What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's awesome to do something you love and get paid for it!!! Oh, I e-mailed you back btw. What eyesores? That is a sexy IQ, you should show it off!! I don't know what my IQ is, probably not very sexy at all, LoL. I like your page. :D
  2. scylla

    scylla New Member

    DH> gimme da myspace adress! ^____^/*
    eh. or heres mine: myspace.com/ponnykanin

    Sorry 'bout the crap design, but I haven't had time to do a proper layout yet.
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yoinked and added.

    Just do what I did. Find a great design and borrow the code. Myflaashy.com has some great, highly creative flash myspace layout codes for free to spruce up your profile.

    Just don't steal my robot. Miiiiine! :D
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Yey! thx:D

    But it feels WROOONG. I wanna make the shit myself! Im a goddamn webdesigner! Its just that myspace system for CSS makes me want to kill myself, or possibly.. tom. gah.

    But yeah, I'm gonna check and see if I can steel some ^^.
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yeah, I emailed you back too. *L* Though I realized...I should've said "dude, chatroom, now" and it would've been probably more effective. But I'm going to bed soon, so I guess there's no point now! But next time. Ahhh yes, next time. I much prefer real time chatting to email.

    The eyesores are all those silly things at the bottom of the page. My Meez (crackajackie, of course) hugging all up on Chris Brown, my iq thing, uhm..well, all that crap that i can't think of right now. It renders the design ineffective if you scroll down, cause it just doesn't go with it at all. So I gotta figure out a way to make it either look nicer, or just get rid of em. It'd be better if they all had similar graphics or something, but they're all random and have no rhyme or reason. *L*

    ...I nitpick my myspace page. Going to artschool has turned me into a monster.
  6. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I'm thinking taking the code and edit in flash. That could work, the problem is that myspace uses a different set of parametres to handle code, and its hard to know whats overrides what...

    I want your robot by the way. grr. Its so cute, and yet a little threatening. I loves it. *hugs robot*

    Yeah, I prefer realtie too.. next time, chat! Sleep well:D
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It's ok to cheat sometimes! I learned in class that apparently in comic books there's a lot more tracing going on than people realize. *L*

    It's ok to be lazy with myspace. I could design some banging layout if I applied myself, but I'm too lazy to waste my time (and then actually figure out how to code it, which would be the part I'm not so good at *L*) when I found the ultimate myspace layout ever when I found my robot.

    He's so cute.
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Oh, and lovely photos on the myspace, btw! So you're a fellow artist. No wonder I like you! :D

    Lord have mercy, it's 7AM. Yeah. Sleep time now, I'll say. I was in class from 2-9 tonight...or...last night...it's been a long day! sheesh.
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    My IQ is 122 Bright Mastermind (that's what I was doing). I'm drowsy though. And some I wasn't in the mood to try and even think about and they wouldn't let me use paper so I just clicked on something to go to the next one, I'll take it again tomorrow more seriously. I don't think that's so bad for someone who dropped out of highschool 1/2 through 10th grade. LoL, yea that would have made a lot of sense to just go to the chatroom!! Der! LoL!! Oh well, maybe next time. Well, at least those "eyesores" aren't as bad as others I've seen before. I think it's good. I know what you mean. I like things that match and go together and stuff like that. I can be quite particular about things and I'm quite a fan of symmetry, also rhyme and reason. I think I'm about to get off and go to bed here pretty shortly as well. First, I will read your email. TTFN!
  10. scylla

    scylla New Member

    ah yiish. I fell asleep almost (actually a friend called and distracted me and got me into tell me all details about yesterday night.. *yawn*
    I came home 8 in the morning.. only slept 5 hours. And in a couple of hours I'm going out again. And tomo too. STOP ME someone..
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Apparently an African friend of mine has decided it's time I learn French.
  12. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Eating a tub of Ben & Jerrys (the cookie dough one), I always end up eating half the thing whilst I'm looking for the cookie chunks, that's the only reason I buy the damn stuff.

    Emm, just finished watching the X-Factor, away to go out since Jake is at his fathers.

    update: I've finished the ice cream, my bad. I'm such a fatty.
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Sooo, I'm reminding you about the African!! I see you are on now! What's up?
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    How are the French lessons going Britty?

    What's going on with me? I am so tired of people being cruel to one another. Seriously, "can't we all just get along"?
  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    I had just managed to slip into REM sleep and have a really fucked up dream (but it was still nice cause of the hot guy that was there) when my fucking smoke alarm started going off...but there's no smoke or fire or anything! GRR! So I called the housing lady and woke her ass up (mwahaha, bitch deserves it!) to double check and make sure it's a smoke only alarm, just in case I was like gonna die from carbon monoxide or anything. Turns out the thing is just malfunctioning.


    If its not detecting smoke, and it's just the battery or whatever, then why the hell is the only way to make it stop all that obnoxious beeping to smother it in my coat?!

    Well on the bright side I got to catch the tail end of the sunrise. But fuck! That's a kinda scary way to wake up after an hour's sleep!
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Dayum! Nope, that's not cool! I'd be quite pissed and grouchy!! :smt076

    Here we have all kinds of different alarms and bells. The fire alarm (like everyone has/knows of), then these little strings attached to switches incase one of the old people fall and can't get up. But sometimes a lot of cats play with them and make them go off, they can't resist the dangling string. Then there's another misc. alarm, that's bigger. This old lady's grandkids keeps setting it off (playing with it and shit) and it's the worst, loudest, most piercing noise you'll ever hear in your life, and to add to your headache, it's got this flashy strobe light too that goes off. It's horrible!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't want to suffer any damage to your ears, you better leave the building. It's bad. It'd make your f**king ears bleed!! It better not happen again or I'm going to hurt somebody! :smt045
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Oh, I am not taking the French lessons. I was quoting DH ;)
  18. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Ok, if one more man says "i'm just keeping it real, man" to me, I'm gonna break something..

    Otherwhise, mixed butteflies in stomach, date went really well, but you never know. It could be just me. heaps of sheit to do today, schoolwork, uniwork, designwork, dancing. And all I wanna do is read my books and be very still.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member



  20. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Ah yes, sorry Britty and DH. I wasn't reading carefully, lol. DH, how are the French lessons? :D

    Have a great Monday!:yawinkle:

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