What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. scylla

    scylla New Member

    procrastinating school stuff big time, have like five hand ins to do today..
    Two critiques on short stories, three shorter essays about different books and authors and how I would use them while teaching.. AND two more to do, about an author who is comming to our next class and i have a problem with her personally because I'm jealous of her already being where I want to be.. :p
    So all in all a great day.
    My neighbours are playing some lame ass dancehall shyte on repeat as well, all I here is the beat of it. Also, they are fighting, and yes probably beating eachother up and covering it with the ta-taka-ta-taka-taka from the music.. Love my neighbourhood.

    My one and only seven day adventist-friend is coming over tonight, and I am once and for all gonna try to find out how people who believe in God do it. Especially those who do believe in the genesis. I'm very curious.

    And in the back of my mind.. there is a tiny voice wondering if I wasn't a completely bad person yesterday, flirting with a guy just because his friends told me that I should. They had discussed it.. in detail. We were a perfect match obviously or something, but he was shy (whoop, there goes perfect match-theory).. so they forced me. I'm not even interested in this guy, I was just bored and slightly tipsy. But, being who I am, we still booked a date. NOT nice of me.
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, those sounds like some shitty situations.
  3. scylla

    scylla New Member

    a bit. but I'm still in a pretty good mood:). It could have been way worse:D.
    If only I could get my lasy ass out to the kitchen and fetch some breakfast.. everything would feel pretty good actually.

    How did it go with the curfew breaking? And.. why do you have a curfew... ?
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    My dad was asleep, and my mom was out somewhere, so I got out easy, and they didn't even know I was gone. And I got curfew just because my mom set that shit. It sucks. Sometimes shit doesn't get jumpin' uintil 2:30 and that's when I gotta go home.
  5. scylla

    scylla New Member

    "nothing good ever happens after 2:00" /How I met your mother
    And it's true, nothing good happens, but all the fun does:D.

    But aren't you.. well over 16 years old? Curfews. Ah, I remember doing the exact same thing and sneak out when mom and dad had gone to sleep and then get back in before dad went out with the dog in the morning.. It's an artform:D.
  6. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Hah... this reminds me of a few years ago when I was like... 14, 15. I'd do the same thing. It was like a secret mission or something. Sometimes I'd forget my key though, needless to say my mum wasn't impressed with me wakening her up at 4.30am.
  7. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I never used the door. I was on the first floor and my parents on the second, I used to jump out the window.. It took like 2 years before they actually noticed anything.
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    HA! GEAH!!!! Got my classes all enrolled in n' shit. Time for me to step my shit up this semester. Hopefully I don't mess up. Damn, 7:30 classes.:smt013
  9. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well i must have been a boring bitch at 14 (i know i was lol) i had a sat job and used to ride my bike for miles, but i was always indoors by about 8pm, i tried to do the sitting in the park with a bottle of cider thing, but as soon as it turned cold my arse was up and gone to watch the simpsons and scare myself with horror novels.

    I was a creature comforts teenager :D;)
  10. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    grr! I'm annoyed.

    I keep wondering what's keeping me from finding a decent job, but I think the email I recieved today hit the nail on the head.

    No one wants me because of my school schedule! I know some places do not like hiring students at my school because we don't do semesters, we have quarters so our schedules change every 11 weeks. I've been knocked out of some good jobs because they weren't interested due to that.

    Now I'm going to have to miss out on a data entry position (Which would be so perfect for me! I type 70wpm, damnit) because they only want someone Tuesdays and Thursdays with the option of extra hours on other days...but I have class on Tuesday 1pm - 10pm. I figure they want a full 8 hour shift on Tuesday, so that wouldn't work out at all. :(

    I emailed her back explaining the situation, though. God, I hope there's someway we can work this out. I need a fucking job! Not even the restaurants wanna hire me because of my damn changing schedule.

    grrr!!! I applied for the job in October and they're just now hiring someone for the position, and they wanted me!

    That makes me sad :( :( :( :( :(
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I was even more boring as a teenager. Until I was 18 I never drank or smoked weed, and I never once snuck out of my parents house. I was always inside reading. *L* The only bad thing I did was I'd sneak and have sex with my boyfriend/ex husband after I was 15 (almost 16), but I always used protection and never snuck out to do it. We'd just figure out ways to do it under my parents' noses. *L*
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, that's fuckin' shitty. Only want somebody who works Tuesdays and Thursdays? Hopefully you find a job soon, and the interviewers don't jerk you around. My friend got dicked around with 3 interviews at Fry's Electronics and didn't get called back. And each interview went well too.

