Weekly Workout Progress

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by babybro, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member



    Little cardio this week, sucks. Looking forward to running this upcoming week. I did 500lbs for reps on the dip machine, dudes were like :smt104 even with one yelling "Dude your fucking crazy yo" lol. I just downplay it tho, it ain't nothing special since it's a restricted movement.
  2. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Finally back into the swing of things, it feels nice, after 6 month break of not working out, I've been working out for the past 2 month, being a mostly ectomorph, I lost most of my weight back than but after doing some actual research and changes to my workout plan, I'm bigger than before now, even though I'm not as strong. Currently at 180, 20 pounds away from 200.

    Biggest changes I made to my workout plan was increasing the amount of reps I did instead of weight. Before I was just going higher and higher in weight until I stopped at 90 pound dumbbell, but I was stuck at 170. So I would range between 80-90 pounds 6 times, now I do 70-80 pounds 10-8 times and man, it made some major difference.

    The biggest hurdle I have to worry about is not being so focused on the number, my head is always wrapped around lifting the most that I can, but my body grows bigger over more reps it seems.
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    :::High fives:::
  4. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    Bout to head out to the gym which will be 1 hour walk. Than 1 hour 15 minute of weightlifting and then head to work which will be a 25 min walk. I seen my 6 pack today, woot! Did a Jillian Micheals workout yesterday with my 2 year old, she kicks ass.
  5. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    Finally went back to Zumba yesterday. Missed the last 2 weeks because of the thanksgiving break. Legs are slightly sore but I feel good.

    When I was walking back from that, I realized I've been ignoring the core area for awhile. Thanks to the posts you guys have made of other workouts it made me feel lazy... so I got back into it :D

    It 'hurts' to laugh today :p
  6. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    With your 2 year old? Super cute :p

    Sounds like you have/had a good workout!
  7. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I have switched gym completely to an MMA gym a few towns away.

    Did a good circuit work out where a part of it was
    Power cleans
    Military press
    without letting go inbetween.. I did that w 75lb, 10x3.
    I'm hurting. I actually did 120 push-ups (20, 20, 20 etc w very little rest in-between yesterday so I was already hurting - that was my own training so I cant blame him) lol.

    Funny thing, looking at Pettys' post of the push-up above, my trainer actually had me do this thing where you start in a push up position but walk your feet w small steps backwards until you are in that position above and then back up again as a "rest" between the circuit.
    Fucker had me doing the 2" rope exercises as well as kettle bell as well... I have trouble typing. LOL. I tell him I pay him to verbally abuse him.:cool:
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    dont kick anybody's ass :p

    as for gym switching, that makes me feel bad

    Every time I think about signing up with another BJJ school, I think about my old one and whether or not I should just go back there.:cry:
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I am still at my old gym, I do my own weight work and cardio there but moved my training sessions to this MMA gym because they do the type of training you are talking about..
    I like it much more... a whole other level. Completely awesome, I like the MMA training, it really pushes you and uses every single muscle in a way that you don't find in a conventional gym.. or so I find at least.
    They have the space for the rope training and pushing a weight cart around etc. Love it!
    Your actually the one that made me look into this.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    i take back every bad thing I said about you now

    most people look at MMA fighters and marvel at their bodies, so it's only natural that non-fighters would look towards that type of training as a way to get in shape. I never went through a MMA-type circuit for training, but I have rolled and fought with guys with jiu jitsu and that alone is very taxing. As much as I workout, I haven't been that exhausted since football. You get stronger the more you do it tho. All that pushing, pulling, and gripping will turn you into a gorilla.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    on another note, California has a ton of MMA/BJJ schools up and down that state. If I recall correctly, the ranking black belt from my old academy moved out to San Diego, because philly winters were too cold for him. I remember looking into why he left, and came across his blog where he mentions that.
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I am sure you find a reason to talk bad about me again, don't you worry:)

    MMA training really wears you the hell OUT!!!! I lift shit I never thought I could. I don't look it, but dayum Im strong:)
    It pays off! I really do love it. I feel more energetic on top of it, my stamina has gone up through the roof since I started the MMA circuit a few months back.

    I did Arnold presses the other day, leaning back so you engage the core, but didn't even lock my feet, I had them stretched out in front of me (if you know what I mean) and I used 22.5 lb weights. I didn't think I could do that! That is all due to MMA training.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    scroll to about 3:12

    these guys operate out of philly and promote the type of training you're probably encountering. sometimes you get tired of pushups and jogging :eek:
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Pretty much. I do agree.. and I think it does not matter if you were a good work out rat before... MMA, adds that extra. I have been a gym rat for a gazzillion years and this really pushes you.. aaaaand, dont get you bored, it really switches it up, I think anybody can do this, on their own level and they will be astonished by the results!
    - check out Mbody in Brea, CA where I go, they have web site.. The dude that runs it does not even look like that now, he looks much different in a positive sense.. ... (I dont work out w him)
    I thank you for getting me into this:-D
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    hopefully you're not being ganked for prices tho

    these guys make a killing off the whole mma/bjj craze
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I am not paying a due at all!, only for the training sessions and its the same price as my last gym (where there is a monthly due).. same trainer - he just moved. So it cheaper as I only pay per session, win! The streamed the fight tonight so I got that on top of training.
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I knooooowwwww!
    Place is AWESOME!
    Did you check out Martinez work out diary? I think you like it.

    Its very cool, tonight they got beer in for the fight they streamed.. its really like a buddy place. I lucked out I found it! (I have not had a beer in 10 years but hey, if I knew, I would have brought wine. lol)
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's how my former gym was. The bjj/judo coach sent out text messages to everyone's phone, to get us to come in for free beer. He told us how the message ended up going to one of the kids' phones, with their parents coming down in their place.:eek:

    I miss the place and the team atmosphere. That's the place where we bow often, fist pump and shake hands after class. For 150/month tho, free beer was the least they could give us lol.

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