What Is Your Zodiac Sign?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by LA, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    So, what is your Zodiac sign?

    I'm doing this to see which Zodiac is the most common.

    (Feel free to comment on your experiences with other Zodiac signs the same as yours or ones that you tend to get along with.)
  2. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Capricorn A.K.A Fishgoat
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Oh, and I'm a Scorpio. Nov 9th.
  4. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well im Cancer, i tend to have friends who are water signs, although i have 2 pals that are Aquarious they are super cool and well put together but ive found that underneath they are a tad insecure but you wouldn't know that unless your a good friend lol

    My brother is a Gemini as is my dad, super social, look in shop windows at there reflection all that stuff lol

    Ive dated all different types Saggis are not good for me, tooooo laid back ie roof could cave in and they wouldn't notice :)

    You are usually sensitive, caring, nurturing and shrewd. Your ruling planet is the Moon. Silver, pearl white are your lucky colours. Capricorn is your opposite sign and you are least compatible with Sagittarius and Aquarius. You are most compatible with Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. You can be controlling, manipulative, selfish and easily hurt. You can be greatly affected by those close to you since you are so impressionable. Your inner voice makes you aware of the right time to act. You could do well in any careers that include all matters to do with women - especially biological and sociological
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  5. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Scorpio Strength Keywords:

    - Loyal
    - Passionate
    - Resourceful
    - Observant
    - Dynamic

    Scorpio Weakness Keywords:

    - Jealous
    - Obsessive
    - Suspicious
    - Manipulative
    - Unyielding
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Cancer Strength Keywords:

    - Loyalty
    - Dependable
    - Caring
    - Adaptable
    - Responsive

    Cancer Weakness Keywords:

    - Moody
    - Clingy
    - Self-pitying
    - Oversensitive
    - Self-absorbed
  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Capricorn Strength Keywords:


    Capricorn Weakness Keywords:

  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Leo Strength Keywords:

    - Confident
    - Ambitious
    - Generous
    - Loyal
    - Encouraging

    Leo Weakness Keywords:

    - Pretentious
    - Domineering
    - Melodramatic
    - Stubborn
    - Vain
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Aries Strength Keywords:

    - Independent
    - Generous
    - Optimistic
    - Enthusiastic
    - Courageous
    Aries Weakness Keywords:

    - Moody
    - Short tempered
    - Self-involved
    - Impulsive
    - Impatient
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Taurus Strength Keywords:

    - Dependable
    - Persistent
    - Loyal
    - Patient
    - Generous

    Taurus Weakness Keywords:

    - Stubborn
    - Laziness
    - Possessive
    - Materialistic
    - Self-indulging
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Gemini Strength Keywords:

    - Energetic
    - Clever
    - Imaginative
    - Witty
    - Adaptable

    Gemini Weakness Keywords:

    - Superficial
    - Impulsive
    - Restless
    - Devious
    - Indecisive
  13. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Well, I'm a Pisces and I love fish, so I guess it fits :smt110
  14. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    I'm Aquarius. I have no clue what signs I get along with better; I never pay that much attention to that stuff.
  15. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Hmm...pretty accurate!
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    If you looked into it, you'd probably be very suprised w/ the results.
  17. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    Im a scorpio woman ...uh oh!
  18. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    The bolded words are the ones that are actually right. Haha, even my astrological sign says I'm gonna be a dictator, yes!

    I'm not patient usually, though. Nor am I conceited, inhibited, or unimaginative.
  19. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    It's interesting as to what was listed. My best friend is a capi and she's definitely not conceited, inhibited, or unimaginative. She's not a dictator either LOL But I can see where some people who don't know here would think some of those things.
  20. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    All I know is that I seem to butt heads with Scorpio men. I read somewhere once that Aquarius and Scorpio = mud, I guess that's why :rolleyes:

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