What makes you happy?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Persephone, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Simple things that make you happy.

    A fresh cup of coffee.

    Royalty-free stock images and video.

    The smell of laundry detergent.

    The color of the light about an hour before the sun sets.

    My wacom tablet.

    My Gargoyles coffee mug.

    The smell of a new book.

    The smell of an old book.

    Cuddling with my Nate while he's asleep.

    Fixing things.

    My cordless drill.

    Cold water on a hot day.

    "Likes" on Facebook from my best friend, who I only see once every two years or more.

    Things that sparkle.

    Talking to my mom. <3
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    • hearing my kids say they love me
    • the moment i see stone fruit available from the online organic grocers i use
    • the warmth of the sun on my face
    • a warm breeze on my face
    • birds singing at the end of the day
    • the laughter of my children
    • hearing my children playing together in their make believe world
    • riding my bike with no hands
    • feeling the sand between my toes
    • the company of my pets
    • the sound of rain on the roof
    • smelling freshly baked bread
    • the ocean as it laps my feet
    • my red tool box
    • listening to stories of my dad's childhood
    • cooking
    • horse riding

    there's so much more, but that will do for now
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    the smell of fresh rain
    fresh cut grass
    the first snow as it blankets the ground
    when my flower garden blooms
    the new tree we just planted in the backyard
    the smell of fresh baked cookies in the house
    when all the bills are paid and i still have money left over
    hot coffee on a cool day
    having friends over to the house
    getting a letter or card in the mail

    so many things make me happy...i actually try my hardest to avoid things that just don't bring joy into my life...if i don't like something i think about how happy i will be when it's finished
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    God/Jesus loves me

    Hugs & kisses from my son & hearing him tell me that he loves me

    Seeing my son smile




    The smell of rain

    Long walks in nature

    Playing in the rain

    Swinging on my porch swing at night with nothing but the light of the moon/stars & a cool breeze

    The sound of rain & thunderstorms

    The stark beauty of the desert


    Old School Hip Hop

    The sound of a baby's laughter

    Snuggling up in my bed under the covers with the a.c. on 60-65 with a fan blowing in my face

    The feel of soft, cool, green grass on my bare feet & between my toes


    The smell of chocolate


    When my cell phone is quiet

    Beautiful art & photography


  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    White Women in general make me happy. I love the shit outta y'all.

    Football season.

    Also, the cool and crisp time of the year known as autumn.
  6. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    My kids...their laughter, them telling me they love me.
    My baby waking up in the morning smiling and laughing.
    My family.
    My friends.
    A nice sunny day.
  7. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    being kind to someone that needs it...

    going the extra mile for a patient at work...

    having my treasures, books, and memories around me
    where I can see them...

    cuddling with my 17-year-old cat...

    old Baptist hymns

    my hair

    finding black and white old photographs...

    picking wildflowers/weeds/grasses for a bouquet...

    spending time with a friend I haven't seen in forever...

    making a work of art that I am proud of...

    drawing and letting my mind wander...

    getting recognition from people whose opinion I value most...

    when my sister IM's me on Facebook...

    being remembered...

    seeing my nephews grow up in person instead of far away...

    buying or making exactly what I want to eat for dinner...

    playing "my music" and remembering how far I have come...

    finding the perfect pair of shoes...

    sleeping in on a stormy day...

    walking along the river...

    being quiet...

    and every so often... that warm embrace...
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Money white women and music.
  9. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Being private
    My friends
    My right hand
  10. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Fixed. :D
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Thanks for the rep, dear. I think taking stock of the things we enjoy is a great way to cheer up if things are getting stressful. I'm glad I could help!



    The Krakken spiced rum

    Art Nouveau



    The smell of dark, rich earth.


    Fluffy, chubby lil puppies and kittens

    Japanese arcade games
  12. satyr

    satyr New Member


  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You always know what I'm thinking! It's a gift. <3
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    70-80 Degree Fahrenheit weather
    Metropolitan Communities
  15. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Right now a glass of Zibibbo is making me happy.

    Trips to the USA.


    My Family.

    Black men.

  16. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    At this minute, finally getting a pic posted with my phone! And WW!
  17. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    What makes you happy?........................................

    people being considerate, and kind to each other.

  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Music, money, a good fanfiction, anime, video games, driving.
  19. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I love the idea for this thread! :) Especially when it's midterm week for me, so much happiness in here... I feel better already.

    As for me, some of the things that make me happy are:

    • Cuddles
    • Sunny days
    • Traveling (especially back home to Canada!)
    • Getting an A on something I didn't think I did well in
    • Random text messages that come at the right moments
    • Falling deeply into a book, to the point I cannot pull myself out of it!
    • Seeing others perform Random Acts of Kindness
    • Getting snail mail
    • Stressing out, studying like mad and not feeling ready... then going to class to find that the exam's been postponed
    • Falling asleep in my man's arms/Waking up with him there
    • Walking in warm rain, in flip flops
    • Eating baked goods fresh from the oven
    • Hearing of my family's past
    • HOODIES!
    • The feeling of crawling into bed with your sheets fresh out of the dryer (especially right after a shower, so clean lol)
    • HUGS!
    • Talking to friends in sign language, then unexpectedly meeting others that also know the language

  20. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Has anyone noticed that SO FAR the men's posts have been abrupt and shallow?
    Apart from the Privacy, which I also respect, but that's just a shut door, basically, when this post seems to be about letting people in.

    I said "Being quiet"... I could also have said (which I thought about).."Being alone", but I thought that would be too antisocial. Privacy really does sum it all up for me, but not so that I can't reveal things to people... Only that they can't insert themselves into my "real time". There's a difference. I can reveal my soul, and yet still be solitary... wish these guys could learn that.

    Additions to things that make me happy...

    Planes taking off and landing overhead (giant birds so close overhead, over my bed)...reminds me I'm in the city and not all alone, isolated, way out in the country, the way I used to be...

    Rereading something I wrote forever ago, and thinking - who is that girl? Oh that's right, that's me. I'm different yet the same. The same, yet transformed...

    And............Being right. :D It feels awesome.(lol)
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011

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