ROFL-you all are so dam funny- well not to knock a black women-cuz there be some fine ass lookin black chicks, some weaves gotta go..... i like natural.....but hey a bob and weave every now and then.....
Malikom, I must admit that I hate weaves, extentions, hair pieces, fake ponytails, etc. I've dated women who had some sort of hair addition and looked attractive on the first date. But when taken out on the second date or soon after, I was horrified. That actually caused me to consciously seek out shorter haired women. While not always true, I'm of the opinion that a good looking woman with shorter hair will look just as nice with longer hair. With rare exceptions, the reverse isn't true in my eyes.
my ex had extensions.....i had no idea white women were doing that sort of stuff. It worked for her, it looked natural. The thing that I hated about it was not being able to pull her hair when we..........yeah.