Yep. I think most white people in general have no clue of the gauntlet of racial stuff black men have to run virtually every day they wake up. Sometimes it's hotter than other times, but it never goes away, and it's (imho) fueled by the ways media reports "racialized" issues, not just crime. One time an italian guy actually tried to compare the racial shit italians go through to that black men go through. And it actually seemed he believed what he was saying! Tarshi, Bliss, black men walk in a "twilight zone" of society's irrational fears and resentments. It heats up, it cools down, but after a lifetime of it you start to watch for the trends. Right now, we're in a kind of detente, or it least it feels so for my old ass, but who knows what young black males are experiencing. I wish you could spend five minutes of life as a black man during times and places when it heats up, and you're a grown ass man being the target of crazy spite by all strata of society - white males, whites in general, black women, immigrant groups, etc., etc., and are forced to "pick your battles" day after day. And it ain't all innocent either. A lot of people try to drive us crazy with spite and shit because they know at some level society gives license to it, not because of any real resentment for crimes committed. As you age, you learn how to deal with it, but first you go through a lifetime of not quite knowing how to deal with it. And it sure as hell ain't all innocent at the media level. If I told you soviet russia or iran or china or apartheid south africa manipulated their media, you'd say of course. but if I say the same of america, you'll say I'm paranoid or a whiner. Just know that in america, maintaining the race equation is "an art". But anyway, that's way off-topic. Make no mistake, I hope that guy is caught and punished to the full extent of the law, that's something I have in common with even the people who are ready to blame me for his actions. Ironically.
For some weird reason that I hope you grow out of, you seem blind as bat to the women standing right by your sides. We are here mate, we aren't stupid, naive, or blind. When our men hurt, we hurt right along with them. It's impossible to love, date and marry a BM and not see the specter of race as it pertains to him.
I never said you don't see how we're affected or hurt just blind to the way the public reacts especially when you say there is such a thing as white crimes. Crimes that are specific to white people and are applied to the public accordingly. After re-reading my post I think I can see how you might have misread it. I just think that you guys see bm in such a positive light that the world view is pretty much unbelievable to you.
I don't think we are blind to it at all, or even naive. How could we be - we are touched by it in an indirect way. That is included in what I meant by hurting for our men (and our children). We KNOW BM are often forced to deal with a 'criminal' stigma. The best we could do in terms of having empathy in our own way, is knowing how we ourselves are affected by negative stereotypes directed @ women. So please make no mistake, we DO SEE and are appalled at the way Society sometimes makes Black men pay individually for the 'collective sins' of every past, present and even future! Black perpetrator of crime, by subliminally (or overtly) accusing him as well. We see it.
Then why make the statement that you did about white crime. You must notice the significant difference. Crimes committed by anyone is individual to that person any crime committed by a black person seems to be a blemish on us all. No one is going to start looking at young white college kids any differently after the Boston Bombing even with spree shootings I don't hear about young white men being harassed by the cops or followed around by security in public places. Maybe we're having some kind of disconnect here. And actually I do notice that a lot of people I know who are white including women I've dated in the past don't want to pay attention to it. They think a lot of it is just complaining because its something happening in front of them. Not until I got pulled over by the cops for having lights on my hood did one of my boys get it because he had the same lights and never once got messed with. I think a lot of you hear about it but for some its so unbelievable until its in front of their face. They act a certain way and see the world through that lens so the idea of people being treated differently for something as trite as skin color never crosses their mind. I honestly get it because I feel the same way about gender issues in a lot of respect. Me nor anyone I spend any time with abuse or treat me women badly so when I hear some of these sexual abuse statistics its completely unbelievable to me but it still happens.
I made that statement because they are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. WM are sometimes criminally ostracized in their own way, but of course not to the extent BM are. I don't care how privileged they are. Please don't be disingenuous by denying that WM aren't side-eyed in the media and online whenever there is mass-shooting, or a serial-killer on the loose. But I don't expect you to understand the spotlight, because they're usually considered crimes that 'WM' do. Next time something happens, why not ask WM how he feels, see what they answer.
Come on Bliss lets be fair here even if they are looked at differently for a millisecond they aren't treated differenly, they aren't rounded up they aren't stopped and frisked they aren't profiled. What I see done to middle eastern and black men based on racial fear has never been done to mass amounts of white men because the people in charge of that are usually white and even if you have someone of color in charge they have too many eyes on them to do that. I'm not making the claim that white men aren't punished for crimes I'm just saying their crimes are strictly kept to individuals.
