Weekly Workout Progress

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by babybro, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Keep laughing ur next
  2. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Which means...?
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Sorry I didn't think that far ahead
  4. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Let me know when you figure it out. Make it juicy...
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    225lbs, 7lbs lost going on week 3. I'm flabby as fuck.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


    That morning pump. Let's get to work. Easy money
  7. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    10lbs lost.

    Burned 1109 calories on the treatmill tonight.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
  8. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Interesting article about why cardio is NOT the way to go to lose weight. Switch to interval training. It's an older article but I just saw it (or a similar one on Facebook this week).


    Don’t Do Cardio For Weight Loss!

    July 7, 2013?General Health, Weight Watchers cardio, exercise, jim karas, strength, weights

    Are you interested in gaining weight? If you are, perform cardiovascular exercise, and a lot of it, states expert Jim Karas (article link below).

    Are you interested in losing weight? Then you should cut back on classic cardiovascular exercise. Shun it, even. Abolish it. Throw out your treadmill or better yet, give it to someone you don’t like as cardio doesn’t work if your goal is long-term weight loss.

    There truly is only one reason to exercise: To increase your metabolism in order to burn more calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What is the only style of exercise that accomplishes that goal? Strength training. Increasing your metabolism through strength training is the key to successful, permanent weight loss.


    Why? Because a classic diet coupled with cardiovascular exercise will result in weight loss, but it will come at a cost as 60% of the weight loss will be fat (that’s good!) while the remaining 40% will come from muscle (that’s really, really bad!).

    You never want to lose lean muscle tissue. It’s simple mathematics.
    ?One pound of muscle burns six calories per pound per day.
    ?One pound of fat burns two calories per pound per day.

    That four calorie difference may not sound like much, but for most people, that’s the difference between living lean and living obese and even morbidly obese (defined by those who are 100 or more pounds overweight).

    To further complicate things, after the age of 20, the average person loses one-half to seven-tenths of a pound of muscle a year. That’s 5 to 7 pounds a decade.

    As women approach menopause, the rate at which they lose muscle doubles, which is why so many women begin to gain weight right around that time of life.

    After the age of 70, the average person loses 3 pounds of muscle—per year! And you wonder why some of our formerly lean celebrities blow up before our eyes. Did I hear William Shatner? Come on, did young Captain Kirk look like he had a weight problem?

    Why is this weight gain happening? It’s simple—muscle loss. When you lose muscle, your metabolism is destroyed.

    You are also decimating your metabolism by dieting without exercise or dieting with cardio. Your successful weight loss formula is dieting plus strength training. Period.


    How Cardio (Negatively) Effects Your Body

    In 2007, my book The Cardio-Free Diet was published and went on to become a New York Times best-seller. The original title of the book was CARDIO KILLS, and to this day I believe that was a far more effective representations of my opinion. That book represented a revolutionary, highly controversial approach to exercise, which continues to gain a huge following. I firmly believe that classic cardiovascular exercise is a total waste of your time because it has adverse effects on your body in the following ways:
    ?Your Joints: An article about “boomeritis” in The New York Times reveals that the number two reason baby boomers visit their doctor is because of an exercise-related injury, most of which are attributable to the punishing nature of classic cardio.
    ?Your Posture: Do you really want the rounded shoulder, chin jutting alignment of a runner, stair stepper or spin fanatic?
    ?Your Immunity: Want to get sick and tired? Blast the life out of your immunity, which is what happens after 20 to 30 minutes of classic cardio. Why do you think so many marathon runners get sick post event or during training?
    ?Your Lungs: A brilliant article by Men’s Health called “Dying Breaths” proved that while exercising in a heavily polluted area, such as Central Park or along Lake Shore Drive in Chicago (my hometown), you are gulping down gallons of toxic air. You might as well put your mouth over the exhaust of your car as that is the quality of what you are breathing. Just think of what those toxins are doing to your insides? How about the wrinkled, gray pallor of most runners’ faces. Ever wonder why?
    ?Your Shape: If you are shaped like a pear and do manage to lose a few pounds with cardio, what do you end up looking like? A smaller pear. This won’t get me out of bed and into the gym with gusto as cardio does nothing to change your body’s composition and often results in a big old muffin top from all the stress.
    ?Your Muscle: After 20 to 30 minutes, most classic, steady state cardiovascular exercise begins to chew up your precious, calorie-burning muscle. Shocking to realize that something you believed was the ultimate weight-loss tool ends up being the ultimate weight-gain tool because the moment you chew up that muscle, you are in a metabolic free fall.

    But wait, there is one thing cardio doesn’t kill—your appetite. Go out for a run, burn a few calories, and then come back and eat up twice as many calories. Translation: Weight (and fat) gain. Doesn’t sound like a solution to me.

