I was just wondering...if you take Barack Obama out of the equation and Hillary Clinton was black, would she be so universally hated and despised...especially by black people? Or would she be considered a tough woman who knows how to play, and beat men at a man's game (politics)?
You mean.. what if Hillary was 1/2 black? That doesn't really hold up. Hillary's rep is really based on her lineage to Presidency(Bill Clinton). Anyways, if Hillary was 1/2 black, she'd have an even harder time running the race. The position as President is a 'man's game' according to history and even more so a WM's game.
Hillary Clinton..... LaHillary Jenkins....hmmm....interesting.....dunno...gender is a hurdle and so is race in the U.S. but being both female and "colored" would present a challenge....not an impossible challenge though....if she had Barack's message....it might work....maybe.
i've thought about this too....but i wonder if barack obama were white, if he'd still be getting all the support from his black supporters. just a thought....
If Hillary were black I think that Obama would have had this political race in the bag from day one. Just the way the world works... Most people have already made their minds up and nine times out of ten people are going to vote based on how they were raised and what their sex/race/location is. When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter if all the candidates are white males, people are going to choose someone based on some stupid reason anyways.
I don't care what color Hillary is or was, if her last name wasn't Clinton she wouldn't be a candidate for President, period!! All her juice is because her husband was Commander in CHief, nothing more, nothing less. Not saying she isn't intelligent or accomplished, but she wouldn't have a built in advantage with most women and Democratic voters. Obama is a self-made phenomenon running against the most popular brand name in recent U.S. politics...
I would still think what I think of her. Which is either: (1) She is a foolish and weak woman for staying with her cheating son of a bitch husband. or (2) She is so political ambitious that she will sacrifice ANYTHING go get ahead in politics. Either trait is so unattractive to me that I would not vote for her not matter what her ethnicity is.
Bosoxlady, I love you like a play-cousin and you-my-girl and all, but I gotta ask the hard and uncomfortable question thats been bothering me since I read this post... How can you put Hillary on blast (for staying with Bill when he cheated on her) when you cheated on your husband? So using that same logic, your husband should have cut you lose or be branded a weak and foolish? (Sorry, but my nosey-ness got the best of me...)
if hilary was 1/2 black she wouldnt or anything else she wouldnt be in the race. Her entire campaighn focused on the fact that she was a woman and obama was a black man, not much else.
That pretty much sums it up. And I also gotta agree with bosoxladay as well, Hillary's character over the course of this election has been unsatisfactory to say the least.
If she was black then Bill Clinton would have never been president. And she wouldn't be in Congress or have the potential to be president. Since she can't run off her husband.
Most people in the US vote on their bias, not their beliefs. Hillary isnt as hated as most would want you to believe. She actually got more votes, just not more delegates. And to say those were because she was white or the ex-first lady is degrading her, the same way most people who are bias against blacks wills say if Obama wasnt black he couldnt be running. She had a good platform. She has always been for universal health care and if she wasnt in the race, it wouldnt even be an issue for the other people running. As a person with health issues, I could go on and on about our health care system, but why even waist my typing. Everyone who doesnt like her just wants to hear how unqualified and inadequate she is. I for one and glad she is out. I get tired of all the gender bias talk that has been going around. What is all boils down to is she didnt stay in "her place". PS if you want to know what it is like for a black woman to run for president, read up on Shirley Chisholm. This is what she had to say about it... (not that anyone wants to hear this cause it doesnt fit their bias) "Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon," she writes. "I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once. Of the two handicaps, being a black is much less of a drawback than being female. If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would question me. Why? Because 'we all know' there is prejudice against black people in America. "That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men — and, I am afraid, most women — as bizarre. … Part of the problem is that women in America are much more brainwashed and content with their roles as second-class citizens than blacks ever were."
uummm, dont believe the hype. She's counting michigan...a state they both agreed they wouldnt count...and his name wasnt even on the ballots and hers was. Dont get me wrong, I love Hill, which is why I started the thread. But I didnt like the negative campaign she ran, especially in the beginning. The african pic of Obama, the "i dont think he's a muslim"...*wink* statement. (You know her people did that. Lets not be niave.) She actually had much more success when she got away from the negative crap and ran on her strengths and just attacked Obama on the issues. Her strategist need their collective asses kicked. I definitely co-sign on that last part. And I think women need to start raising hell about the sh*t thats going on around them. For instance, the masters and all these "members only" golf courses. How people watch that crap I have no idea. One black member out of 400 and they just plain tell women,"F*ck off!"
