By Walter Brandimarte NEW YORK | Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:20pm EDT (Reuters) - The United States will likely suffer the loss of its triple-A credit rating from another major rating agency by the end of this year due to concerns over the deficit, Bank of America Merrill Lynch forecasts. The trigger would be a likely failure by Congress to agree on a credible long-term plan to cut the U.S. deficit, the bank said in a research note published on Friday. A second downgrade -- either from Moody's or Fitch -- would follow Standard & Poor's downgrade in August on concerns about the government's budget deficit and rising debt burden. A second loss of the country's top credit rating would be an additional blow to the sluggish U.S. economy, Merrill said. Read more and view the comments by going here.
I'm not believing the non sense There is more to this than whats being reported. Deficit my ass. They weren't talking downgrades when Bush got us into this mess to begin with. They have one goal and its getting Obama out of any means. ....mark my words. If Romney becomes President, by 2015 the credit ratings will "magically" be restored to AAA. I know the hustle. Wallstreet is actively fighting the WH over the reforms to come. Obama needs to fight back harder with supenas and find out why for example, how the head of the S&P could downgrade the US while actively campaigning for Mitt Romney.
Bush was a puppet just like Obama.. Puppets didn't do this...the guys controlling the puppet did it. Stop looking to Washington...this country has NEVER been controlled by politicians but by Banks/Corporations.
The president is more than a puppet. But he has competing obligations that if listened to can drive his domestic and foreign policy. Basically it's a scenario where you're as free or enslaved as you CHOOSE to be. FDR wasn't a puppet. JFK wasn't a puppet. EIsenhower wasn't a puppet. They were in absolute control of their administrations and private interests BEGGED these former POTUS(s) for their favor. I do agree that all these credit rating downgrades are potentially either Wall Street's attempts to send a message to Congress, or an effort to twist the screws into Obama. Our government is nowhere near a real default on its international debt obligations. Congress would have to VOTE not pay on its debts, and even then I believe the POTUS would have the executive authority to act unilaterally. This aggressive action by the financial sector to deliberately damage U.S. securities is unprecedented, and I wonder if Obama feels like a fool for not prosecuting anyone on Wall Street after the subprime derivates crisis collapsed the Stock market?? Sometimes if people don't respect you even as the POTUS, then you have to MAKE them respect you. Obama IMO thought he could govern being the first 'nice guy' Even Bill Clinton was known to have a temper and curse a muthafucka out in the Oval Office. Unfortunately that's all some people respect; anger and fear. Sad thing for Obama is he's been rolled by the Republicans more than once in three years and in order for them to get back in line BEHIND HIM, he's going to have to overreach and do something radical. 'That Nigger's Crazy', should be BHO's secret 2012 campaign slogan.:axe: Let those assholes know that he's the POTUS and they aren't. I heard a stat yesterday that during the Dubya administration, Democrats voted 40% of the time with the president. During Obama's term Republicans have voted approximately 4%(!!) with him. No POTUS can govern with that level of political opposition. I just hope the average American is keeping up with this bitch-azz behavior that's going on in Capitol Hill and holds the real culprit's accountable. Because the GOP has no jobs plan, no real way to jump start the economy. Their entire agenda is about starving the beast and shrinking the size and efficiency of the Federal government, which will all but guarantee this recession continues for 4 more years.
Obama is a puppet so was FDR and the beloved JFK. If you believe a BM runs this country you should go to the nearest zoo and TURN YOURSELF IN.
FH, can you make an argument besides sarcasm and condescension?? JFK was assassinated IMO because he REFUSED to be a puppet. EIsenhower was a puppet to exactly whom?? You're talking out of your ass IMO because you're cynical about politics in general. I'm sure you don't vote because you don't see the point, which is why the GOP prefers having less Americans show up at the polls because it increases their chances of winning. You become a 'puppet' when you are willing to be bought. Who the fuck could buy JFL/FDR?? They were both multi-millionaires who for the most part FINANCED their own presidential campaigns and governed like kings. JFK selected his OWN BROTHER to be the nation's top law enforcement officer, a move today that would get a POTUS impeached on general principle. How many times did FDR suspend Constitutional rights during WWII?? If you think the presidency is a 'ceremonial position' you really have no clue what the job entails and the broad authority the POTUS is granted by the Constitution. IMO you're confusing the term 'puppet' with a POTUS who's elected by the people, but when in office his sole agenda is improving the economic conditions of a select special interest. 'Puppet' suggest EVERY decision a president makes is already made by someone else, which simply is not true.