    And 70 words per minute? DAMN!!! That HELLA fast.
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    That's why I apply for office jobs. My typing is impressive, apparently. When I was helping my African friend with his homework I was typing his notes up on my computer, so I could organize them better, and he just stared in awe because I was looking to my left at the paper and my hands were flying all over the keyboard. I don't have to look at the keyboard or the screen when I type *L*

    I'm hoping the lady will at least email me back, even if it's just to say "Nope, can't work with that, sorry". It just sucks, cause every other place is jerking me around just like you mentioned with your friend. I've been calling the restaurant I worked at last year for a week and they've still not returned any of my calls, even though I was told I could have a job before I left for Christmas. Gamestop dicked me around for a week. I go to interviews, first and second and sometimes third, they act like they gonna hire me, then nothing. It makes no goddamn sense. I'm great at interviews! I always go dressed nicely, I'm extra polite, I know all the good answers to those silly questions they always ask, etc. I also always leave the interviewer smiling.

    It's super frustrating. Especially since I gotta get a job, or else I can't buy the supplies I need for my classes this quarter. ugh.
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I was a hellion as a teenager. If I had children like I was, I'd lock them up till they were 25! lol

    Brotha Ajax - Phew, 7:30 is early!!!!! Good luck this term and kick some butt :D
  15. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Thank you. :)

    Damn, what kinda hellion shit were you doing when you were a teenager?:twisted: I'd lock my kids up if they did some of the shit I did too, but I couldn't get too mad, since I had done it, plus it was fun doing crazy shit.
  16. scylla

    scylla New Member

    If I get teenagers that are like me (I might not want kids, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up with them anyway.:/), i'm gonna institutionalize them. Seriously.
    If they do even half the shit I did, I'm locking them up, quickly. I was just lucky to get out of teenage-yrs alive.
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    omg! I'm super disappointed now. The lady from the insurance company emailed me back about the data entry position, and they still want to hire me! They're even willing to work with my schedule!

    One big flaw, though: The place is 8 and a half miles from my house, and the bus doesn't run by there.

    Argh! I have to find out if there's any bus close enough I could take and walk part of the way. But the metro in Houston is so confusing!

    I'm gonna figure this shit out, though! I want this bloody job!!!! There's gotta be a way I can at least get close enough that walking won't be much of a deal. I'd seriously be perfect at this sort of thing, I just know it! And I'd enjoy it a hell of a lot more than waiting tables!
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    You should be able to bike that in 30 minutes or less, I know it's not the most popular solution, but it works, I used to bike it 10 miles one way to work, I did it for 3 yrs. It really gave me some major definition in my calves and thighs. ;) You may enjoy it, you can even rent a bike sometimes if you can't afford one. Or you can get a used one and fix it up with your first paycheck. Just a thought!! Good Luck!!
  19. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    If you lived closer I would loan you my scooter. Have you looked on craigs list to see what is available? Scooters got really popular during the $4 gallon oil period and now people are dumping them. Some of the chinese made ones can go for the price of a bike.

    Better yet, try looking for an off brand scooter store, call and explain your situation (ie want a job and need transport). See if they can hook you up with financing. Most are desperate to get rid of their stock.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    ugh. That's my problem ladies. I can't afford -any- transportation without a job, but I'm having trouble finding work close enough to me that doesn't require more than walking. I was living off 50 bucks a week that my mom could scrounge up for me, but last time it was only 30, and she can't even afford 30 per week anymore.

    So the sad reality is that I'm either gonna have to find someone who's giving a scooter or bike away (and I want a bike soooo bad. Wanted one since I moved here, but can't afford one! supplies for class are killing me) or get a damn job within walking/bus distance.

    Frustration, f'reals. >.<

    But I'm working on it. I'll figure something out. If nothing else I at least go a few leads on possible commissions tonight at karaoke. I took a copy of my Snoop Dogg drawing and got a few potential customers who're s'posed to call me soon for portraits. If I can sell a few portraits then I -can- get a bike! I doubt I'll get enough for a scooter, since I gotta eat too, but a bike on craigslist might not be out of my reach! It'd be lovely.

    ...So I'll point out again! I've got good prices, and I'm great at portraits, so uh...if anyone around here is interested, I'll drop you my email! :D I do paintings and drawings both!

    hint hint.

    haha! I'm trying to ho out my art skillz.

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