USA warning to Israel about settlements.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Madiba, May 28, 2009.

  1. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Dude. Get outta here with that hatred.
  2. bushdweller

    bushdweller New Member

    the editors of that clip were guys named Joseph Dana and Max Blumenthal (presumably jews) so the "kike" remark is more than a little stupid.
  3. bushdweller

    bushdweller New Member

    anyway, jews shouting "white power, fuck the niggers"... says something about the idea of "exceptionalism" of all kinds... including the "iq" bullshit...

    Isreal even has a smattering of "neonazi"-style skinheads -- jewish immigrants from some of the former soviet republics. Here's a report about it:,1518,504803,00.html

    Remember the black white-supremacist from the chappele show? Check out this statement from one of the busted neonazi skinheads in israel, a descendent of russian jews:

    Police said the cell's leader was Eli Buanitov, a Jewish-descended Russian immigrant who swore in an e-mail never to have children. "I won't have kids," he wrote, according to detectives. "My grandfather is half Yid, so that this piece of trash won't have ancestors with even the smallest percent of Jewish blood."

    Even if he's only 'half yid' it's ironic for even slavs to be nazi, considering what nazis thought of (and did to) slavs...


    and these guys (in the clip) are bouncing to reggae and sporting hip hop style at the same time... :rolleyes:

    Not to take the thread off-topic, but (relatedly?) below is a link to clips about the growth of the neonazi movement in Chile, attracting follwers, ironically, with mesoamerican backgrounds.
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Oh my :shock:

    Do you even know what a Felasha is?

    Go get an education

    You sir are an ignorant ass
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I know that question is not directed at me but I believe the felashas are Ethiopian Jews (black jews) from Axum area. They were airlifted from their village in three occassions, '91, '98 and ?? '01.

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