What Is It About Older Black Men?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    Trust me, we are NOTHING alike, for one I'm not scary to women in elevators, and on sidewalks. You're dilusional to think we are. If you thought like I did, you probably wouldn't be fat, nasty, and a few other things you said you are.

    Once again Spin Master, playing with the particulars of words... ever heard of imply? Your posts don't imply, all's well with the BM, and neither do the stats if you ever bother to read them. So be offended when I say Kiss my 6 figure A#@!!!
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Rinnaye - please don't twist things I say.

    I will stand by my take on your comments about MOST black men are in jail, gay, etc. is a myth. It's just not true.
  3. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Stand by your take about my comments, that's fine, but don't come off as judgemental against me for my take. And your comments are not what is in the statistics, what I stated is more consistant with the stats, and facts. Drive through any major urban area in America, and tell me how many Myths you don't see, and drive it at night, and you may not make it back to share the story. You may be able to afford to look the other way on the crisis of the BM, all may be well in your neck of the woods, but the world is bigger than your space. And since I'm a BM, I think I know a little bit better about what is "our" epidemic, between the two of us. But that's just me. :wink:

    Did you read any of the stats I posted???

    Show me, prove to me your supported facts on your comments, and how it's all a myth.
  4. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Yes I did read the stories you quoted. I don't quite get how you can come to the conclusion that MOST black men anything from the stats listed within them. (MOST being the key word here)

    Actually, those which you chose to quote do prove what I said about MOST black men not being the things you listed.

    I'm not saying there are not MAJOR issues going on...hardly.

    You can choose to think I was being judgemental about you if you wish. I simply took issue with you stating that MOST black men are gay, in jail, etc. I would think that you might take issue with such a statement yourself if it was coming from someone else....actually I think you have in other threads.

    I simply relayed my experiences, which have been different than yours. You can tell me all you want that there is a shortage of eligible black men...it's just not been my experience. (BTW FWIW...you can find all sorts of women out there talking about there being a shortage of eligible white, asian, hispanic, etc men...doesn't mean it's true)
  5. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    ...and you still have not shown me your proof of it being a Myth

    Many, Most, I really need to watch every word I say, or else people will wiggle their way out of standing correct by using any word they can find you wrote. Play with the particulars of my words, and I'm sorry I didn't use the word "many", instead of "most" but the fact remains, BM are trending in a bad direction as a whole, and at our present rate of decline, the only myth will be, did a BM ever exist in America at all?

  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    W - O - W!!! He finally gets it! Different
    "w-o-r-d-s" have different "m-e-a-n-i-n-g-s."
    (S*#t! It took two pages to hammer that in!)

    Yo...Lucifer, call Chigirl and all the married white women who hung out in malls and got set up with the Rinnaye5000X. We got a recall! The prototype is totally FUBAR!

    DAMN! If you cant trust the Dollar Store, who can you trust...
  7. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Weight Watchers!!!

    You should give em a try, could help your dating life... well, maybe not, cos you're still scary looking. :wink:

    Don't break your wrists, or grease your palms for that hot date tonight ok Jelly.
  8. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Aawwhh...rinnaye. Did the big kids...oh, okay, just for you...big, FAT kids (there, that does feel better) steal your lunch money and tie your twists into knots? Dont worry, your going to grow up and be big and strong and show all of them! One day your going to dominate the reindeer games. Hell, they may even make a holiday cartoon about you.
  10. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    After a full night of jacking yourself off-

    ..is that the best you can do for a response jelly doughnut?

    You're losing your touch,

    No pun intended... :lol:

    I rest my case...
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Is that my best...nah.

    But lets see what I could have come up with...

    I could have taken a shot at your back-handed way of always braging about yourself (the only person who cares that you're a slumlord and make six figures is you) as a sign of your insecurities, but thats too easy...

    I could have talked about your constant name calling (you dont even know me or what I look like) and how you want to be some type of cyber-thug because in real life you couldnt bust a grape with a hammer in one hand and a 2x4 in the other. (Did you really get your ass kicked that much as a kid?) But then we would have to go into your childhood about how you were an outcast from the cool black kids but still rejected by the white kids and all the lonely days you spent watching Happy Days wishing you were The Fonz.

    And lets not forget your hyper-aggressive personality when people dont agree with you. (You know what they say...big fonts mean your trying to compensate for inadequacies in other areas...) But we will save that for another day...

