Vicious home invasion on Mother caught on Nanny cam

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    BB, they are planned because the victim is stalked out. He no doubt knew the husband was gone.

    I don't think he figured on a nanny cam busting him @ mask.

    As for your rape fantasy, dude, get out of the MLR! :? And it sure as hell wouldn't be on the news!
    Also, I know you can't see it in the one I posted since it's blurred, but the HP video's show her daughter RIGHT there, frozen! And the mother says, she didn't cry and took the beating because she was terrified her daughter would scream too and he'd beat her. Wow BB, really now.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  3. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Kinda looks fishy to me too, but then I'm extremely paranoid when it comes to american media. Not to be callous toward the victims, but I have a pet theory that a lot stuff like this is "theater" for the consumption of the masses, created for socio-political effect.

    I remember when Hillary was running against Obama in 08 and Florida became pivotal, all of a sudden there was a vicious crime all over the news in which a Florida "black male" robber shot a white woman. The perfect timing of it gave me pause. And then during the 2012 elections there were what looked like "tit for tat" violent incidents, one in which a white guy went on a rampage against minority targets, then a few months later a black guy went on a rampage against some conservative group, I forget the exact circumstances, but again the tit-for-tat timing of the incidents gave me pause.

    I remember during the right-wing 90s every other day tv was flashing facial composites of some black rapist or other and then you'd never hear anything about anyone being busted.

    I readily admit this is probably just my paranoia, but something about these incidents and their effect on society seem so damn fishy to me.

    If it makes you feel any better Arch, here ya go:,_Connecticut,_home_invasion_murders



    But white crime is quickly forgotten. Unfortunately so many people think like this it makes me want to get a gun, not to protect myself from marauding black males, but to protect myself from the hostility of assholes who now feel they have societal license to step on my dignity even though they know it's wrong to paint us all with the same brush.

    Anyway, just like people of all walks of life, this "black male" hopes they catch that guy and put him under the prison. But no, you won't catch me apologizing for his actions in any way, shape or form, or making excuses for the assholes who want to blame every black man for this, including us who are decent people just trying to muddle through like everyone else.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Absolutely false.
    FYI, what happened to the Petit Family will NEVER be forgotten! They both got the death penalty, all of America knows their faces and of their brutal inhumane crimes. More people know about them, than they do the deadly Marine home invasion that North posted. THE MOST FAMOUS and talked about crimes in this country, are white crimes.
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Gun nuts use footage to justify her shooting him.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because they are more frequent yet people don't carry the same assumptions about white men that they do about black and hispanic men. Its always amazed me that white people cross the street when me and my friends walk near them or lock their doors but I absolutely never see people clutching their children or see women running in the opposite direction of white men even though they are notoriously the majority of suspects in rape, kidnapping, and child molestation cases. I really wish I knew how we could change the perception or is it too late for that.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Soul go some where with that shit. Gun nuts? Nothing wrong with wanting to defend yourself my friend.
  8. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Maybe "written off" is a better way to put it. They're certainly not used to paint a whole population of people with same brush, e.g. "super predator" stuff.

    And the most famous crimes in this country involve rich people, not necessarily white people. The most "talked about" might be a different story.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    For fucks fucking sake to you who think this is is scripted and talking about home invasion fantasies. I am tempted to neg rep you! This is a by the book home invasion, and fucking shame in you Bb for your suspecting blame on the victim.would you feel the same way if the perp was white? This dude went all out in her for fucks sake, that is very clear.

    Fact is, it has nothing to do with race, this is done by any and all races, probably more white than black. This dude just happened to be black in this one.this is something rational people know. Fuck the racists that make it something else. We, on here, should known that. Unfortunate, it will become about race by vultures that have an agenda:(

    I am not even going to address the comments as they were clearly racist site type and surprise, they use these things as their platform. I wish the comments were disabled.

    Fucking sad in so many levels.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    White crimes are quickly forgotten???

    Funny, since the vast majority of crime is by whites, and all infamous crimes never forgotten is pretty much all white people, by and large. Name the 10 most horrifying crimes. Who committed them?
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think his point was they aren't seen as "white" crimes but crimes committed by black people are seen as black crimes.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That is certainly not how it looked like to me, at all. Fair enough if that is what he meant.
  13. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

  14. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Lone perp, no weapon, extreme violence. This one isn't "by the book" by even home invasion standards.

    Anyway, I hope it's not me that you're suggesting "blames the victim". I hope they catch the guy and bury him.

    Regarding how "fishy" it looks, I'm just saying I have zero trust in american media to the point that I don't put it past them to make up scenes like this wholesale for socio-political effect, though I readily admit that's an extreme position and would be hard to prove. I just sort of "put it in my pocket for later" and watch for patterns. Maybe I've been a "black male" too long
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Nooo... ^ ^ ^ Think J.W Gacy, Manson, Tim McVie, Boston Strangler, Bonnie & Clyde, Al Capone, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dhamer,, etc...

    And WM in particular are are indeed broad-painted as/and do bear: the serial-killer brunt, the racist brunt, the rapist brunt and the pedophile brunt, when we know all races commit those same crimes. Oh and the angry/psycho random mass gunman-killer brunt. Yeah, no other race come close to claiming that egregious title.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  17. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    No way you can compare. Most people aren't inclined to sanction white males in any way shape or form for crimes perpetrated by other white males, in the way that's readily apparent from the commentary you'll find about the guy in this video (or other crimes committed by blacks) all over the internet.

    Whites steal, blacks steal, but blacks are made to feel unwelcome in stores. Many people use black crime as their "excuse" to mistreat virtually any black male they want to step on. Black crime becomes the bully's excuse, white crime is written off.

    Black crime makes blacks "taboo." whites are never taboo in anyone's book. You can't compare the societal response.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Completely false because even if they are associated with that crime they aren't treated as such. Parents aren't huddling up their kids and running out of the park when they see lone white guys walking around. Cops aren't stopping lone white guys or groups of white guys because they think they could be on their way to a possible rape. White crimes are seen as individual black crimes are seen as race based as if the shit is innate.
  19. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    george zimmerman: "'coons' always get away with it" and a black teen gets shot. No charges for a few weeks, then financial support from strangers when he is charged.

    Paula deen: "i said nigger when the guy held a gun to my head" What would she had said if the guy was white?

    Black crime gets racialized. White crime does not. Check the comments all over the web.

    It may not be obvious to all, but black people can't miss it and can't afford to.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wish I could rep you. I seriously think a lot of the women on this forum either don't see race or see black men in a good light so they aren't hung up on the negative racial stuff as it applies to black men but it also makes them blind as bats as to the way the rest of the world thinks.

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