Hi all Right now I'm listening to hey joe of Jimmy Hendrix on youtube while writting this , Yeah why would make me move 1st and last of all it's not a big trip. Somethin' just as usual as waking up and have one's shower. Gonna explain this to you: Earth is a big town and downtown is place like NYC L.A london Paris and you are in this neighbourhood. I'm in uptown, or suburbs place like West Africa; a kinda easy going suburb, but you may meet hot and dangerous suburbs like Kaboul Afganistan compared to if you want South Bronx, with gun fire at every street corners...sometimes not everytime any way got to be careful... So ya see it's obvious I' m just like somebody moving from a suburb It's gonna be like this in the years to come. So you know a better flat a calm place and you know better accomodations for the living Borders have blown up, be in your time guys and chicks.I can be in the States within a second , via the net with i.e the flash chat on this site plus the forum...on this site .Are you aware of it? Share viewpoints shouldyou want to.:arrow: The Geor'ges