What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm studying for a career in cartoons, I certainly know how to have fun! *L* I live for those little moments when the world melts away and I can just goof off. That's what real happiness is, right there.

    I sing girl songs better than guy ones, but mainly cause it just sounds weird to me to be singing a song by a guy if it's got "girl" "woman" "babygirl" etc in it. I do it sometimes though. I lke singing Beatles songs at the bar! *L* And I generally toss out some country on occasion, too, because my accent can come out in full force when I do *L*
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yeah i know what you mean it does feel weird to sing babygirl all that stuff but i carry on regardless as always lol

    I know what you mean about those moments of happiness that is what lifes all about the things that cheer and chill you out at the same time.

    I dont have an art thing, happiness wise ive got school but thats more work to me, but i love to have those moments with friends on a pub bench in the summer having a joke goofing off as you say, or a bloody good book to take you away somewhere, if im borderline depressive i break out the Harry potter collection and its soon forgotten.
    Seeing my kids have fun is always happiness to me aswell, uhmm im forgetting someone (oh yeah my man) hes a great guy but not imperative to my happiness thank god !!:D
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

  4. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    My dream came true, man was it snowy today!


    Where are my feet? Lol...




    Hows the weather down south Francie? Was there a lot of snow?

    I woke up at 4am this morning and looked out the window and was like "wow!". It looked so pretty cuz no one had stood in it.
  5. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Lucky you Sarah !!
    There was a bit this morning at about 8:30 am but by the time i popped down the shop at 10:30am it was all bloody gone not a patch on what you Scots got lol
    Your boy looks so cute wrapped up in his cold weather finest!! :smt059
    You both looked like you were enjoying the weather, all i got was the the ice to make the car slide as i went through the country lane.
  6. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    You guys are lucky in the UK, lemmie telll ya. Here in Ohio, we've been hit with snow for most of the past week. The temp last night was about 22 Fahrenheit (-5 Celsius). I hate this weather :smt093. Give me the tropics any day over this shit
  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Not for me the Tropics, give me the cold anyday, 1, you dont have to put so much thought into what you wear, just whats warmest, you certainly wont hear me debating whether i can get away with wearing white shorts when its cold lol :)
    2, I love it when its cold outside and im warm inside makes me feel all cosy.

    Uhmm thats all i can think of right now, maybe im wrong then lol.
    ps its about 0c tonight so were catching up nearly.
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Mhmm, I do like the cold weather. I like it warm too, just not uncomfortably hot.

    My neighbour died today, well not sure if it was today. Police came to ask me if I'd heard from him or seen him, then the council knocked down his door, then more police came, then an ambulance, a doctor, then they all left except one of the police cars then a hearse came.

    I can't help but feel bad for him, he was a bit of a lost soul. I don't think he had any family here, he was about 50ish and an alcoholic. He would often ask if I wanted to go to his for a drink (I never did). He didn't harrass me as such but I guess you could call him a bit of a sex pest. He was lonely though. I didn't particular like him but I feel awful that he's probably been there for a while, days. I doubt anyone will go to his funeral. Just feel weird about it. I was always pleasant to him though. I'm guessing either the alcohol killed him or he took his own life.
  9. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I had the same kinda thing in my close there was a guy who lived in a one bed starter house at the end, andy his name was ,not a sex pest but got a bit friendly with the laddies sometimes think he had a drink and drug problem, well i didnt see him about for about a week, but lucky enough he had a friend visit and he broke in called an ambulance then the ambulance called the police, they were out there for most of the evening blocking the way out of the close, i felt really sad for him as i didnt see any family clearing out his things just his friend that found him:(
    I suppose at least in this case there was one person, i hope my life never ever reaches that point, dying alone how awful
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    What's going on with me? I started my period today and have really bad cramps. AND we have no toilet paper, no tampons, no pads, and no money. YAY!! However, this is the first period I've had in like a few months. No idea why (it took that long). Well, I read it could be stress, hormones, or an abnormality in my reproductive system. No money, no car, no insurance to find out. Am I the only almost-24 year old who's never been to see the gyno? Welp, now my period is here and here with avengeance and I'm totally unprepared. :smt093 Oh well, life goes on. Besides that I'M BOREDDD! I mentioned before, I moved to my mom's to be her caregiver when she was diagnosed with lymphoma (it's gone now, she's fine - in remission). She (we) lives out in BFE, in a town so tiny if you drove past it and blinked, you'd miss it. I quit my job (in the other town). No one/place here is hiring. I live in a apt complex for elderly or disabled people, or bipolar young people. People are dying left and right from old age and stuff or being committed. I'm technically not supposed to be living here with my mom (because I'm not old, disabled, dying, or suffering psychotic symptoms). Man's in prison. My cramps hurt. We have no car. My sleeping schedule is all fucked up. I didn't wake up "today" until 8pm. I couldn't sleep (wasn't tired yet) yesterday till afternoon, it's been like that for a few weeks. My cramps hurt. I have no friends. They all got married and had babies and are living their own lives. Just one of those "lost touch" things. There's no one out here for me to make friends with. I gained 20 pounds after I left my job and since I haven't been able to find a new one in this fucking twilight zone town. My cramps hurt. There's a store here down the street, they don't even scan upc's!! They type in the price on the stickers they put on stuff. Like we're still living in the 19th century or something. It's so depressing. My mom did get approved for disability. We won't get money till the 3rd. Well, we'll get money Wednesday. We get $50 bucks a week because my bio-father is still paying child support (arrears). We've been living off $50 a week for the last 7 months (Nov 3rd she got her first SSD check, but that's gone now). But, this is coming from a girl who's gone a few months without electricity, who's moved like 15+ times because of getting evicted, who's been homeless, who's shoplifted boxes of mac & cheese from the grocery store, who's used other things besides toilet paper to wipe my ass with, who doesn't remember the last time I celebrated my birthday or a holiday, a 23 year old who doesn't even own one cd or dvd because she pawned damn near everything she's owned to the pawn shop (and when I did have money, and a job, other stuff was more important). So, right now, I am cool. Living lavish and large now. Heh. I wouldn't even go back and change it. I think being impoverished (depending on who you are) makes you a lot more creative. Like if you got a few canned food items in your cupboard, you can make a meal out of it, whereas someone else who's never had to deal with not having anything, would starve to death first. It makes you humble, shows you what matters most. Makes it so if the economy goes into a depression, you don't care because you already live that way, so you'll be fine because you're accustomed to it. You can feel sorry for all the middle-class and rich people because they're going to be screwed without such survival skills. Hahahahahaha!!! Anyways, my cramps hurt. I guess I will go take some ibuprofen. Use my "being poor skills" to find something for my menses. Fix me some Jack Daniel's and Coke (as in Cola) and venture through this place/site, maybe surf the web. Bored out of my sweet little mind. Bysies Daisies!!!
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Maybe that's why I like you so much. You know what it's like to have a shit life sometimes. I feel for ya, babe, cause I've been there, too. And the town you're living in sounds like the town I grew up in. *L*

