This article was not written by me but by a game named Evan Thames who got in contact with me, and then started a blog. Now I know my articles can be a bit more radical, but this article by Mr. Thames is more about how the black community seems to have forgotten how hard the previous generation had to work. Read it and discuss: is the black community better off now?
to be honest the blog is does, "what has happened to black society" come out of one visit to a burger joint with a black waitress? maybe she just sucked as a waitress...not everyone is good at everything...have you watched that new reality tv show where executives of companies go undercover to do jobs in the field...waste management was the first episode...the CEO of the company did several different jobs within waste management and actually got fired for not picking up trash fast enough...LOL
I was thinking exactly the same thing.. What a way to draw a clonclusion. You know what, I saw a really slow green car today.. Dont ever buy green cars - they are all slow. :smt033
Absolute BS, seriously is this blog a joke? Idk but I think the better question to ask is what happened to good blogs? lol But I'll be fair and wait to see what his 2nd article is, maybe he'll wise up.
The information was not strong enough to form a conclusion with. I can't make a strong response. She could have been tired from working a double shift.
Don't throw him under the bus just yet. Black men, you can't tell me that you haven't been in a situation where a BW is waiting on you and gives you attitude or poor service. Then the WM before or after you in line gets star treatment complete with "please" and "thank you." To the point where if a sista gives you a smile and waits on you nicely, it's a shock. The particular lady in the blog may have been new or having a bad day, but let's get real here.
I have to agree with FG and Lipstick, I don't think this one experience conclusively proves anything. She might be new, she might just suck, or she might have had too many tables to cover. If you have 30 tables to cover, there is just no way everyone is going to get the best service, and at the point you realize everyone's getting pissed off and not likely to give you a tip, you have even less incentive to do a good job. The possibility of a good tip is the main factor that motivates a server to do a good job. Thus the more expensive the restaurant, the better the service as that correlates into a larger potential tip. I go out 2 to 3 times a week and I've never noted that the service quality varies depending upon whether it's a BW, BM, WW, or WM. The only thing I've noted is that men tend to provide better service than women, but that may merely be because I end up with a lot more male waiters than I do female. I think sometimes it's just luck of the draw.
Well the only other article on his site is one on Amanda Bynes saying she likes chocolate men. I'd comment on that but there already is a thread for that here. Wonder if he's a self-hater