Weekly Workout Progress

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by babybro, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    :smt038 good job! I need more discipline. Can you inspire me?
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Even tho i think you fine just the way you are theirs always room for improvement for everyone. See me for some one on one workout sessions.
  3. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Squats with weights are a fucking guaranteed way to get serious muscle soreness....

    This is how I feel today

  4. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member


    Make sure you perform a cleansing method, every three months. Cleanse your lymph nodes, colon, liver, and kidneys. Remove the lead from your blood. Failure to do this will result in illness and inability to properly develop strength in the core area.

    Make sure your drinking water does not contain caffeine and flouride. Failure to do this will result in hormone imbalances.

    Stay away from process foods and Genetically Modified Foods. Failure to do this will result illness, hormone imbalances, and inability to perform physical training properly.

    GET EIGHT OF QUALITY SLEEP!!!! EIGHT HOURS OF QUALITY SLEEP! Failure to do this will result illness, irritability, lack focus, and injury during physical training.

    Correct flat feet, hip imbalances, spinal imbalance, neck imbalances, muscular imbalances, soft tissues, and all joint issues. If you have serve this country, I guarantee you have A LOT OF IMBALANCES. Failure to do this will result in illness and injury.

    If you are not using a foam roller, ice, and tennis balls on your muscles and joints, you will suffer illness and injuries!!!

    If anyone needs any advice, I am here to assist. Additionally, the more I know about science and the human body, the more ignorant I realize I am; therefore, if I cannot answer your question, I will make inquires, in order to answer your question.
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Haha my week was a diaster! I developed a nasty ass cold last week so I missed 3 days of gym this week, I feel fat and lazy as fuck. Feeling much better now tho.
  6. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Awww damn, get well soon.
    From the pics you posted, you look just FINE ;)
  7. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Well aren't you feeling sweet today, thanks! :) sometimes I be like this chick smh lol

  8. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    My overall goal is to avoid injuries, be consistent, while giving my best effort, every time I perform physical training. I do have specific goals; yet, I cannot control my results; however, I can influence my results.

    Five days a week, I perform two hours of stretching and mobility exercises, because lack of mobility and flexibility impedes energy and vitality. I have a saying "You are not stiff, because you are old; you are old because you are stiff!" Also, I perform a lot of gymnastic tumbling and judo rolling movements; therefore, my daily calisthenics requirements are achieved, such as handstand push-ups; ring muscle-ups; pull-up bar muscle-ups; pistols; walking on hands; bunny hops; crab crawls; bear crawls, and duck walks.

    I perform olympic weightlifting, kettle bell, mace bell, and or strong man lifts, three days a week. I never lift with maximum intensity.

    Three days a week, I will play Judo/Bjj (Bjj is really Judo), Sambo, or Tae Kwon Do. While performing martial arts, I will incorporate reflex drills. I rarely perform martial arts at maximum intensity.

    Two days week, my wife and I dance salsa, kizomba, semba, bachata, and merengue.

    I do not follow a specific diet, because I am able to perform blood panels to see where my nutrition is deficient. I eat a high calorie, moderately high protein, high fat, and high carbohydrate nutrition lifestyle. I am a steak and potatoes man; yet, I eat very little vegetables and fruit. Also, I enjoy a lot dairy products. My nutrition very is organic in nature. Every day, I consume green tea, with lemon and ginseng, and a garlic clove. I take two multivitamins and two fish oil tablets, everyday. Most of the time, I permit my body to dictate how much and what I should consume.

    I make sure I get nine hours of sleep each day, except on Saturdays, in which I practice my religious Sabbath. On Saturdays mornings, I perform light stretches and calisthenics. Saturday evenings, I will perform forty-five minute jog or take a long walk, with my wife and dogs. Sundays are pretty much the same as Saturday.

    For recovery and everyday health, I burn incense and essential oils, while using a spike roller, tennis balls, and ice/ice baths. I attempt to receive accupuncture, as much as possible. Because I use a spike roller, stretch thoroughly, and use ice, I have no need for a chiropractor. For my wife, I perform thai yoga and thai massage, in addition to the aforementioned recovery methods. RECOVERY IS A FITNESS PROGRAM! My ego had to discover this the hard way!!!!

    Meditation, visualization, and verbal affirmations are the cornerstone of my physical training and lifestyle. I am willing to sacrifice physical training time, in order to focus on meditation, visualization, and verbal affirmation. I cannot express enough how much performing these three actions have improved my health, fitness, vitality, virility, memory, relationships, and all areas of my life. When I am to able to meditation, visualization, and verbal affirmation, while being out in nature, my life improves tremendously. Mastering breathing is so vital to our overall health. Shaolin monks have done this for centuries. Now, special Operations military units and professional athletes do the same. My ego had to learn this the hard way.

    At the end of every month and or ten days of every quarter of the year, I do not perform any weight lifting, martial arts, or gymnastic movements. In addition, I eat anything I desire. I make sure what I consume is not processed. I do not want to suffer injuries and my nervous system could use the recovery time. From a relationship standpoint, during this period of recovery, I spend a lot of time with my wife and animals.

    My physical training, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle program appear intensive; yet, this is my occupation and I do not have issues like traffic and a traditional work schedule. Also, I very very very rarely perform training at maximum capacity or intensity, in order to preserve my nervous system and not suffer burn out. A long time ago, my ego died.
  9. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    LOLLLLLLLLL.....I thought only women feel and act that stupid.
    I'm still trying to figure out what "UniquzfleGd5oe8s4ever" is supposed to mean, help my brain please? (Hope it's something nice).

    Remember I'm German and some stuff takes longer to sink in...:D

    I sure hope you don't mean "flagged"....:smt091
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
  10. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    Twice a year, I like to perform backpacking and canoeing. Does anyone on this board do these activities? I have been the male person of color in the wilderness, when performing these activities.
  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Haha it took me a second to figure wtf you were talking about but now I see it, iono how the hell that happened ??? No salt or subliminal diss unique, I ain't got no beef with you especially since you beint nice to me.... even if it took you years to come around :p
  12. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    See, women are always trying to find a deeper meaning in a man's words, even if there is none LOL

  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I like kayaking that's fun as hell
  14. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    I AGREE!!! Finding a good instructor and rapids is not possible in the desert.
  15. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Yes I do, it feels weird tho being the only person of color when hiking. Feel like a lynch mob might get me in the wilderness.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I feel better in the woods than in the burbs. One thing I've always appreciated about physical activity is people take a we're all in this together approach and respect you based on performance.
  17. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    One of my goals is to hike the Appalachian Trial in its entirety. Yes, there could be lynch mob waiting for me; yet, I am not scared, because I have the background, skill, training and fitness to live and function in the wilderness for months.
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    If you can function for months in the wilderness, sign up for ''bear gryllls wilderness survival'. That would be cool!
  19. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    I admire Bear Grylls' a lot, because we have similar backgrounds and I admire Bear's ability to overcome adversity! Those SAS and SBS guys are no joke!
  20. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    This all sounds wonderful and healthy but not realistic for a single person with a home, a traditional job and a shoestring budget.

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