If you guys ever been to tiny chat, it's like this website where you can create your own room, and you can have up to 12 people on web cam talking to each other, there is also a chatroom at the bottom of the room in case you don't have a web cam but you still want to chat? What do you guys think? Wanna create a room there dedicated to this site?
We already have a chat room and can barely get people in that. I think it won't work for the tiny chat. I also prefer irc.
it's an interesting idea, but a lot of the people on here don't like showing their faces. maybe they could direct the cam to their feet or pecs...???
Oh that's no problem, you don't have to turn on your web cam, the web cam option is 100% optional, I only brought it up because I realize the chatroom we have here doesn't allow individuals to do web cam, and all of you seem really cool so that's why I don't mind showing my face in front of you guys haha. But just a suggestion. Either that or perhaps we can make it to where we can use webcams at the chatroom we have here? I won't be taking computer programming until next semester so I can't help unfortunately but perhaps somebody else could contribute?
If the tiny chat chatroom doesn't have so many problems as the chatroom here, I'd be for it. I don't have a webcam. But it'd be nice to chat somewhere with people here where it's not always freezing and messing up and kicking people out and stuff.