what about a ww turns you off most?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by tuckerreed, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i loved Neiman Marcus at North Park though
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    its great...they don't have the selection of urban wear I like...but I get my preppy gear from there.....the selection of ladies is near the top along with the Galleria, Richardson Square is okay, and Southwest Mall is cool (formerly RedBird)and has a ton of gorgeous sistahs....Galleria (1) and northpark (2) are the spots for WW though.....Texas girls luv to shop and neiman's oh man..my wallet gets hives just looking at the sign near the entrance.....
  3. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    yes, i would shop at neimans as a kid for slacks, and Brooks Brothers for shirts and ties, from elementary til today. I shop via mail for LLBean and JCrew, and private haberdasheries from scotland and nantucket, mass
  4. livingproof

    livingproof New Member


    I date out side my race because it's my choose but a white girl coming to me acting as if she is black using the slang and acting like she has no sense I don't think that's cute if I wanted to date some one I can pick any black girl off campus and get with her that's the only thing that piss me off with white girls
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member



  6. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    That's a good post. All those things are big-time turnoffs.

    Dull-minded people are presumptuous and "conceited" without reason. In the case of white girls who are like that, that dullness also comes with a presumption of "superiority" over you -- in spite of the fact that they -- in their "superiority" -- are too dumb to even wrap their mind around reality. :roll:

    The fact that your behavior hardly backs up their presumptions means nothing -- all that counts are the complexes and drama that are going on in their own mind. It's almost as if you have to go out of your way to demonstrate that you want nothing from them, or else be caught up in their drama.

    I can't stand women like that. I'm sure that some do it just to fuck with you, like people in the stores who know you aren't stealing, but want to insult you with racist "suspicion". It's their own little psyche-war against the black man.

    Others do it because they're conflicted by their own attraction. As an experiment, I've actually flirted with women who carry themselves like that, and confirmed that it is indeed an attraction they can't deal with. There was an old russian women at my job like that, who after I began to flirt with her a little, switched gears into the habit of looking into my and then staring at my crotch, trying to send me a message, as she passed me in the corridors. I kid you not.

    Most of these women are just small-minded though, and since there's no taboo against venting one's grudges against black people, they're oh-so-dramatic about "rejecting" you.
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    White women who act like they are a part of underground cults (excessive amounts of tattoos, piercings, leather/Gothic wear, etc.)

    The ones who will NEVER date/marry black men, deny their attraction to black men, but will still fuck a black man on camera (mostly in front of their cuckolding boyfriends/husbands on-line for 'security' and some other BS)

    The ones who will claim that they are NOT interested in black men, but then gripe and bitch about men in general, when only talking about WHITE men, and are constantly turned off by white men, but won't give black men a chance just because they are black.

    The ones who are way too high-strung, paranoid, and neurotic. These are the types who will freak out and debate with you (because you are a black man) at the drop of a hat, but then claim that it was 'just a misunderstanding' or 'just a mood swing' or some other BS.

    The ones who act like you are raping them with your eyes whenever they see you, especially in public around white men.

    The ones who are chain smokers, chronic drinkers, promiscuous party girls, drug addicts, and violent psychos who will do something to a man like, chop off his penis over an argument, or endanger an innocent child by leaving him/her in a car with no air on inside for them to breathe, or put them in a dumpster instead of caring for them, or have sex with lil' underage boys, get caught, and then play the harmless lamb, only to be acquitted for simply being 'too pretty and white for prison.'

    The ones who will constantly dye their hair, even if it's NOT a natural birth color.

    The ones who will act 'cool' all the time about everything, but then still care about what everyone else (mostly family members and friends) think.

    The ones who will NOT expand what they know outside of their racist and prejudices views/beliefs about black men.

    The ones who will make assumptions and pass judgments about black men, based on ONLY what they know within their racist and prejudices views/beliefs about us.

    The ones who will take it as a slap/spit/kick in the face, if you are NOT attracted to them, because you are a black man.

    The ones who only want black men for sex and that's it.

    The ones who are white supremacists, and are still hated by, and turned off by their on white men, as much as it's the other way around.

    The ones who are overly PC about everything, and then try to push it onto everyone else.

    The ones who date white men, who try to be like black men, so they won't feel the need to date a black man.

    The ones who are fake from head to toe (breast implants, cosmetic surgery, ass expansions)

    The ones who will probably get defensive after reading THIS post.
  8. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    SG, i hate to pop your boble but all of that summarises as a whole 95% of white women regardless of what people want to accept.
  9. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    The main things that turn me off about ww are:

    1. the presumptuousness. They think they know your sum total, automatically, since you're black.

