What brings me here (this site, and life in general)...

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by LadyJ, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Did it for u!
  2. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    Thank you so much dear!! :freehug:
  3. LadyJ

    LadyJ New Member

    I had a nice talk with him today. I asked if we can just call this what it is (friends with benefits) and move on.. Let him know about wanting true and lasting real love with a family, that I am starting to look elsewhere. He took it well, and said he could feel this coming on for awhile. We are gonna be friends for now, but prolly drift apart. I really needed to come to terms with what this is, and stop sugar-coating some f'd up sh**. Lust when disguised as love, makes a woman act, and think a lil' crazy sometimes.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    there you go...
  5. Athena

    Athena New Member


    If you did have his baby, you'd just be third in a growing line of baby mommas. It's extremely unlikely he'd leave his wife, lose his house, pay alimony and child support just to shack up with you since he already gets the best parts of you now.

    If you just want a sperm bank deposit, he's your man. Otherwise, he's a lying cheating dick who'd risk his wife's health just to get some on the side.

    Welcome to the boards.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    well stated
  7. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Thx ladies. Just keepin it real as a dude. Any relationship worth its salt is built on mutual respect.
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well glad you found your way here and we can help you confirm what you already probably know, that you deserve better from a man in your life.

    Excellently summed up, better than Dr. Phil could Athena. :D
  9. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Please you'll be back
  10. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    lol right
  11. LadyJ

    LadyJ New Member

    Ok, ok, it'll be tough at first, so maybe just for the benefits. But my mindset has definitely changed. Also, after I start dating again, I just wont have the time for him anymore.
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    LoL, I appreciate your honesty/candor
  13. interim

    interim New Member

    dear, you need to burn all bridges now :D no benefetis , nothig.. other way you wount stop this, because he will talk you in back
  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    1) EVERYBODY :: Stop e-cockblocking that dude.

    2) LadyJ:: No offense, but do you really need to come to a forum full of strangers to tell you who is and isn't Ok to have sex with? You know your situation with him and while you are struggling with it morally, you are not showing an ounce of strength or restraint even after your conversation with him. Also, you are not being very respectful to yourself or to his family. What do you really expect from us that you don't already know?

    It's one thing when people come here asking for legit advice, but..... in this case?! Come on....

    Anyways, welcome to the forums. Feel free to go post some pictures in the lingerie thread.
  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Way to refocus on what's important. Lol
  16. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I feel the thread was getting derailed and wanted to get it back on track. ;)
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Make it so, Mr. Sulu.
  18. LadyJ

    LadyJ New Member

    Thanks for the welcome. I don't have any pictures in lingerie.. I came to this forum because I literally googled "white women with black men", because like I stated my goal is to understand and be understood. To tell you the truth, this is my first experience in a forum.. period., so I guess I'm not going about it the right way.... I have always been hesitant to jump in, because I thought I may be judged harshly. But now that I'm here, I might as well accept it, and I can handle... Look, if you take a look at my first post, it was that I wanted to join here, and thought it'd be best to tell of my current situation... The reason I started in the welcome center is just to break the ice.. I really wasn't looking for acceptance of my "scenario", but thought "I" would be accepted in general.. that's all.
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

    You are, welcome aboard. But don't post in lingerie lol.
  20. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Athena's right... go nude.

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