What exactly is "IT"??

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by larouxbelle, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Your sarcasm is only part of what makes you so adorable.;)
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  3. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Sarcasm???!! Ive never!!

    I just said "never" because TS said those women were the most interesting.....


  5. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    The OP said that her man...

    Which is what I think is silly. You've read my posts wrong. I don't disagree that something happens between two people when they're attracted to each other, nor do I think that no one else could tell that those two people are into each other.
    I disagree that that has anything to do with the colour of the people involved though.
    Getting a sense from an individual on whether or not they'd be interested on you is something I'm not sure I agree on. Unless you've interacted with that person, then yes...and, again, that has nothing to do with colour and everything to do with the individual. If you haven't interacted with them (including body language), then I disagree that you can tell or get a sense of it. JMO of course, but that's how I feel.
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Oh, I missed that. Yet, the OP also said her man said:

    I would agree, but I'm not sure that's what he means. Maybe he uses the phrase "by looking at her" for lack of a better phrase and I think that way because of what I quoted that she said he said after what you quoted. JMO

    But it (the thing that happens between the two) does have to do with whether or not they're attracted to each other and because we're talking about WW being attracted to BM, that's where the color does comes in. I'm not saying color has to be a prerequisite for it (the thing that happens between the two people attracted to each other) to happen in general.

    I believe it always happens, but because we're humans sometimes our brains and insecurites and personal issues get in the way so we can miss it or not recognize it or believe it's there when it isn't.

    I'm sure there's instances where you're absolutely correct. One, IMO, would be like trying to say the woman has "IT" when he's never been in close proximity to her. But I don't think that's an instance the OP is referring to. I still think it does have to do with color because a person's color is a part of the individual and will affect whether you think that person is attractive or not just like any other physical attribute.
  7. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Yes, I said that. I said I DON'T disagree that it has to do with attraction. Not that I disagree.
    The whole point of the OP is that people can just tell that someone will be attracted to a particular kind of person, because they have 'IT' whatever 'it' may be.
    I think you're reading way too much into it.
  8. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Maybe it's how she responds to bm or looks at them.
  9. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Yep this goes back to what I was saying about how a woman responds to a man. I had alot more men talk to me when I was single and I know it's b/c when I was out and about first of all I was looking. When I saw something I liked I looked harder. When I caught someone looking at me and I liked what I saw I held their gaze. So many men approached me b/c I looked interested. It's as simple as that. That same thing occurs when ww date bm. She acts interested so therefore it makes it easiser for bm to detect who is interested in them. WW who date bm often show a comfortability around bm where many ww who don't sometimes show intimidation. Those things have nothing to do with one's appearance and everything to do with social behavior.
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    So there are people who truly believe that you can look at another person.......simply LOOK...and tell what their sexual proclivities are, and whether or not they are inclined to date a person of another race?

    Is that the same as looking at a person and telling "oh shit, he's black, I'm sure he simply will not work as hard as that clean cut blue blood American white boy over there."
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Real talk
  12. larouxbelle

    larouxbelle New Member

    I agree.

    They are the same in that they are both stereotypical.
  13. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Precisely, Sin, I totally agree with you. I've never been able to divine anything about someone without the benefit of interaction, and I don't believe that anyone can do either. Please believe that this is a minority view, no pun intended, and most people wouldn't assume anything like this.

    In fact, as Ymra pointed out, it logically leads to making other equally illogical assumptions based on stereotypes or preconceived notions about characteristics of an INDIVIDUAL, based on no supportive data at all.

    Sin, you should be aware that there're some WW who might dress, hair styles or engage in whatever behavior they think might appeal to a BM. The same could be said about certain speech patterns or the use of references more commonly used by what they expect BM to say or understand. But, that assumes that BM buy into certain stereotypes. I'm sure that some BM do and that's why those women do it. Personally, I wouldn't draw any type of conclusions from those cues, except that they wouldn't be the kind of person that I'd find interesting.
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

  15. Caerdydd

    Caerdydd Active Member

    For some people it is true, allot of my female friends who are only interested in black men say it is only black men who show interest in them anyway. Personally for me some girls its obvious they only like black men and nothing else. Others completely catch me off guard and they are my favorite type of WW and the only type Im interested in.
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  17. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Oh absolutely, I've no doubt about that. But would other people (white, asian, middle easten etc.) know what they're doing? That they're waving an invisible sign screaming that they want black cock? I don't know. I think it's still a bit iffy as to whether others would get the idea.
  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    It all stems down to the fact that America (and/or maybe just the area you're in) is a judgemental and also materialistic society. This is probably prevalent especially in the area that you live in, which is in a metropolitan area of Tennessee.

    I would say that it largely doesn't matter, and any WW in all of the categories that you listed could have an overriding interest for a particular BM that they like. Most of the white women I know in my social circle have a preference for WM and BM, they aren't exclusively interested in one group. For me, the "it theory" holds little relevance.
  19. larouxbelle

    larouxbelle New Member

    You are right. The area I live in is very judgemental and the area my husband is from (Mississippi) is even more so. In my social group and family, I AM “the open minded one.” I’m the one always thirsting for knowledge and new perspectives to bring back and share, but I’ve learned with just this post…(my 1st post here) that in the grand scheme of the world I am considered sheltered. I’ve never met anyone outside of Southern USA. I certainly don’t know anyone from another country. I don’t believe that I intentionally assumed that most areas were as judgemental as mine, but I hadn’t really ever thought about it on that wide of a scale before either. Gaining new perspectives….that’s why I’m here.
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Thanks, seems like I nailed it on the head! My parents usually joke about that region of the United States (Appalachian South), they call it the armpit of America. (no offense/resentment intended in the post.)

    This is a controversial thread from city-data.com that tries to explain why the "It factor" exists within dating in America, including with various types of interracial relationships.


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