Weekly Workout Progress

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by babybro, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I think we're talking about the same thing in different ways, but I'm still not sure I agree... Maybe we mean something different by "definition"... Definition will only happen once you've stripped fat, allowing the muscle to show, so I agree that the combination of diet and calorie consumption leads to that, but if you didn't build muscle in the mean time there won't be anything "defined" about your look once the fat is gone. Just cos women do it, doesn't mean it's the most effective way. Women are typically scared of bulking up and building muscle, but that's generally not going to happen without a specific bodybuilding regime. Lifting weights that are progressively challenging, I think, is a more efficient way to see results.

    And on reading again, the line I bolded sums it up.. You're talking about having the muscle to begin with, I'm assuming you don't.
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Marvelous pictures. It's nice to see that you are happy with your significant other and you've achieved your goals, with regards to self-improvement of yourself. Perhaps you could be a role model for others who find themselves in a similar situation that you faced.
  3. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    After reading this response it suddenly occurred to me why we might be having such a disconnect in this discussion. Fitness, like most activities, businesses and organizations has its own language. I want to be sure that we're using the same language.

    Heavy and light are relative terms that only have meaning when you apply them to an individual. For example, I perform full squats with a barbell for 15-20 reps at a weight of 315 lbs. For me, this weight is light because I can do many reps, but as applied to another person, it might be very heavy, and they might only perform 5-6 reps.

    High reps and low reps are relative also in that the number of reps are again specific to a given person at a given weight. You NEVER want to perform an exercise with an unmanageable weight as your form will suffer and form is more important than the amount of weight. Low reps mean whatever weight you can perform 6-8 reps, in general. High reps mean whatever weight you can perform 12 reps or more, in general.

    If you are a beginning lifter, who begins to lift free weights, you will probably gain some increased muscle, which is referring to increased muscularity. This is different from definition, which refers to the muscle appearing more defined, you can see the lines of the muscle more clearly as a result of reducing the fat around the muscle. Reduced body fat is a result of diet and aerobics.

    As I beginning lifter, your goal should be to build a base of conditioning to prepare your body for gaining muscle. Therefore you should spend 6 - 8 weeks lifting "light" weight, meaning the "heaviest" weight with which you can perform 10-12 reps, with proper form. You will gain muscle even though you are using "light" weight and "high" reps. You shouldn't be doing a ton of sets either as you are working on conditioning. You should also incorporate some form of aerobic activity to assist you in your general conditioning. This could be anything from the treadmill to a cross trainer, step, stair, climber, rower, whatever you enjoy that gets your heat rate up for 20 -30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week.

    I wouldn't observe others in the gym to determine the proper way to lift weights. I would say, like FG, that you might want to hire a qualified personal trainer who can advise you about the proper techniques of lifting. This will minimize the potential of you being injured as well as giving you opportunity to ask questions about diet, number of sets, which muscles you should work together and how often.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  4. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    We were obviously writing responses at the same time. I hope that my post after yours clears things up for you. You are correct that I was assuming you were someone who has lifted weights for awhile and you wanted to increase your definition. Even with a specific bodybuilding regimen, most women, don't have to worry about bulking up. In fact, a fair percentage of men don't make gains either because it takes more than a regiment, it takes persistence, time and a willingness to push through mental barriers. The majority of people in the gym don't have that discipline based on my experiences.
  5. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    :smt109 We were talking about the same thing. Thanks for clearing that up.

    When girls talk about high reps with low weights I imagine they're getting in 25 reps per set with the pink dumbells in the stretching area, thinking that will give them definition. That's what I was saying was redundant.

  6. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Lovely...I talk to you like a trainer and you tell me what girls talk about, lol. I'm kidding of course but it should be apparent that I'm not one of the girls...

    By the way, when I see that, I don't tell them it's redundant, I tell them that they're "space holders" wasting their time, and to please make way for the more serious people.
  7. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    No no no, I just mean because originally I was responding to vanilla who was talking about doing high reps with low weights for definition. I was clarifying that that's what I imagined SHE meant, and then for some crazy reason I thought you were backing that up. I knew you wouldn't be, so there was apparently some misunderstanding. Which we cleared up!
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I know this is a workout thread, but browsing through, I saw this and I had to compliment it.

    That's a really nice pic.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think it needs to go to that new thread Avia started w pics of wwbm couples. I love this picture!! Gorgeous couple!!
  10. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the compliments guys :) I'm very happy with my boyfriend and I'm very happy with myself.

    I'll post those pictures in the other thread.
  11. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You're welcome!
  12. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I am off to buy new running shoes today. I switched a while back and bought Reeboks. I do not like them. I am going back to Nike. Say what you like about the company but they make a good shoe. The new Lunarglides look good. I am also going to get the Nike+Apple running mate to track my runs. Well....after the time off I have had I might as well say walks lol
  13. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I LOVE my new shoes! I did a nice lite 5 k tonight and they felt great. I will step it up tomorrow and try to sprint a bit. And I do mean a bit!
  14. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Good luck on your endeavor tomorrow!
  15. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I normally wear asics gel kyano which are awesome but getting blisters from same shape shoe all the time.

    Just got a pair of Nike free quick fit plus or something brought for me from NYC so keen to try them tomorrow for a change. They are very light.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i envy you people with small feet

    you can go to any footlocker or other shoe store, and try on anything you want and get the best feels and fits

    me..my choices are limited..

    i have to take whatever they have in a US men's 15, or order something from Eastbay (which involves ordering, trying on, keeping or sending back)

  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    My update is that I did 40 cherry pickers w an 18 lb medicine ball. That hurt. ps - at the end of my work out.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    vanilla, I used to train with kettlebells.....great workout, there are a ton of different exercises to do with them, awesome core training with them. I have a notebook full of different moves for them if you are interested in any certain areas...
  19. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Thanks! My stomach and my back. I want some more definition!
  20. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Just had a great 6.3 k runs. Did a few big staircases along the route. It was fab. Now I need to cool off before I get in the shower. Ahhhh I love Sundays

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