Well, every once in awhile i come across a post with some serious depth but it really needs to be broken down to the simple elements to understand it as a whole. A. Why does this asian lady think she is "black" enough (through her style of speech (pretty ghetto) and decision to confront a CLEARLY black issue) to start discussing this? That was clearly annoying, and i'm not trying to throw the race card into the conversation though many could view this post as going that direction. B. To quote Ms. Vu: "Most black women "CHOOSE" to not go outside their race, so what do yall suggest. I mean, they can't be single forever, unless they just want to be lonely and grow old." WoW! -----How does this Perception of being a single person in America translate to what this bitch just said, and more importantly, where does it come from? Lonely, and old. The term old more importantly poses a negative perception of the idea of being single into your more mature years. It also points towards the idea that being a single woman is THE MOST undesired trait in a woman. It reinforces the simple fact that women are far more critical of other women than a man could EVER be. She basically tied a 2 ton rock to the ankle of every single woman out there and threw em off the boat in 1 sentence!! 1. To answer my own question of where this comes from, it's really simple, and sad at the same time. Ms. Vu's statement directly points at a major flaw in our modern society as a whole. To all the women (read: your sisters, and daughters, and lady friends) that are told they can be whatever they want to be and have whatever this world has to offer, remember: You still have to score a man to be respected by society, and maybe more importantly, other women. That's fucked up, plain and simple. Apparently the solidarity of feminism isn't all it's cracked up to be. Maybe the next video Ms. Vu puts out should be: why are women so afraid of being alone. C. Why are black women so close minded and racist? Why do they choose to date only black men? -----This one was an early idea, but one of the panel was nice enough to clear this one up a bit towards the end of the video. Don't stereotype. We aren't talking about all black women, but we surely seem to be talking about most, at least in urban areas like i'm from. -----The question remains though. To say your only going to date your race IS RACISM. Oh wait, black people can't be racist. Anyone that would state such is probably the village idiot. Whatever you want to call it. "Keeping it in the family?" Yeah, that's what Hitler tried to do too. Game, Set, Match---Royce :smt020