Anybody got a update on this story? I can't find anything new, the Supreme Court, Zimmerman, Hernandez is dominating the news this morning. Interesting how this is not top news.
Medullaslashin, The question is not whether I need to see a more sinister crime perpetrated by whitemen to make me feel better.......My problem is that when I see violent black crime, I take it too personally,... , and I tie it directly to our profiling, our barriers and subsequently our hardships. For a nation of 315 million, we make up 11% of the population, but we contribute to 78% of the violent crime.......Well, in my opinion that is too visible a figure.....and it resonates in too many minds...and so because the argument can be made that we have a disproportionate propensity for violence,... other people will have a troubled comfort level and will always seek to create a buffer of space.......
I agree in a lot of respects. When a white man commits a violent crime, it's easy to dismiss because the average family interacts with regular white men on a daily basis to counteract that bad perception of the violent white man. When a black man commits a violent crime, it takes a while for something else to counteract that event and perception. When we make up only 11-13% of the population, and yet see vicious, violent acts of crime perpetrated by such a small fraction, it has a hard indentation on the average american psyche.
Where are you getting your 78% number from Arch? Given that most crimes go unreported or unsolved, and the fact that poverty and prosecution are highly biased by race in this country, there is NO way you should be coming to the conclusion that "we" are disproportionately more prone to violence.
Hmm... Well, I look at it this way. Sorry for rambling and preaching, but... 1. Underclasses commit more crime everywhere, and blacks are america's classic underclass. Does it get more underclass than human chattel? Even white people who are part of the underclass commit more crime. Like it or not, there is a legacy in play. The black people who are criminals and the white people who are criminals have far more in common with each other than they do you or me. They need to be punished for it, not you or me. Look at history -the irish, italian and even jewish ghettos of yesteryear were virtual "no-go zones" just like the ghettos of today. Underclasses commit more crime. Those who try to impose barriers for you and me based on what others do are the enemy. Life is hard and we all have a cross to bear. Yours is to be a soldier on the good side rather than ceding any points to people who want to punish you for the color you chose to be born in. Don't make excuses for the enemy. 2. There's very little you or me can do too prevent crime (white or black) other than not committing crime ourselves. It's my responsibility to conduct myself upright and be a good example, but that's where it ends. If I wanted to fight crime, I would've become a cop. As it stands, I'm busy trying to muddle through and make ends meet. My struggles should not be impacted by those guys who killed that doctor in CT, the boston bombers, OJ, nor by this animal that attacked the lady. The enemy will try to impose that on us, but that's what fighting back is for. 3. Do blacks really commit 78% of violent crime? Or is it just crime in general like drug dealing? Anyway, many people use crime figures as an EXCUSE for their low comfort level, when in fact they're uncomfortable for other reasons. If you envy a black man for any reason (I know, I know - how could anyone envy a black man?), you can reach for the racism stick to smack him with and "level the playing field" (ironically). Do you honestly think that a clean, cool decent black guy putting his best foot forward catches spite day in and day out only because people think he's a criminal? Of course not. The bullies come with their stuff because they know they can, and I refuse to excuse their crime: the time-wasting, outlook-sullying, blood-pressuring-heightening "life-thievery", just because some meth-heads in appalachia robbed a pharmacy, some italian stole a car, or because some black guy did a home invasion. 4. A lot of people are really petty and infantile and unsophisticated with their fears and hatreds. I see you're a dark-skinned black guy. There are people out there who will be "uncomfortable" with you just because of that alone - like a baby, or a dog - not because of crime. Don't make excuses for them. They're not your rightful judge. Not all nonblack people are superior people. Many are deeply inferior people mentally and psychologically. They're not judging you from "on-high". And for your part, you should try to avoid looking at yourself through the eyes of dumb-asses. 5. I do think that we should condemn negative aspects of black culture as loudly as we can, BUT not for the sake of others (they're not better than us!), only for the sake of the progress of our culture, black culture and the wider culture. If black men want to be "a motherfuckin p.i.m.p.", we should be vocal about condemning that particular australopithicine robustus, the pied-piper of monkeydom. If they want to be "junior mafia" we should call out these fake assholes on pushing that shit on the masses, including the execs behind them. Just like we call out shit in the wider culture. We should not make excuses at all for the white guy who sees a clean, smart black new guy in the office and then sets about undermining him and making him feel unwelcome because he knows he can, based on everyone's "discomfort" with the guy. Or the fat ape who stalks down the black teen and then shoots him after provoking a fight by yanking him around. Or the white guy who becomes a cop because he wants to be a bully with a gun and a license to kill. So in conclusion: Don't look at yourself through others' eyes and just fight the good fight. If people can't acknowledge that you're as disgusted with (all) violent crime as the next person, and want to punish you for the crimes of others, they are revealing their true agenda and/or their inferior level of brain-power overall. You gotta live here! Don't make excuses for dumbasses who are going to find a reason to hate you no matter what.
