HHHMMMM ...interesting statements she made. what do you think? also what makes a guy unmarriageable (is that a word? LOL) ?
I think I like her last point the most, about how marriage is about giving. Personally I think a lot of women's problems with not being marriage material is that some women, present day women especially, seem to be out to prove that they aren't the susie home maker types or that they aren't going to be a doormat, and in the end that sends signals to most men that they are not needed and/or closes off any opportunity for a man to be a man in the relationship and take care of/protect the woman he's with. Another reason women arent getting married is that men seem to not want to get married more these days too (which I kind of feel trumps the reasons why most women arent getting married). I think most women would be up for getting married and settling down with a guy, but us guys nowadays seem to be about trying to play the field and do our thing so long and so much, we view marriage as something that will get in the way, rather than something that will help edify both persons goals that can be achieved through mutual support and respect. We've put too much on financial status and keeping up with the Jones of having it all, we don't even notice that we're not keeping up with the Jones family anymore, but that it is simply Mr. Jones all by his lonesome that we're trying to emulate.
jeez, they need a better audio engineer on that show. There weren't any new thoughts bought to the table but they did a good job anyway.