I could list multiple bias speeches given by Obama towards women, starting with his reference to Hillarys menses and his assumption that she was PMSing. So not cool, but so socially acceptable. And his whole "Im not a muslim, not that there is anything wrong with that" Seinfeld-esque shit never sat right with me, a Muslimah. Not to mention, I am a member of a few Islamic PACs and they have reported on how his Muslim friends from his past are afraid to even mention they are/were friends. They dont want to paint him in a bad light. What the? Seriously. If you are my friend, you are my friend. I wouldnt let anyone think they couldnt stand by me. I will vote for Obama, but I do get tired of the fanboy mentality of his supporters. You cannot criticize him without being called a racists. Now how is that gonna go over when he becomes president? You gonna throw around that word every time a foreign dignitary makes a statment you dont like? Come on now. Like I said, I am just glad she is out. I get tired of all the inferences to the "evil woman" whos image has been ingrained into American society by the Christian biblical ideology.
You can critisize Obama and not be a racist, but his critisms are things that are not even true. Maybe he does have muslim friends...and there is nothing wrong with that (I dont know too many black people with "diverse" friendships who doesnt have muslim friends)...but hell, people (read:conservative whites) are accusing the man of being a muslim - when he inst - and making that into a bad thing. So imagine how they are going to overreact when they findout that some of his friends are muslim. "I knew it. If he's got all these muslim friends, then he's got to be a muslim. And if he's a muslim, then he's un-american. And I aint voting for some un-american muslim!" Lets be honest. "people" blow sh*t out of proportion. Pictures from peace keeping meetings. Lapel pins! LAPEL PINS! His muslim friends are probably just keeping a safe distance just so wackos cant blow their friendship out of proportion.
that's just the state of our nation today. Muslims from the Nation of Islam weren't exactly too keen about white people, and then you have our current wars against an enemy, which are mostly muslim. That's just the nature of the beast. Don't blame Obama for not wanting to bring his muslim friends along with him. Blame the people, that think ALL muslims are all about suicide bombings, beheadings, and general chaos. The man is trying to win an election, for the head of the snake, in a country that was probably one of the most racist and prejudiced ones around at one time.
Chris Rock sums it up...(it's extreme but not totally false). http://askthisblackwoman.com/2008/01/16/chris-rock-black-men-vs-white-women.aspx This idea that the media loved Obama and not Hillary is short-sighted. The media turned on her a little after Iowa but much more so after South Carolina (mostly Bill Clinton's doing, however). She was essentially the presumptive nominee as far as EVERYONE was concerned. She had twice as much cash on hand, endorsements from all the major political players, the name recognition and being the spouse of a very popular former president....lets also not forget that Terry McAuliffe (Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman) was the chairman of the Democratic National Committee for four years from '01-'05. It's widely known that the order in which the primaries and caucuses were held was designed to give her an early win by Super Tuesday (California and New York are big enough states that they could have their own primary day, much like Texas and Ohio had together on March 5th......however New York, California, Arkansas, New Jersey and Massachussetts were all held on the same day...states everyone believed she would win without much effort....the intent was to stack the deck against any competitor...yet it didn't work). As for her "popular" vote advantage....that only works if you include Michigan and give him zero of the "uncommitted" vote in that state. We all know that Obama can't stand by his Muslim friends....maybe he could if he wanted to be the leader of the NOI but not the president of the United States. It's been 300+ years and blacks & whites are still trying to get used to each other....we can only imagine how long it will take for Muslims to "fit-in." We insist on Israel being our Middle-East guardogs....they're supposed to keep the Arabs in check. With the approach that Israel can do no wrong...we will always struggle in the that part of the world. If anyone thinks that propping up Israel and trying to strong-arm the rest of the region will work....I suggest you go to your local gas station and look at the prices. Considering that Jews had been in Europe for roughly 1,000 years before the end of WWII. Why couldn't they stay in a place that was home? (maybe not "home" but probably as much home as America is to someone that's black or white American). The Palestinians are anti-Semitic when they quarrel with Israelis but Europeans were not when they "guided" them to their homeland?....I call bullshit. I love my Jewish brothers but they are being played by people that didn't really care for them until the last 40 years. Any black person over the age of 50 (maybe 60) can tell you that Jews and white Christians weren't exactly homies....blacks and Jews were tight....but now...Obama is a soft Muslim-lover that's dangerous (sounds like something Joe Lieberman would say). Voters that said race was a factor in their vote...voted for Clinton at rates between 6 in 10 & 7 in 10 (depending on the state)....voters that said gender was a factor, voted for Clinton 6 out of 10 times. In other words...he was hurt a little by his race and she was helped (at little not much) by her gender in the voting booth. :idea: