the early 20th century that essentially turned public view against a cash crop that threatened too many industries. Capitalism and the idiotic public buying into whatever the government tells them is why marijuana is illegal in America. Those bastards.

    My speech teacher at my last college made me do 3 speeches on pot, and threw me into the pro legalization side of a debate. *L* I thought that was funny, cause I guess he just looked at me and was like "I know this bitch has to smoke". I didn't get to choose any of my topics except the final speech, and the only reason I didn't argue for legalization is cause it felt like beating a dead horse by that point. *L*
  2. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    thanks - its time i do for me ......
  3. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I found 2 new students, thanks to my friend T.
    They are mexicans and each one will pay me 5 €/hour, so I get 25 € extra per week now, which it at leat food enough for 4-5 days. Or two new parfums per month. Or shooooeeees. Or paying bills. Yeah! 8)

    I hope, they are fun. I d love to improve my spanish skills.

    I resisted to go out with my handsome westafrican student today. Again. Wonder if he will ever stop asking. He told me I was the custest teacher one could probably have, how nice of him.
  4. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    ahhhh, katharina....that's so cute about your west.african student who asks you out. what do you teach? when i taught preschool, i had a little 4-year old boy who was "in love" with me...it was so precious! :)

    in other news....we are waiting to see if we will be blown away by Tropical Storm Fay - it's coming straight for us...eeek!

    i have a job interview tomorrow...woot! will keep you all informed about that one.

    i took my first pregnancy test the other day...it was negative - shew!! but, i'm still 5 days late. so, wondering what's up. any advice/wisdom ladies? we had a little "mis-hap" about a month ago...hope it doesn't end in a surprise nine months from now, lol. we'll see!

    that's what's up with me right now.

    man, this is a good thread...who started this? LOL!

    :wink: :wink:
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Dang, girl, you have alot going on!

    Good luck on your job interview tomorrow! :D

    As for the pregnancy thing, if you don't have any other changes, like being tired all the time, or your breasts are suddenly super sensitive, then you're probably okay. But, then again, everyone is different and those were my clues that I was preggers. Also, I was craving orange juice all the time - I apparently wasn't getting enough folic acid.

    I digress. Nothing is going on with me. I'm trying to get my school schedule figured out for this fall. Other than that, same sh*t, different day. :lol:
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yeah, what bookworm said. If you don't have any other symptoms, it's all good. Probably stress related. Job searching stressing you out?

    Still, give it a few more days. If nothing, then test again. And if it still says negative, and you still don't have your period, then go to the doctor.
  7. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I am teaching german as a foreign language. I am still student though.

    This student asks me out for 4 month now. We have been drinking coffee together twice and there was a lot of tension between us, but I do have a boyfriend so I better not think about him too often. [​IMG]

    Oh-oh. I hope you will be spared.

    Good luck to you![​IMG]

    Maybe its due to stress? Did you have a lot to deal with during the last time? I am late also when I travel.

    With me... my mexican students are fun, I have my favourite collegue next to me in the office and everything is fine. I love my new roommate!
  8. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    hey all just wanna let u know i am back in az alone! I moved last night.

    Love you guys!
  9. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Wow! Good for you :)
  10. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    thank you to all for your support and the time to listen to
    my nonsense!

    i appreciate that....
  11. veema

    veema Member

    Good for you! Best wishes.
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    way to go wifey!!!!!!!!!!! You go girl!
  13. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    life, I think this is good.
    I can go home from the office now after having been here for 10 hours, see two of my favourite grirls in the world and drink Martini with them. ;-) Live is great.
  14. lildarlin

    lildarlin New Member

    umm... well im new :) buut I'm really up to nothing! I quit a new job I started.. the people were crazy. stuck me in a position where i replaced 3 people!!!! so i said heeeck no. I'm semi- in love with a man who is currently too busy to see me :( Therefor i pout a lot.. hahaha
  15. lildarlin

    lildarlin New Member

    i guess I could have introduced more about myself.. haha i can be an airhead :/. I just went through the police academy.. Now im having to do some major heart searching to figure out what the heck im suppose to do.. this area sucks as far as a job market goes. I'm a single mom.. My daughter is 8, I'm 27.. Her gene donor was an abusive drug addicted alcoholic psychotic bastard.. I was young an stupid.. but learned a lot of lessons.. and learned what really matters in a man. My last actual bf was almost 2 years ago! Havent found anyone I really wanted till Mr. BM came along and swept me off my lil feet. Now it seems like i just wait and wait and wait till the time i can get another inch from him.. ok that sounds bad... but you know what i mean! I have other men asking me out..but i dont feel nothing.. I've been kissed by other men.. still feel nothing.. this guy sends my stomach into a butterfly farm no matter if its a phone call, an email, in person, his kisses almost put me in the floor.. its like the world stops.. Theres 9 years difference in our ages, an Im not use to the dating habits of older men. ah.. gota love the waiting game. He hurt me a while back.. was asking me out all the time, seen him all the time.. then suddenly the date I was suppose to get.. another girl got.. and I got upset and offended.. and he was all up her @$$ then suddenly, she was gone.. and our friendship regained strength again. i often feel ignored.. but I dont think twice about telling him.. he reassures me hes not, but that hes just busy, an we'll see each other soon... When it reallly gets to me, he can tell an he'll call me and make it ok.. I dont know if its the works of a master mind player, or the works of a really busy guy who wants to do.. but doesnt have the time.. and wants to keep things "ok" with us.. only time will tell.. ok now its lunch time.. sorry for the ramble!!!
  16. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Hi welcome lildarlin! Hope the man treats you ok. ;-)

    I guess I detected my roommates masterplan:
    she wants to make me as weird and nuts as she is
    . Thats why she tells me I was ridiculous and not able to communicate when I ask her please to stop bitching at me (is this not communication?)

    5 more weeks to go.
    Now I will go out with my new roommate and her german class, I hope we will have fun.
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Ow. I really need to stop procrastinating on these damn storyboards! I just finished my homework (...yeah, it's due in 2 hours) and my hand is killllling me. This is what I get for waiting til the day before, again, and doing the majority of the work then!

    But on the upside..I got to storyboard out a Geico commercial. I picked my favorite one:

  18. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I kissed my student. [​IMG]


    And so it begins.
  20. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member


    I need to matriculate to the school that Katharina is teaching at currently.

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