I have a friend in dire straits right now, and I'm looking for advice for her. Here's the situation: Her husband is in the army, and he just got stationed in Kentucky. They're stuck in a hotel and still paying for a Uhaul even though they moved like two weeks ago now, and they cannot find an apartment or anything to rent at all. He has a dog that he refuses to give up, and most places there don't allow pets period, so that's one part of it. The other is that out of the 50 options the army gave them, out of the ones that allow pets NONE are available right now at all. And now they're running out of money and still have no new leads on apartments. Is there anything they can do? Anyone in the army they can call that could possibly help them find a place? I'm so worried about them, and I have no experience with the army so I have no idea what options they possibly have. I even suggested they sneak the dog in (since so many people do that here in Houston) but she said that it would be a bad idea as since he's in the military if he got caught it would get him in huge trouble.
The issue is the dog thing...and everyone has to stick together. Maybe there's a church somewhere that's nearby in which the pastor or preacher could offer a place for them to stay for at least six months until the the base can readily make it available for them to live on the base.
I dunno, but I'll mention the church thing to her. If nothing else they might be aware of a place maybe they aren't or something. P.S. Why are you on msn?! lol
P. Have they checked into temp care for the dog? My mom particpates in this program where you take in dogs of people who have cancer and are too ill to care for their own pets. I wonder if they can find a temp home for the dog til they can get into a place that allows pets. Until then maybe they can get in the other non pet places for the people. Where is ymra? Maybe he will have ideas.
i was going to suggest something similar...find someone to foster the dog...that way they can get into housing and still visit with the dog in their free time...a local vet or animal hospital may be able to suggest someone...
Do they have an option for an army apartment WITHOUT the dog? I was going to suggest a foster pet family or contact the dog's breed association/or look for dog groups (yahoo have many) that are into that breed in KY who can assist them with contacts or help baby sit the dog until a base apartment opens up for dogs. Also... here is the link for all apartments in KY. Ones that accept large dogs, too. He can specify his requirements ie:(part of the city/only ones that accept dogs/near the base/2 bedroom, etc)...and click search.. http://www3.apartmentguide.com/apar...rdable-housing-emergency-maintenance-4j4+3ha/
P....alot of people who own rental property here do not advertise vacancies. Your friends need to start driving around the community looking for privately owned rental homes, they are more likely to allow pets than apartments. Barracks will be a no-go, they are only for single enlisted, not families. if nothing else...they could rent a storage unit for less $$ than the rate on a uhaul until something comes available. BBW advice about local pastors is an excellent idea. church members could be rental property owners....and someone may offer to house their pet...good luck.... if i were close i would offer help...
Thanks KT! Persephone, maybe they could seek some asylum in their place or something. It wouldn't hurt to ask.
ktplay, thank you, that makes so much sense! I'm spoiled by living in such a huge city, I sometimes forget how things work back home. lol I'm from Southern WV, so I'm familiar with at least some of KY myself, just not the area my friend is currently in. My first apartment was awesome and the only reason I found it is because a friend lived there, too. 4 apartments in a single building, privately owned, pets were welcome (the landlord had like 4 dogs lol) and if you fixed the place yourself you got discounted rent. 2 bedrooms for -half- of what I pay for a tiny 1 bedroom in Houston, too! As for the dog, I know it's easier to just find it a new home, I just don't think he's willing to do it. He's had the dog forever. I did mention it to her, though, I just really hope it doesn't come to that. I really appreciate the advice, guys. I feel so sad that I can't actually be there to physically help her find a place. This girl is a really close friend. She's the one who drove me around all the Houston metro area looking for my car, and she also just -gave- my bf her old car because it wouldn't make the trip. She's a really good friend, and I hate that she's having such troubles right now. So thank you for helping me help my friend. I'll let you know how it works out! Some good vibes would be appreciated, as well.