    Interval Training Works Best

    Clearly exercise is a must to lose weight, so what should you be doing? Only interval-based strength training. Here are the benefits:
    ?Better heart health than classic cardio because exercising in intervals enhances what is called heart rate variability, and by doing so, you reduce your risk of heart disease much more than classic cardio.
    ?A maintenance and increase in your lean muscle tissue. A diet without strength training results in a diminished metabolism. I bet you always wondered why you couldn’t keep the weight off. It’s simple, without strength training, you are all but doomed to fail.
    ?An enhanced after burn. You never want to worry about the calories you burn during exercise. More important are the calories burned after exercise, called EPOC (Excess, Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). You get up to 38 hours of EPOC from interval-based strength training. That is the key to long-term weight loss success. (You get maybe two to three hours of EPOC from classic cardio training.)
    ?Optimized posture. When you properly balance your interval-based strength training, you immediately see improvement in your posture.
    ?Flat abs. Honestly, most abdominal exercises are a complete and utter waste of time. Want to burn abdominal fat? Strength train your upper and lower body, blast off that fat, and reveal defined abs.
    ?Results. If you don’t believe me, take the “Jim Karas Challenge.” Go to your gym, and look at the people performing cardio. More than likely, they are not in shape, hanging over the machines, frowning, and burning nothing but their precious time, which all but guarantees that they will continue to “live life large,” and that’s not “large” in a good way. Then look at the people performing strength training. What do you see? People who are long and lean with flat abs, great posture, and sexy bodies. Which person would you rather be?

    Link below is source of article. Interesting stuff!


    Jim Karas is unique in the weight loss and fitness industry because he combines a degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania with more than 27 years of unparalleled success as a weight-loss professional. Jim is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, which includes his most recent NYTbestseller, The Petite Advantage Diet.
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Stop pushing people's bullshit books.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Seriously, dude fuck off. You're like a damn 3 yr-old. Grow up. Ches

    Ches, you are in fact the 3 year old. I bothered you so much that you took the time out of your day that you neg repped me to feel better about yourself. *Shrugs*

    Their is nothing interesting about that article, even my 6 year old can comprehend that is an sensational article pushing one man's agenda to make more money on feeble minds as yourself.

    What, you mad at proven science now?
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    It wasn't one man's idea, dingbat. I said I saw a similar study/article on Facebook recently. Where have you been anyway??? Interval training has been in the spotlight for, like, the last 10 years! Lol.

    And no, few can top your toddler antics, son. Don't even try to put me in the same category as your ridiculous self.

    Here's a thought: Instead of interacting with me, DON'T.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Well..look on the bright side.......at least she signed it and gave you someone to fight

    I can't find my neg reppers :smt009
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Chez, dont worry. There are a lot of us that know this to be valid its not new as you said and well backed up its solid.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What are examples of the work outs?
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I dont care about specific work outs, that's not the point the point is that 1 lb muscle burn more than 1 lb of fat. Thus, the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn.

    People that only do cardio trying to loose weight will not be as successful as people who lift weights. If you use cardio as your main source of losing weight, you will burn off some muscle as well as fat. How often do you see cardio bunnies at the gym, the ones that don't do anything other than treadmill and they look the same year after year. Go lift some weights.

    If you do HIIT for an example, after your weight lifting, you'll have more success in building muscle and lose fat
    One thing I may do after lifting is 10 1 minute sessions on the bike 40 seconds all out, 20 seconds slow pedaling. After 10 minutes you are done. This type of training has been around for ages.

    These ideas is built on physiology and metabolism and work for most people

    Interval training has been around for quite some time and is well established and not some one off
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're speaking from a lean trying to maintain point of view. From a purely weight lost perspective, especially someone trying to bring down the bmi to a healthy number I think long hard cardio does the trick better imo. I see plenty of overweight people lifting heavy very few people I see at the gym doing cardio four days a week look heavy.
    But like I said it depends on your goals
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I want, I mean loosing fat. I thought that was clear.
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Thank you, FG. I appreciate that very much coming from you. This is your area of expertise.

    I've seen what you mean about people only doing cardio. My sister has done only cardio for years. While she maintained her weight, since she has now implemented weight training, she looks better.
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Stooooooooop, please, stop.

    The article is solely about what is best for loosing weight so lets stay on topic people, not go on about what looks best to you.

    "Are you interested in losing weight? Then you should cut back on classic cardiovascular exercise. Shun it, even. Abolish it. Throw out your treadmill or better yet, give it to someone you don’t like as cardio doesn’t work if your goal is long-term weight loss.

    There truly is only one reason to exercise: To increase your metabolism in order to burn more calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What is the only style of exercise that accomplishes that goal? Strength training. Increasing your metabolism through strength training is the key to successful, permanent weight loss.

    Nobody said HIIT (which is still cardio) or strength training doesn't assist you with weight lost but strength training will never have shit on cardio when it comes to weight lost and it's been proven since the dawn of time.

    lol Your the biggest fucking crybaby on this forum. If you were smart, you would utilize the ignore function.

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