Oh yeah?? Jimmy Carter. Richard Nixon you say?? How about Bill Clinton?? Lyndon Johnson was a hottie. Dwight Eisenhower. Sex on legs. All hot specimens of men..................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could keep going. Other than Kennedy, Ronald Regan and Obama......I find none to be perfect or hot.
He's my Governor, and as much as I hate his policies, he is funny as hell. He is an in your face, no nonsense kinda guy. He was at the Jersey shore over the summer with his kids eating an ice cream cone, and some guy yelled, "You shouldn't be eating that, should you?" And Christie got in his face, guards and all at his side. So I think, looks have nothing to do with whether or not he can run a country.
He certainly has the attitude to run a country, but his temper would more than often get him in trouble in geopolitical affairs. I'm unsure how he can translate his faux mafioso mentality into the oval office. Still though, I wouldn't mind shaking his hand. I just hope he doesn't think of me as a chocolate stick to munch on.
This would be a great opportunity for him to lose weight. If he is seriously thinking about running for president, a publicized exercise and diet plan would show that he is determined, and it would be something potential voters might connect with.
It is not his weight it is his attitude. No one had voted someone this fat since William Howard Taft in 1908.
He could stand to lose a few pounds if he decides to run (pun intended). But, then again, so could Hillary.
Appearance matters in every other professional field. It counts in politics too. Always has. Christie has a serious weight problem. Every time he gets in front of the camera as future POTUS, he's the image we're going to have representing all of us as Americans. Some people I think would have a problem electing him for that reason alone. Let's not kid ourselves, fat prejudice is very real. You also worry what potential health risks he has because of his morbid obesity and whether or not the constant stress of being POTUS will cause him greater health problems. I still don't think it was an appropriate question to ask Christie in an interview. Some fat people have a decent shape. Christie looks like a mess. What's sad is Christie used to be SMALL. IMO there are some self control issues going on with this guy.
Your examples speak to my point. Appearances take on paramount importance as media access is ubiquitous. While I thought he was a horrible president, Bush also fits into that mold. And that's a lot of the reason why they chose Romney. And Bush 41 with Quayle. And Dole with Kemp. And on and on and on... Looks were unimportant during the early part of the last century.
UPDATE... HE underwent LAP-BAND Surgery... http://rockcenter.nbcnews.com/_news...rgery-allows-active-next-half-of-my-life?lite Chris Christie: Surgery allows 'active next half' of my life Tue May 7, 2013 6:53 PM EDT New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says that his decision to have weight loss surgery was a personal one made for his wife and children. “Last fall, I was turning 50 and it really was a moment of reflection for me,” Christie said in an exclusive interview with NBC News’ Brian Williams airing Friday, May 10 on Rock Center with Brian Williams. “And so I really just felt like for Mary Pat and for the kids that I needed to take a more significant step to try to get my weight under control so that I could have a really active next half of my life.” Before going through with the surgery this February, Christie says that he consulted with Dr. George Fielding at New York University, a pioneer in weight-loss surgery. “I said, ‘Well, do I really think I need this?’ And he said to me, ‘If you came in here with cancer and I told you that I had a 40-minute surgery that'd give you a 90 percent chance of cure, would you sign up?’ And it just really crystallized it for me. And I said, ‘Yeah, I would.’ And he said, ‘Well, then why wouldn't you do that to cure obesity?’ Christie recalled. Christie, who is often toted as a Republican presidential contender, has often joked about his struggle with his weight – even appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman eating a donut earlier this year. By the time of that appearance, he’d already made the choice to have Lap-Band surgery. “I did not want to take the risk of becoming unhealthy and the ramifications that would have for Mary Pat and for my four kids. And as you know, I still have children that are in elementary school, so I got a long road here as a father and I don’t want to miss any of it,” he said. The governor said that he also consulted with New York Jets coach Rex Ryan who has had lap-band surgery himself. Christie says that he’s still adjusting to not being hungry. “The biggest thing about it for me has been I’m just not very hungry anymore and that’s a huge change for me,” Christie said. While there has been a noticeable reduction in the governor’s weight, Christie says he’s taking his weight-loss one day at a time. “I’m not taking any victory lap, I’m not talking about numbers, you know, pounds, all the rest of it. People will notice how I’m doing.” Editor's Note: Brian Williams' interview with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will air Friday, May 10 at 10pm/9CDT on NBC News' Rock Center with Brian Williams. ****