Webmaster: What Happened to Mindkandy?

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Blacktiger2005, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Webmaster, there is another site that was called Mindkandy, an interracial site that was runned by a black woman and was once a strong competitor to your site. It appears to have died. What happened? You have the finger on the pulse. Did her site died because of the cliques that took it over and drove off the reasonable posters? I do recall there was a very strong "anti-black male " black women clique there that just hated black men on that site. Was that the reason for Mindkandy's downfall?
  2. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    I don't see MindKandy.com as competition as the site sends traffic to this site from their links page.

    WWBM is still listed on her links page (http://mindkandy.com/links.html) under "Race Relations" but she has added other categories as well... Environmental, Business, Food, etc.

    The link to the discussion forum is broken. It tries to pull http://p200.ezboard.com/bmindkandysinterracialdebateandrelations when it should be trying to pull http://mindkandysinterracialdebateandrelations.yuku.com/
  3. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I understand Webmaster that site use to be hot with activity. I never signed on but just observed it for the interesting debates there. In it's time it was hot. Some of the brothers who posted there against all the odds of being lambasted by the elite black female clique were some of the most intelligent black men I had the pleasure to read their posts and I have learned a lot from them. Wish some of them could be here.

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