What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Sometimes when things are tough and it seems so unreasonable to be going to do something fun (due to financial pressures, etc) that's exactly when we need to be doing something fun the most!

    And there's something really great about a concert! It gives us a break and pulls us out of the circumstances of life in ways that nothing else can!! I went to one a couple of weeks ago and it definitely didn't seem like the best time to be going...hell it wasn't even bands I really cared to see (Trapt, Sixx AM, Popa Roach, Buck Cherry, and Motley Crue). But I tell you...It was a GREAT thing. Sortof gives you a break in the cycle of BS and gives you a chance to see things a bit differently after.

    Enjoy it! (My kids are going to see NIN when they come here)
  2. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    lame as it sounds but i do like fishing
  3. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    or find a big fat joint and some soda and chips....... :weedman:
  4. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    shit i aint got no problems compared to this......sorry moma....if i were there id share a bus stop spot and sleep next to u
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Life - hey whatever it is that makes you feel empowered that's healthy.

    Feeling so beaten down - maybe some counseling?? Go out with some friends? something!
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yeah. I'm that person who rarely gets to go out and do anything fun because I never have any money. But a wonderful sweet lady I know in Sweden sent me the money for the concert ticket months ago, so it would be silly of me not to go since the ticket is bought and paid for. No souvenirs, obviously, but I'm going to take a billion pictures with my new phone.

    I haven't been to a concert in a long time (at least not one I wasn't participating in), and I love love love live music. And seeing NIN is a sort of dream of mine, cause I never thought I'd be able to. WV doesn't draw in a lot of big names except in country music, and I was always too poor to go see anyone in Ohio when I lived there. Here in Houston...hell, we get everyone, and even when we don't we can just go to Austin or San Antonio to see the awesome people. So it's pretty sweet.

    I am definitely going to enjoy myself. I don't listen to rock much anymore, but nin is industrial rock so it's a little different, and I've adored the band since I first heard them years and years ago. It's amazing to think I finally get to see someone famous -after- they're famous. I saw Shinedown a couple years before they broke out, but most bands I've seen have been either washed up or unknown.

    It's going to be fantastic. And it will be at least 4 hours where I am going to forget about all this shit I've brought onto myself and just rock out with my friends.
  7. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    i dont smoke dope...lol just tryin to crack jokes....if i had friends here trust me i would be with them .....i just gotta do my thing u know....i am just as ignorant for dealing with it ....
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Eh, the caliber of problems is all up to the perspective. I've been in a similar situation to yours, though there wasn't an ex involved. But with the way you say he treats you..I can sympathize, ya know? And I know that shit does -not- feel good. It can break you down bad emotionally, and it can be really difficult to get back up after all that shit.

    My problems are mostly my own damn fault, too. If I would've just hid my weed better this would've never happened, even though I'm almost sure someone set me up to begin with. But regardless, I -am- in the wrong here.

    But that's what I'm going to tell the housing director. That I fully understand that this is my own fault, and I know they are well within reason for kicking me out. I just hope they can find it in their hearts to give me a second chance, because I really don't want to be homeless. So far I've managed to always have a place to sleep, though this is not the first time I've been without a home, but this time...this time I'm not sure I can even find a place to sleep. That's the real worry.

    But in all honesty, I've really had worse. I'm going to do what I can to get through, which is all I can do.

    I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and praying to whatever god will listen that the fact that I'm being mature and adult about the situation will help them have at least enough sympathy to help me out. I didn't argue, I didn't deny that the weed was mine, I didn't fight it. I told them I'd try to make arrangements and start packing the day I was informed, and I did exactly that. The only reason I'm even asking for help now is because I've been fucked out of somewhere to stay, for reasons that are beyond my control.

    It's just frustrating because all this happened right after I got fired, which was bad enough to begin with.
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Even though it's the cause of my current problems...aint nothing wrong with a little stress relieving joint.
  10. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    LOL I was actually talking about the fishing cause you said something about it LOL. Yah it's tough when you are somewhere away from friends.
  11. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    i dont condone it my dear...... 8)
  12. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    puff puff give motha fucka.....lmao :weedman:
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm a firm supporter of pro legalization shit, but not just because I like to smoke. I just think it's silly that it's illegal in the first place, and there are way too many pros vs cons, if you do the research. but that's just how I feel about it. I'm a liberal art school student, it's kinda obvious where my stance would be on it. *L*
  14. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    It's only illegal because the government hasn't found a way to tax it thus enabling them to profit from the sale of it. They only allow it to enter the country from the deals they broker with various South American druglords. Plus since you can do the homegrown thing if you so desire, the government REALLY cant make any money off of it.

    You gotta know and understand how this country is. Things are illegal and immoral if you are the only one that can profit from it. Remember when porn was thought to be illegal?

    Once they saw that it had the potential to be a multi-billion dollar industry and they knew it was a cash-cow, they got their hands in that industry by taxing it and getting involved in several companies of their own.
  15. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member


    Surely you know that you are in a toxic relationship with this man right? You don't need anyone to tell you this. Break-ups suck, but if you decide to leave him you will get over him and meet someone better. Everyone I know(myself included) who has left a crappy relationship, spent time ackowledging what went wrong, and working on their self esetem has ended up in a much better place the next time around.
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Completely off topic:

    I am one handy motherfucker. Why do I say this? Cause I have one of these:


    A friend gave it to me cause I needed a chair (it's the only chair I actually own *L*). He didn't have cords or anything to hook it up, so he didn't even know if it worked. Just been sitting in his closet for a few years. I've had it for months and just used it as furniture and I've been dying to check out the speakers, but I knew I had to jerry rig a set up so I could make it work with my computer, which it isn't set up for.

    So since I was packing I found all my bits and pieces of extra wires...so I cut that shit up, patched it up, and now I have a surround sound computer chair.

    ahaha, I'm the shit.

    Sadly I'm going to have to sell it if I can't get the housing people to let me stay, since I have no way of transporting it. But now that I know it works I can get more money out of it, specially since the new version costs 100 bucks at wal-mart. So I'mma get 50 bucks out of this shit, if I sell it!
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    So I just gotta say, if any of you guys were kind enough to pray for me, thanks!

    I just got home from a meeting with the housing director, and they're willing to overlook my little indiscretion in light of the recent stressful events in my life that are mostly to blame for the weed being here in the first place, and they've even decided to adopt a more "case by case basis" stance on substances, instead of being so harsh with their zero tolerance rules.

    So I've not only been extremely blessed by their benevolence, I might have made it so that if a similar situation happens again a good kid isn't going to get put out on the streets because they made a mistake.

    That makes me feel even better than when they told me I could stay.

    It's a beautiful day!!!! Even though it's raining like a mofo!
  18. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im glad for you, D-H. See, good things do happen to good people.

    Now, buy your weed by the sack and burn it when you buy it!.
  19. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    man, i can't smoke enough at once. it's so cheap here 10 bucks gets you enough for like 10 fatties. *L* like no lie. That's all I had, the leftovers from a dime, and I still had two joints an 6 roaches when they found my shit.

    I'm just either going to only have enough for one and no more, and get rid of it before the next day, or just not bother. *L* for the next few weeks it's definitely the latter, because I do -not- want to push my luck when these people have been extremely kind and understanding.

    So I'll just go smoke at my friends' house. *L* or take a couple tokes at the bar thursday night or something. It's all good, not like I need it. It's just a nice, natural substitute for antidepressants!

    I was so scared jelly! Cause usually not so nice things happen to me!
  20. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Good for you! You can stay there, this is great.
    Cant you hide your shit in you trouserpockets? They will not be allowed to search your body, are they?

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