Not every decision just the ONES THAT MATTER . He's a puppet..a speech reading corporate owned marianette. He is funded by the same banks/corporations that bank-rolled Bush.:smt039 The POTUS is merely a CEREMONIAL position with no REAL power.
Great counterpoint. It would be nice if you backed up your assumptions with a splinter of evidence or argument, instead of making declarations. At least we've advanced from, 'the POTUS is a puppet', to, 'Obama is a puppet'.
If you still need evidence at this stage of the game you should do as I said earlier: Go to the nearest ZOO and turn yourself in...because they are missing a primate so STRANGE he can't see past his own nose despite having 20/20 vision. Politicians don't run shit...........even your dog knows that. The people that control the interrest rates and money supply run the show. Obama (like Bush...ect ect..) has a WALL STREET BANKER as his Treasury Sec..That's like letting the fox guard the hen house. Banks run it..not the HISTORICAL CELEBRITIES ya'll lunge and grovel before. Do you think Hitler RAN things?? Man... Hitler didn't run SHIT but his MOUTH..! The money to arm Germany to invade poland and later europe itself didn't come from Hitler's wallet. HE BORROWED THAT MONEY from the BANKS ON WALL STREET :smt039 The SAME Banks that just LOOTED us all for 13 trillion dollars.. The Bailouts happened while PUPPETS Bush and Obama were "in power". The Bankers(like Prescott Bush) that FINANCED the Nazis didn't get hanged in Nueremberg.. ONLY THE PUPPETS GOT EXECUTED Brown Brothers Harriman were Hitler's personal Bankers..they are still around today.. I wonder why that is..? Lord knows what they are up to nowadays...being that they got away with financing the fucking Nazis. Our friends on Wall Street financed the Bolshevik revolution. Yep They sure did.
Financiers look to exploit economic opportunity and future profits, they aren't the driving force for the most part in international politics. Why would international banks make a bet on Hitler and the Third Reich?? Because they saw PROFIT if he was successful. Banks are amoral without any political agenda. They are only about increasing shareholder dividends and increasing their deposits. That's why they need to be regulated because they make business decisions divorced from any social consequences. International banks didn't 'control' Hitler. This is one of the most bizarre assertions I've ever heard anyone make. If you loan a future criminal $500 and he buys an uzi to kill everyone in his apartment building, did you 'control' that action, or were you an indirect accessory to mass murder?? Int'l banks were making a long term bet on who would win WWII. These same banks funded the U.S. and Allied war effort. Were these bankers both fascist and democratic?? NO. They were making bets on both sides and following the money. The Treasury Secretary doesn't set monetary policy or interest rates. You should be more concerned about who's the head of the Fed. You have a very simplistic view of how American politics works, FH. There are other powerful and wealthy special interests presidents rely on for support, it doesn't begin and end with BANKS. Money is the corrupting influence in politics, not exclusively financial institutions. Banks didn't 'control' the administrations of JFK/FDR/DDE. They have influence BHO's administration, but they still don't script his political agenda. If you don't want any bankers to ever serve in the federal government, you might have to close down the Fed and the Treasury. BHO's biggest mistakes was in having many of his top financial advisors come from Wall Street. If you look at everything that goes on in Congress on both sides of the aisle or in the Oval Office and distill it down to, 'must be what the banks wanted', you're missing how big investment banks work and don't understand what their real financial interests are. Every federal program or new legislation passed into law isn't a boom/bust proposition for big banks.:smt069
And you know damn well he isn't going to do that, but there will be another excuse given for him, probably citing the obstructionist opposition party; all in the belief that Obama was of a different mind from the action he took. WASHINGTON - U.S. Democrats are proposing $2.5 trillion to $3 trillion in measures to reduce the budget deficit, including revenue increases and significant cuts to Medicare, congressional aides told Reuters. It was the first formal proposal by Democrats on the committee and is aimed at galvanizing talks that are quickly running up against a Nov. 23 deadline. According to congressional sources, the plan includes a roughly equal mix of spending cuts and revenue increases; between $200 billion and $300 billion in new economic stimulus spending that would be paid for with lower interest payments from reducing deficits; and around $400 billion in Medicare savings, with half coming in benefit cuts and the other half in cuts to healthcare providers. An aide to a Democrat on the committee told HuffPost that the Medicare cuts included in the offer are derived from markers the president had laid out in previous negotiations, and don't necessarily represent the position of the Democrats on the committee, who question whether there is any proposal at all that Republicans would accept.