I'm shocked and appalled by what was number one when I was born:smt036 Gotta be the worse song ever. [YOUTUBE]291ET6Py6H8[/YOUTUBE]
Already posted by GCBrotha but fuck it, it's MJ and this song is the absolute shit! [YOUTUBE]5X-Mrc2l1d0[/YOUTUBE]
I swear I am not making this up. This came up as the number one song when I was born. LOL! [YOUTUBE]watch?v=CmALA8miQY8[/YOUTUBE]
mai 29, 1974... in the US waaaaaaaaaah... terrible! [YOUTUBE]XtzoUu7w-YM[/YOUTUBE] in germany... bit better, still pain in my ears ... [YOUTUBE]YG9otasNmxI[/YOUTUBE]