what is with the WM obsession over super skinny girls?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ladeda, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    Disclaimer: people are individuals and it is impossible and wrong to generalize. this is just my opinion based on a few dozen white friends I have encountered over the years.

    This thought came to me as I was hanging out with some friends last night, we were watching a Jennifer Aniston movie and one of the guys(it was a guy and girl group, i dont think guys just sit around watching Jenn Aniston films) starts his rant about how awesomely great she is. I kept my comments to myself because, well, I think she is very plain and overrated but more than anything else I found her to be really really skinny, and this is after doing some quick television math(tv math= subtract a good 10 to 20 lbs to imagine what a person looks like in real life).

    I personally do not find big girls or even "thick" girls to be my cup of tea, I love proportion but I am not weight obsessed like some of my white brethren. I cant seem to figure it out. like say for example, I would find someone who is 5'10" at 135 lbs attractive (and healthy which is on the low end of the BMI) while I have white friends who would prefer 5'10" at 120, 115 or even 105lbs.

    I have seen other wm friends call "normal" looking girls completely fat. All while being chubby fella's. I cant wrap my head around it. Even weirder are the friends that will go for the skinnier of two girls just because she is skinner even though the other hypothetical female will only be marginally heaver, more attractive and more intelligent. I cannot seem to wrap my head around this, then again, some of my black friends will go for the girl with the bigger ass even though she might not be as attractive or "together" when compared to another woman.
  2. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Different standards of beauty according to cultural expectations. You have to figure, however, that those standards vary within the context of white cultures.

    Italian men may look for different things from Norweigan men, Russian men, et al.
  3. Narus

    Narus New Member

    I don't know about weight-obsessed; I think that's more a commentary on the obesity epidemic in modern American society.

    I also think there's something to be said about standards, that is, your standard for what is a "normal" weight may not be mine and not the next guy's, and so on.

    Speaking as a WM, I can't agree Aniston is super skinny...that would be something more along the lines of Fiona Apple or Callista Flockhart. Especially in the early episodes of "Friends" Aniston had just about as perfect a figure as could be had.

    BM do strike me as more forgiving of a woman's overweight. For me I think it is a shape issue. With increasing weight, a woman's curviness, and thus sex appeal, plummets sharply. On the average, BW have bigger skeletal builds than WW, so they can carry more weight and retain their curves, whereas a WW would go down hill quickly with the same weight load.

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