    In the meantime...repeat after me...

    "Im rinnaye...Im beautiful...I have a lot to live for...and gosh darnit, people like me!
  12. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Nope still not the best you can do,

    Try harder...

    Humm! interesting choice of words... still thinking about last night eh? You must have greased your palms afterall. You give yourself away too easily. :lol:

    Sucks to be you! :cry:

    It must be jelly, 'cause fat dont shake like dat. (sounds better!)
  13. DarlinNiki

    DarlinNiki New Member

    Not to get in the middle of this maybe you two are just playing...but in all honesty 6'3" and 250 pounds is not fat, just well built. I am sure you are well built too Rinnaye06 :) Either way no man wants to be with a woman who wants him just for his money, it's more than the 6 figures, more than what age you are or what you look like, it's the connection you make with the other person that matters the most. Just my 2 cents. [/img]
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Welcome to the boards...

    Well I can say I agree, a man's money, and appearence should not have everything to do with the connection between him, and a woman, but I didn't make the rules, and even though you are saying what many other "politically correct" women might say, it has not been my experience of that being the reality, and you can't tell me that many to most women don't judge a man by what he does, or does not have. (can anyone say Anna Nicole Smith)? And she was not an exception. I prove that point everyday, I have a luxury car, and an older daily driver, and my reception from women differs dramatically based on which vehicle I happen to be driving when they see me, I could be wearing a cardigan sweater, slacks, and obviously expensive shoes, jumping out of my daily driver, and nary even get as much attention from women, but let me wear some old jeans with holes everywhere, and a beat up t shirt, nappy headed with a ball cap on, but getting out of the luxury convertible, and all of a sudden, I get the winks, and the friendly stares from many more women. With many more similar stories. So it's nice that you are being polite, maybe because you're on here, and that's what you feel you need to say, but the reality of life is being lived everyday in the real world hun, where men are judged by their appearence, and what they have. Also just last week I saw a news report that said WW are most likely to date a Hispanic man if he makes 70k more than a 70k earning WM, date a BM if he makes 140k more than a 70k earning WM, and AM if he makes a whopping 250k more than a 70k earning WM, with one of the polled ladies saying" she needed the extra insurance of financial stability if she were to date outside her race". I'll try to find the article online, but the actual study of this has been at least proved by thier published survey, so in order for me to be "Eligible" to any of these surveyed women, and this was a nationwide survey. Then I need to be earning at least 210k annually if I were to have the same opportunity to date these polled WW, as a WM at 70k will have. So what of that?

    And that's just my 2 cents. :wink:

    Now may I please get back to insulting jellyturd...
  15. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    There's definitely some truth to that story and the things you have said. I've heard women say things like in order for them to be interested in a black man (hispanic, or whatever their trip would be) they would need to have more this or that than a white man. If heard guys make similar comments regarding the race of a woman. And I've heard similar comments regarding other attributes. Thankfully there are those individuals who are past that or maybe more evolved than that.

    It sortof reminds me of a thread not long ago where some women were talking about how they would trade a couple of inches off the mans penis for other attributes.

    Obviously the majority of ww prefer wm. Just as the majority of bm prefer bw. So what.

    Just because that's the way it is and just because there are more limited numbers doesn't mean that it's a tough thing to find eligible black men...or eligible white women for that matter (believe it or not there are plenty of successful bm complaining about not being able to find the ww they are really wanting...actually I believe you mentioned that yourself a few times on other threads) Even though the percentages may be quite small...we are still talking about a pool of a very large number of people. Most are only wanting one....and some are more specifically only wanting THE one.

    I wouldn't consider a man who is 6'3 and 250 fat at all. I guess it would depend on his frame. I may find someone that most think as attractive as attractive myself, or I may not.

    I would never say that physical attraction, place in life, etc are not important factors. They are. However, different people have different definitions for what they see as success in these areas.

    You and I have sortof had this conversation before in other areas on here. In CA financial success may be very different than somewhere else in the country. And even within CA things can be so very different. For one person it's important that whoever they end up with is all about family and they are much more interested in that than the specific neighborhood, designer clothing, care, etc. For another it may be all about money and they feel they/want need someone who is playing at a global level in that realm....maybe it's actually more of a power thing. For someone else it's about what music they like. For some they will trade off (like the racial article you mentioned) for others they will not settle in any regard.