    Be glad of the small town right now, though, because 50 bucks a week goes further there than it does here. That's what I've been living on, too, and it's been super tough, so I can only imagine how hard it'd be to feed -two- people on so little.

    Poverty certainly does teach us amazing things. Maybe that's why I'm such a whiz in the kitchen...I can make some really tasty meals with just a few random ingredients!

    You're like my twin, I think!

    Though check into family planning at the closest doctor. If you go through that program you should be able to get a pap smear and birth control for free. The one thing that can generally get covered is that sorta stuff if you don't have insurance or money. I always got mine free back in WV...haven't found a doc here yet, but I will eventually and I'm sure I can at least get a free pap. Just call up docs and ask them if there are any programs to assist low income patients with getting access to pap smears and stuff. Especially if you just went a while without a period. There could be something wrong with your girly bits. Ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc, etc. Probably nothing to worry about if it's the first time it's happened, but its always best to be sure. Not to mention it's peace of mind when you get that negative back on cervical cancer after a pap smear.
  12. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I feel so bad for you guys not having free health care, I'm due for another smear test...the joys. We only pay for prescriptions here or if you want private health care.

    You guys certainly do have it rough. I was homeless, although only for about 2 weeks until I was found accomodation. So it wasn't that bad. I have an okay living just now, mostly due to inheritence I was left and wages, of course I get child benefit too. Oh yeah, also taken out a student loan of £5000ish. So although things aren't too bad I'm going to have a hell of a lot to pay back. Don't know how you're surviving on $50, that's so rough. Hope things get better. You 2 have mine and Jake's love. :smt060

    I agree - when you're not from a privilidged background you def appreciate simple things much much more.
  13. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Oh @ Britty...

    I haven't had periods in about a yearish. I got the 3 year implant in my arm, I love it. No pills that you might forget and no periods.

    I recommend it highly.
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yea, :D . OMG!! I can't imagine growing up in a place like this. I mean, I didn't grow up in a big town, but we atleast had the essentials and it was pretty modern, I guess. It wasn't too big or too small. Didn't have the same stuff as bigger cities, yet, had more than most little towns. And it's growing (the town I grew up in). But we plan to be moving to a bigger town soon (bigger than the one I grew up in, too, even). Once we get a car. My mom got her first big monthly check the 3rd. But we had a lot to catch up on after 50 bucks a month for so long, so that first check/money has been gone. So when Dec gets here, we'll get another one and we're planning to get a car. A cheap one that works will be good enough. They're kind of screwing her over with her "backpay". I can't wait to move. I'm thinking, hoping, I'll have better luck finding a job. I hate not having one!

    Hmm, I never thought of that. I will be glad then! Thanks ;)

    Yea, it is super tough, I hope things get better for you, I really do. Well, we did get help from Cancer centers and churches. But they still only have so much to give. Thank God for them though.

    Absolutely!! That is one of the better things about it. Probably the best, I say.

    Yea, we do have a good amount of uncanny similarities as far as I've been able to tell. They do say everyone has a "twin soul", but it's not exactly the same as/or to be confused with, a "soul-mate". I forget what I've read about it now, though.