    2. the experimentation. Black dick is all too often their main interest in a black man.

    3. the "dating down" thing. That is, "I'm fat (or used to be fat), or crazy, or old, or whatever, so now I'll settle for a black man, provided he meets my criteria." Whereas if they had it all together, they wouldn't be looking at a black man at all. Plus they have often have an entirely different set of standards for a black man than they have for any other man...

    4. The naivety (sp?) about the racial equation. Because it doesn't affect them negatively, they don't know or care about how pretty much all segments of our society are influenced by the racial equation to the detriment of black men and the acceptance and glorification of white men. The typical ww, whether she dates black or not, thinks the racial equation is such that everyone suffers equally, and there's as much spite against whites as there is against black, when in fact the racial equation obviously has a grain to it, in favor of white and against black, amongst pretty much every group. I don't look for anyone to be a hero or a crusader against the racial equation (except maybe bm -- the fuckin snoozers...), but I like when people acknowledge the true nature of it.

    Relatedly, they're often quite naive about how society will accept their dating a black man. And the only negative they notice is from bw, because that's pretty much all the negative they're watching for...

    5. Many (probably the vast majority) still think that race is a science, when in fact it's a philosophy.

    6. Cowardice. Not willing to assert their right to date whoever they choose. I've been out with white women who lowered their heads in shame in response to dirty look from a white guy. No "colored" woman would respond in that way, under similar circumstances. In fact, women of color often go out of their way to antagonize others with their choice of a white man, for his amusement -- but that's another story...

    7. "White music". Frankly speaking, I could never be with a "rocker." Not to put down rock music, but I really couldn't share that with her at all... Of course, not all ww are "rockers", but you get what I'm saying...

    8. Travel snobbery. That's big these days. Every ww I've ever met just loves to travel, and loves to brag about all the places she's been. I don't get it. I like to go places too, but for me it's the place, not the going... Quality not quantity...

    ...So you see my list of things that are turn-offs about ww is just as long as the things that are turn ons.

    But the main thing is the presumptiveness. That sort of dullness used to be the province mainly of negresses & mindless slants & such, but I guess now that more bm are turning their eye to ww, we're seeing a backlash -- ww eager to demonstrate their "no niggers" policy, whether you want anything from them or not...
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Well, Cris, I can admit that it is the definitive majority, however, I won't push all white women (who seem worth the time) aside because of it, and of course I am ONLY referring to the ones who aren't like what I submitted in that post.
  11. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Let me share a personal experience based on what I wrote: This one time, when I was sitting in a public room, eating a snack, this one white woman approached me in hopes to engage me in a conversation, and then, after she had excused herself to leave the room so she could go to the bathroom, this white GUY came over and started talking to ME (not her, I kid you not) in a friendly manner, but when she had saw him standing there AFTER NOT EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM , she nearly had a seizure as she left the room, and didn't come back. I said to myself, damn, I've never seen somebody leave a room so fast in all of my life.
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Sardonic and Sunstorm have struck gold....very true fellas....many WW aren't like that but more are....victims of social conditioning
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Sardonic, your list on the last page was so good and so right on.
  14. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member


  15. Taye

    Taye New Member

    LOL that is what I run into the most myself. "everybody's perfectly equal and the world is nothing but sunshine and gumdrops." LOL I be like get the fuckoutta here. Women that are totally fuckin sheltered and delusional. Even other white people look at them like their crazy.
  16. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    When they get spurned by a black man they go running back to the white side
  17. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    peyback, you're way outta line with those disgusting comments. How the fuck you can speak on someone's looks is beyond me. BTW how are those anger management sessions going these days? :lol:
  18. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    You obviously don't understand why it's best to focus on character rather than skin only.
  19. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I am so much in agreement with you. Good post.
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I gotta admit. Sunstorm speaks it real. I already know, people are gonna say.. "well some WW prefer WM, is that wrong?" the answer is: No, it's not. But I think it's the way some of the women let you know they're not interested. Nevertheless, there's women of all races that have bad qualities, but being that this site is centered around BM/WW or just IR, it seems as if certain qualities are mentioned more in regards to the genders of specific races. It's always nice to meet that person that completely breaks those "stereotypes". It always makes me wonder how many more of them are out there.

    I've said it once, and I'll say it again. We can't forget about the slavery history that was put upon us. It will always have a ripple affect in today's society. No matter how much we think we've "progressed". History is what it is, and we just have to roll w/ the punches or throw some punches back.

    I'm going off topic. Continue your discussion.

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