what are your personal "red flags" when dating?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by smoothman, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    War/life-style. I was a Marine Corps wife for ten years and it is nothing I ever want to deal with again.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ah. That's rough. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    i felt a little bad with that LOL... I haven't been in more than 6 foreign countries but because I just didn't have the money/possibilities to do that. I would feel bad if that was a reason for a man to think I'm not a good date :-S

    Not chriticizing your standards, of course...just a thought.

    About me:

    ONE BIG HUGE RED FLAG is when they say "I'll call you tonight" and they call 5 days after with all sorts of excuses. FAIL
    In general when they disappear for days because they were "busy with work" and stuff it's gonna be a red flag. They're gonna make you feel like you are the obsessive one but the reality is just that they don't like you.

    When they say "I don't have real plans, what happens happens" ---- they just want to fuck you.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Is telling this to ladies a fashion or something around here?
    When a woman say something that men here don't agree with, they strumentalize the fact that she's single to say that posting like she does is the main reason for her being single.

  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    -No common sense

    -Makes excuses,Uses the phrase "it's not my fault" instead of taking responsibility

    -Would rather text than have an actual conversation

    -Laziness/No job


    -Multiple children with multiple baby mamas.
    I don't have an issue dating a man with kids per se, but a man with kids & baby mamas all over the place is irresponsible imo. He's also irresponsible if he doesn't take care of his kids.

    -Multiple marriages/divorces

    -Still lives with his parents

    -Doesn't keep his word

    -Excessive spending/wastes money, high debt, lives beyond his means.

    -Negative attitude, excessive whining & complaining


    -Disrespectful, rude, or hateful

    -No sense of humor--especially about himself

    -Racist, prejudiced or uses the n-word

    -Brings up sex too soon

    -Says "I love you" too soon
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I guess I'll throw in mine...

    - Racist, uses the n- word (I'm with you Tam on this)

    - No job.

    - No car or license (You can't live in this area and not have a car...you just can't).
    - Vain (You can usually tell this pretty quickly).

    - Refuses to take responsibility for himself. Always has a reason why he didn't get this job or that job. (Again, Tam...lol)

    - Shows posessive/jealous tendencies. (If you're paying attention, this will come out rather soon, too).

    - No ambition.

    - Can't speak English. Swears constantly. Subject-verb agreement is impossible.
    - to go with the above...if the word "mines" ever escapes his lips, and it's not referring to the caves in the earth that miners enter....NO.

    - Children. Period.
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Great list DB.

    -Jealousy/posseiveness is a huge red flag; I don't like being treated like property.

    -A man that wants me to be his mama is a bad sign, too.
  8. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and after going through an abusive relationship, I just prefer not to have that happen again.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I feel you on that, I've ha a relationship with abusive asshole before. I got out before it got physical though.

    IMO jealousy is more about trying to control someone than anything else. It can get pretty scary.
  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    If a woman had these qualities, she'd be considered a catch. :smt042
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Does not make six figure
    Never been a prom queen
    Never won Miss America Pageant
    Does not drink excessively
    Does not think Foot ball is a religion
    Does not like recreational drugs
    Does not like anal on the 1st date
    Does not like toting gun
    Does not like going to shooting range
    Does not like to vaccum naked
    Does not want me answering pages or checking msgs in middle of sex
    Does not like to get up early cook breakfast and bring it to bed while I catch up with NFL highlight
    Does not drive frantically to my company to give me a quicke during my lunch break.
    Thinks her opinion matter.

    That's it for now, lol
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  13. CBreezy

    CBreezy Restricted

    She can't make more money than me.
    A nice ass is a must.
    She better not cut her hair either bald or really short, or I'm leaving.
    She better not be clingy and let a nigga have his space.
    She can't be texting or calling me all day errday.
    She can't be asking me questions like where I been at if I come in late.

    That is all.
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    That's only because some men can't handle real women. ;)
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    LMAO! I'm so with you on this!

    I see you have very high standards :rolleyes:
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Playing games
    Consistently undependable
    Cocky, my shit don't stink syndrome
    One set of rules for him, another for me
    Poor hygiene
    Recreational drugs
    Excessive drinking
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  18. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I don't know, I wouldn't consider "poor hygene" a red flag.... more like a HELL NO!
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    haha, speakka da truth!
    All of mine was prolly a "hell no" in my book:)
  20. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    So you're saying all that stuff constitutes a "real woman"?

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