As of an hr ago... By Seth Augenstein/The Star-Ledger Follow on Twitter on June 26, 2013 at 11:58 AM, updated June 26, 2013 at 12:16 PM MILLBURN — Private individuals and businesses outraged over the home invasion beating caught on a nanny-cam last Friday have quadrupled the reward for information leading to the man responsible, authorities said. A $20,000 reward is now offered through Crimestoppers and through the Essex County Sheriff’s Office, according to Sheriff Armando Fontoura. The reward for the suspect was $5,000 Tuesday, but skyrocketed after the video became viral, authorities said. “This department, the Millburn Police Department, and the entire Essex County community are most gratefully appreciative of these efforts to bring the suspect in this vicious assault to justice,” the sheriff said. The reward was mustered by businesses and private donors – all of whom wish to remain anonymous, said Kevin Lynch, spokesman for the sheriff. All were outraged by the vicious attack, Lynch added. The incident in a Millburn living room last Friday was all caught on camera, authorities have said. A young mom is shown watching cartoons with her 3-year-old daughter – and then a loud crash is heard from off-camera. Within moments, an intruder is lunging at her, pummeling her with his fists, kicking her in the head, before tossing her down a flight of stairs off-camera. An 18-month-old son was asleep upstairs at the time of the crime, authorities have said. The victim tried not to scream as she was beaten, because she didn't want to traumatize her daughter, she told authorities. The woman suffered a concussion, broken teeth, facial swelling and leg injuries – but did not break any bones, and was later released from the hospital, according to Millburn police. Persons with information about the crime are asked to contact Lt. Keith Laverty of the Millburn police at (973) 564-7001 or (973) 565-7016 . No arrest has yet been made, Chief Gregory Weber said this morning. The attack has also prompted a new bill in the state Legislature. Assemblyman John Bramnick (R-Union) has proposed upgrading all home invasion charges from third- to second-degree crimes, his office announced today.
I don't know the difference betw 3rd and 2nd degree, but why wasn't home invasion considered the most serious degree from the jump? People get killed all the time in home invasions, either the victim or the perp. It should've been second-degree or first-degree all along. It's a very serious type of crime.
Was a bit surprised myself. I guess a home invasion charge would simply just be added to a murder charge, if that is what ensued during the commission of an invasion. I think it progressed from a burglary status to home invasion. I don't know that he was expecting to find anyone home, which explains his lack of mask. From what I read elsewhere, there were no cars in her driveway and her trash cans were emptied, but uncollected. He may have thought no one was home. Either way, if the degree remains as is, he will still face a multitude of more serious charges for his added crimes.
my only opinion... my wife would know where to reach for the gun if one of our big dogs didnt get the guy first.
The vast majority are black on black crimes so what do white people need to be worried about. Bm are four times as likely to be unemployed so I think four times the crime sounds about right.
Cosign thus. Also medulla, I wasn't referring to you. Also, thistype of home invasion in the daylight, one person home invasion w no mask etc, is not uncommon here. I don't know how many that have been mentioned in the news and/or caught on surveillance cameras the last few years
This is all very frightening to me... I watched the video this morning on my way into work (traffic); I seem to recall the news reporter indicated there have been several home intrusions in the area and the person committing them seemed to have been targeting women at home alone during the daytime. As a single woman, I worry about my safety all of the time. News like this, to this extreme is alarming. We always have in the back of our mind, things like this will never happen to us or our loved ones; until the day something already stated, we have to be observant and cautious at all times, especially if you would label yourself a vulnerable target. I do not own a firearm, however I am considering. The neighborhood my children live made news with a string of home invasions by what turned out to be a group of 3 teenage boys. One in particular occurred in the middle of the night. The husband and wife were disrobed and tied up to each other in the basement of their home, very young child sleeping upstairs, unbeknownst to the criminals. The thieves got away with several of their belongings and some cash, but thankfully they made it out of the situation alive. Later that month, the police caught the boys. Hit too close to home for me. I cannot imagine this young woman's ordeal. Especially that of her daughter who witnessed this unimaginable event, as well as her husband who understandably feels as though he's failed her... Just awful.