    There are as many different needs and wants out there as there are different people out there. Different people are motivated by different things. Sure there are the general things that stand out. But there are those who don't have any interest in being with a celebrity no matter what. There are those who would do anything to be with a celebrity too.

    Now I will disagree with the idea that there aren't those who want to be with someone just for money - there are plenty of them. There are also men out there who love to find women who get all charged up about the things they have too. And they really don't care about any substance.

    I know on other areas you've said things about how if someone doesn't like something they need to change it (paraphrasing) and I would agree with that. Instead of complaining that there are all these younger girls going for the older guys...then maybe either place themselves in an environment where there are more younger girls, look to maybe better opportunities to be with younger girls who aren't interested in older men and/or the things they may feel they represent, or do things to make themselves more appealing to the girls they are wanting to attract.

    On a personal level, I've never cared how many women may be out chasing a particular man. I don't see it as a competition though. There are men who are interested in me and those who are not. I'm only interested in being with the one I feel that I'm meant to be with. And I can guarantee that part of knowing that I'm meant to be with him is that he's meant to be with me. So no other woman (or man) really matters. But that's part of what I've said about that I think it's about one's attitude, beliefs, and where they come from about things. It has nothing to do with being politically correct at all. I don't concern myself with statistics or other people that don't concern me in my life in regards to who I will end up with in life.

    Ok I'll let you and jelly get back to your throttling each other!
  16. Olya21a

    Olya21a New Member

    its wondertfuul a black men :p
  17. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    In my opinion, you are just impossible.

    Once again, anyone you do not agree with, are subject to your judgement, and needs to qualify as more evolved. Ok we're all Neanderthals here, and you're God. That's how you come off. You are also very good at quoting me, without using any references from my actual quotes, and I don't want to defend myself against your baseless accusations. It was suggested a long time ago, that if we were to quell any disagreements, then look to the facts, and prove your case based on them, but you seem to have a difficult time at doing this, so I really don't know how to take anything you have to say. Just being honest. :?
  18. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Rinnaye you amaze me. Someone can actually agree with you and yet you still want to argue with them. Most of my last post was in agreement with you!

    So is it so simplistic that someone either agrees or disagrees? There is no room for actual discussion?

    You placed yourself in the Neanderthal category - I didn't. I have no need to insult anyone, call anyone names, or go on a person attack in a discussion. I state my opinions just like anyone else.

    Interesting that you chose to grab onto the phrase that you quoted and take it personally. I didn't have the slightest thought that you would be placed in the category of people I referenced (meaning my statement referring to the article YOU were talking about in the previous post). Nor would I place any member of this board within that category. Obviously those on here are interested in IR relationships and maybe I'm totally naive but I would not think that they are upping the requirements to be with a black man or a white woman.

    This just amazes me because the phrase you chose to quote is actually a comment about those just like most on THIS forum...who are past all that and more evolved (than those mentioned in the article you referenced...it was NOT a comment on you at all - but if you choose to think so - so be it!)

    The point I disagreed with came from a different poster. And that was simply to say that absolutely there are those out there only looking for money (nothing else) and there are those out there who are looking for those who are only looking for money too.

    I had no interest in quoting you...what would be the point in taking a bunch of time to go through all your posts? Especially when I'm actually agreeing with you.

    I'm sure you will take the opportunity to have the last word in this....you are welcome to it.
  19. DarlinNiki

    DarlinNiki New Member

    I must not have made myself clear enough, I didn't say that women wanting men for their money or car or whatever doesn't happen. I said "no man wants a woman" who wants him just for that. Maybe I am wrong but I would think that a man would prefer to have a woman who wanted him just for him not what he drives.

    And it does go both ways. I have a friend who dated a guy who she found out referred to her as his "sugar mama" She has more money than pretty much anyone I know and just re-entered the dating scene and that is something she has to be careful of.

    I can only speak for myself but I still go for chemistry over the money.
  20. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You were actually were agreeing with me on something???

    I'm so used to you disagreeing with me, I must be on autopilot, especially after what seemed to me, a piling on, along with my least favorite of all people. So forgive me if I seem a little defensive with you.

    No, I meant the other people too, your statement seems to be judgemental towards those who would be less evolved.

    I know it's not a comment about me, but how you referenced others.

    Only because I think there are a few misunderstangs.

    Have a nice day!

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