What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    Aww, dh, I hope you get everything worked out.

    I got my kids back, after a horrible experience flying last weekend, my Nanny quit without notice this week, and I have to make two business trips to Texas between now and the end of the month. One of which happens to be during the first week of preschool...and now because of the Nanny quitting, I'm ending up sending my 2 1/2 year old to preschool, and I'm not even going to be here during her first week. :(
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    That would require he have the balls to stand up to his family, and the willingness to fuck up his relationship with his aunt and probably his mom, too, because that would cause some shit, majorly. So...that's not gonna happen. It's a complicated and way too fucked up situation.
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    That's what happens when you tell people to fuck off. :lol:
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    What's up, life?

    The last time I was on the boards you were raising hell about your man and now you're ready to kick him to the curb?

    What did he do thats gonna make me come to cali and kick his ass?
  5. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    hi doll-word! ahhh his baby moma is a freakin ball grabbin lame-got him wrapped around her finger...just gets old...he be shady-textin her all the time. sleepin at her crib-its not fair. the second i take a shower at a different time then normal, he starts throwin his inspector gadget ways around...

    its lame...i dont go anywhere dont do anything and the dam guy still hasnt taken me to the ocean....i been in cali for 8 months....

    i think its time to move back to phoenix az .....go solo .....be alone....

    my man lays some go ass pipe though-will miss that....
  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member


    So, because he's good in bed, you gonna let him fuck his ex on the side?
    (Yes, thats a rhetorical question.)
    As a good friend once told me when I was in a similar situation..."there's a reason why he's her ex."

    And even if you do break up with him, that doesnt mean you cant stay in cali.
  7. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    i know baby boy-cali is beautiful -phoenix is scorchin hot.... no i aint gonna keep him cuz he got good dick....

    she left him because he was cheaten with me....go figure huh....do u think hes banging her? he fuckin swears up and down he aint.....who the hell knows i cant spend my time guessin....i am better than that....hes got his shit straight....good job-takes care of his son....but we been livin together for almost a year and he still aint told her...he says he doesnt want to hear her talk shit....

    what a fuckin joke-he told me that its hard to find a good black man with no kids close to my age....when i am single it will b real hard to ever allow someone to get close to me....
  8. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Karma is a bitch!

    Hell yes he's still f*cking her!

    Question: Did you know he was cheatin with you when you met him? (Honestly)

    But dont fall for his shit about no brothers out there without kids, because there are. Hell, even if you do meet another guy with a kid, it doesnt mean you have to deal with the same sh*t you're dealing with now. Im sure there are guys who's ex's are just that...ex's, and arent sleeping with them.

    And the only thing he seem to have going on is a woman who is letting f*ck his ex on the side. It takes more than a few $ and a big d*ck to have your sh*t together.
  9. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Yes i knew he was with her. i knew him for awhile before we actually became an item. but when we did become an item...it was 5 month later and he still was with her and me and she caught him. she picked up and left him and moved to cali. he still dated me, but he didnt actually admitt he was with me til 3 months later.....

    he tells me they didnt fuck then so why would they fuck now? he told me today that he left his family for me.....that i was a waste......gee

    i havent once cheated, even batted an eye at another brotha....never once left home and slept anywhere else. i havent even been back to phoenix ....
  10. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    hit me up on my email aint nobody wanna here me wine
  11. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    :smt045 very true jely. My boyfriend and I are both divorced, and both of us have kids. We keep our relationships with our exes in check and deal with the oly on PARENTING issues. In terms of sex, with the ex, it is a no go. We both care about the well being of our former spouses as it affects our respective kids, but that is it.
  12. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Life he is manipulating you! Don't believe him! There are many great black men out there your age with and without children. I have dated some with and without children and I am older than you! He is just just rationalizing his actions-which are not acceptable. Don't accept his actions! He is being very disrespectful!
  13. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    Life ~

    There are definitely MANY men out there without children. Or those with children without all the bullshit. This is just ridiculous.

    I tell you - I know of all sorts of divorce situations that are rather bizarre. Ok look.....When my ex and I first split we were roommates (logistical and financial reasons) He lived downstairs, I lived upstairs....large house. NOTHING ever went on...we barely saw each other. Not only that but men called me as they pleased and my ex did as he pleased in his life. Neither of us brought anyone to the house but that was about the kids. I wouldn't bring someone to my home now unless we were in a ltr. If I go somewhere now and it works better for the ex to be with the kids at my house - he's welcome to stay (I'm not there) or visa versa. Sometimes we have dinner together if it happens to be that we are dropping off or picking up around dinner time. We are friends...we have children together. I have not met a man who is threatened by this. Hell he's welcome to meet the ex if he wanted. But then I don't give anyone any reason to be concerned.

    I've met men who have all sorts of different relationships with their exes. There are plenty out there who are actually MEN and are able to have workable relationships with their ex without sleeping with them or any of that other crap.

    This so called boyfriend of yours....there is simply no reason for him to be acting the way that he was. It doesn't sound like there is any need for him to be staying over there and there certainly is NO need for him to not be taking your calls or calling you whenever and wherever. Don't believe all the garbage he's trying to feed you. He's just insecure and trying to beat you down emotionally and mentally.

    I'll tell you though...what goes around comes around. Is it really such a big surprise that he would be cheating on you if he cheated with you? But just because you had your part in whatever you did....doesn't mean that he should be allowed to treat you like shit.
  14. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    thank guys i am not tryin to have a pitty party but it makes me see that i am right when i say those exact things...

    he does try to break me down-tells me i am a quitter and a coward and i am running away from problems and that i failed him.

    how come men are so good at doing that shit but cant answer a god dam simple question like what do u feel like eating....fuckin loony some men
  15. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    well he says he sleeps downstairs and that its his sons comfort zone for him to be there. and its sad that his son wakes up and looks for him if he aint there and that its sad ....he claims he dont have any relationship with her, and she hasnt even dated since she left him over a year ago.

    i told him to sleep in his car and i will provide a blanket!
  16. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Hi Life- why couldn't he get a hotel room and let his son stay with him there. Also-if you have been with him one year-why can't he go pick his son up and bring him there with you two to spend some time. It just seems fishy to me.
  17. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I agree with what about him getting a hotel room and taking the son there? Or if they have any relatives maybe?

    But the thing that really stands out to me on it is the whole thing about that he doesn't take your calls if he's there and/or that he is sneaking or not calling you. That's just not cool.

    I mean if he doesn't have any relationship with her WTF would she care who he's talking to on the phone? I get she may have an issue with you since you two were screwing around when he was with her. But that's over.

    Sorry too but he doesn't have any excuse for not telling anyone that you guys are together. He needs to man up!
  18. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    he tells me that she wont let anyone just come pick up their son. that she is very protective cuz its her first child and that she would never let him bring him here.

    he wont go to a hotel cuz he says its a waste of money. yeah fishy is right
  19. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    well she does care and she shoots her mouth off disrespecting me and talkin shit if he would ever take my call when she is around. so he will go somewhere alone and then call me. she told him that its disrespectful to her to be talkin to me if he is around his son.
  20. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I can understand if she wouldn't be cool with him having their son around you at this point. But he needs to work it out so that he has him without being in her presence. I mean unless he has supervised visits with her for some reason...it's just silly.

    I mean what's she doing keeping some facade going like they are still married?

    How old is the kid?

    Hell he could just take him out for the day too - he doesn't have to be staying overnight.

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