1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Anyone else feel like their weekends are filled with useless crap that you don't get done during the week?
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Nope. I live for the weekends!:smt038
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    My weekends are just like my weekdays.

  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Weekends are for me as a self-employed, senseless.. No money comes in, what means it is a minus...At the end I don´t like them,.many Jews -you don´t even reach at thursday, moslems have there sunday at friday and christians don´t work on saturday and sunday...the same as public holidays..the Russians have christmas sometimes in January, we in Europe and US in December, in Dubai they are busy like hell during that time, therefore the whole September you need not to call the Moslems. And if the president dies or anything happens everything is closed for one or two months. When is there time to work?????

  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I try and get everything done during the week. I dust/clean bathrooms and such during the week. I do laundry during the week.

    The weekend is my only time off from my crappy job. I'm not spending it running errands and doing chores, if I don't have to. I value my free time too much to give it away to useless crap. :smt023
  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    that's what i do as well joanie, go full throttle during the week so i can just take the weekends slow...sleep in when i can, cook all the foods i love, go on long walks with the kids and dog or ride our bikes. two days is not long enough though
  7. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Sometimes i hate weekends usually busy and many time i feel like are useless

    Even when i have plans i find it useless, i don't have many friend i see but none want to do anything different , usually every week we see someone and usually they come over talk a little and end up watching movies or talk about computers..
    and past actually most time coking before so we all eat .. that's for the evening, and before maybe go to some appointments and go shopping to buy the stuff for the food for the evening either is BBQ or cook something in the oven ..

    I know this sound great for most but try doing this always it is boring

    I will like sometimes just relax in the morning and go just for a coffee to friends house or they come over, and not for DINNER that take a lot of time and we spend this time WATCH TV that i do all the week alone because i don't work and am home no need to do this on every weekend with the friends ok sometimes. .. or maybe go out for an hour together and have the coffee there
    or just do something outdoors for a change

    Like i said i spend many hour at home so having weekend that you have to spend it at home and do stuff you do everyday you do alone only different having other people also with you ..it is not a nice weekend for AlWAYS.. it is nice sometimes not all the time..

    oh and not forget if we dont do anything and i try to plan something nice ..then having complain from the inlaw the house need stuff there to be done cut the grass or other small things
  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    my days all run together...seems like i am always working...the hazard of a home office...today is going to be gorgeous outside...it's time to get my yard in order...mowing...raking...edging...sweeping off the patios...i may even turn the sprinklers on

    then it's pedicure time:smt045

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