    I will have to try and look into that. I've always been worried about my "girly bits" (heh, I like that). I remember for about a year, I was actually bleeding for 10-12 days straight, very heavy and painful (well, my periods have always been heavy and painful, but for some women, that's the norm, and it varies between women). Then I would stop bleeding for 3-5 days. Then start bleeding for another 10-12 days. If I was lucky, once in a blue moon, it'd get a 7 day interval between bleeding. That went on for about a year. Then when I moved in with my mom, my menses became regular again. Then all of a sudden, a few months ago, they just stopped! (I know it wasn't due to pregnancy though) Now I'm having one/a period. I've always been reading about what could be wrong. I've read so much about fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, ovarian cysts, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer; everything. While a lot of things matched my symptoms and while I really want to know. I don't want to self-diagnose. My number one goal has been to get a job and insurance so I can finally get a pap smear to see if I do have any gynocological disorder (though, money/insurance hasn't always been the whole issue, sometimes I've just had anxiety about someone checking out my privy parts who wasn't my man). And if I do, I hope that I can get if fixed before it messes up my ability to have children. God, I would be absolutely shattered and devastated and - can't even describe it, if I found out I couldn't have children. I want to be a mother more than anything in the whole entire worlddd!!!!!!!!!! It means so much to me. LoL, I can't have one converstion with my man without talking about it. Well, thank you for putting that advice/possibility in my head about checking into family planning and that. I don't think I ever would have thought of that on my own. Thanks!! :heart:
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    It's okay, don't feel bad (for me) :smt056 What doesn't kill us; makes us stronger!! :smt081

    I'm glad you were able to find accomodation!! Whew! :) Awww, thanks for the love! Ditto! Your son is sooooo adorable!!!! I've seen his picture.

    Yeppers!! :smt023 To look on the bright side..
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I never heard of an implant in the arm. Hm. I think they'll put me on some form of birth control anyway, to regulate me. Though I do want to have babies! But, I can't right now anyway, for a number of reasons. I bet it is nice to not have to deal with pills you might forget. No periods would be great (as long as you know why you aren't having them, of course, heh). I'll see what happens. Hopefully soon. Thank you for the recommendation!!! :D
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I hate not having a job either. -_- None of these fucks will call me back, and the ones who do jerk me around and then just don't hire me. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. Ah well, I've got to call about one tomorrow and that bitch better hire me!!!! *L* She's jerked me around for a week now!

    You definitely need a pap smear, though since a lot of those symptoms can coincide with endometriosis, you may have to look into getting a charity grant for the test required for it, if the doctor decides it could be the problem. They have to do a laparascopy (I think that's the one) to test for it...basically they make an incision in your navel and insert a tube with a camera on the end of it into the incision and poke around a bit, and get a good look at the girly bits to see if you have it or not. But that's a procedure not covered under the family planning stuff. Just the pap smears are under that. I gotta get tested for it eventually, cause I've got all the signs, I just can't afford the test. The doc said I got a very strong chance of having it cause it's hereditary, and mom's got it, and all her sisters got it, etc. She also told me I'm probably not gonna be able to have kids, either. :( but ah well. It doesn't always cause infertility, but it can, and it seems to be the case with me. Not my mom, though. She was fucking fertile as hell when she didn't use her birth control pills.
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I hope that bitch hires you too!!!! Not having a job sucks. Here, there's like 3 places within walking distance that I might be able to work at. None of them were hiring. Still aren't. Bitches!!!!! Grrr!

    I hope I can. I'll be checking it out after this post.

    Yea, I read about that. I'm hoping I just have fibroids. I read the treatment (one of them) for it and that precedure seemed the least "invasive"? I think that's the word I want, heh. I don't remember what it was now though (the procedure to treat it).

    I hope when you do get tested that you get good news!! I don't think any women in my family have that. But, I don't know about my "father's" side of the family at all. But, even if no one in my family, on either side, has had it, it probably still won't rule it out, huh?

    OMG!! Well, at least it doesn't always cause infertility. Right? I hope. If it does though, there's always options, I think. Petri dish babies, adopting, surrogates, fertility drugs, etc. Sometimes I wonder about fertility for myself as well. My man and I have had sex thousands of times. We thought we were pregnant before (a lot, heh), but false alarm (I hate those!). Yet, my brother and his wife, it took them like 4 years to finally get pregnant. Then, it wasn't even a year after my nephew was born, my sister-in-law was pregnant again with my niece. Hm. Maybe it's just one of those things. I used to get so pissed off all the time. Hearing about women who don't even want children, getting pregnant like the first time they have sex. Then other women who want babies so bad, start to think they can't because they haven't yet, after trying so long. Well, I am going to keep hope alive!!!!! :mrgreen: Right now, I'm going to google. Unless I get sidetracked. Which happens. I'm kind of attention deficit online...
  19. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I'm not sure if it is sad or funny that there are people who actually think that health care is free.
  20. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Generally speaking though in the UK health care is free, you do not need insurance like in the United States. Like in the UK there's no way a woman would be denied a smear test based on the fact she had not a penny to her name.

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