this just hit the news: a united airlines flight from DC to Denver was escorted into DIA by fighter planes...evidently a middle eastern diplomat was on board the flight and tried to ignite his shoes...the plane has landed safely...because this man is a diplomat he may be awarded immunity:shock:
OMG! It's Lethal Weapon 2! "Diplomatic immunity!" "It's just been revoked!" Wow. Yeah, they're going to have to change the laws on that, if this is truly the case. Scary times....
I am watching the news and we are just getting bits/pieces...evidently he came out of the bathroom and the air marshall smelled smoke...asked him a few questions and then detained him on the plane...the plane got in around they are saying that perhaps the man made a joke to the wrong person not knowing it was an air marshall
Hmm....if that's the case, then the guy is a complete idiot. Who would make a joke like that on an airplane? I guess we'll just have to wait and see as more info is released.
I bet all the other passengers on the plane didn't appreciate his sense of humor either. They probably had their plan of attack all mapped out before they had his shoes put out.
exactly...lippy regularly roleplays in her mind how she turns into the incredible raging hulk on an airplane taking down a terrorist...i fly all the time and i would not have found this funny at all... at the las vegas airport they have signs through security warning passengers that tsa employees do not have a sense of humor so don't try any jokes unless you would like to be introduced to the police
Same thing happened here in the midwest on Christmas day. A nigerian man had tried to ignite a bomb on a plane that was in his underwear. He had ties to Al-Qada and they told him to do it on Christmas day when you have the least amount of airport personel. He was tackled by a couple of passengers.
As reported here - a diplpmat from Quatar was smoking in a toilet and when stopped by an air marshal he made a joke about lighting his shoe. A misunderstanding but very stupid. Of course hwe can not be charged as he has diplomatic immunity.
Took th' words right outta my mouth! Even *if* it wasn't a Post-9/11 world .. the bloke *still* woulda been busted for it's against the law to light up in the loo of a plane. OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Fuck his stupid ass joke. With this crazy ass times we live in, ppl dont need stupid ass fucken jokes on the plane. Dont fucken smoke and don't fucken try a stupid joke in the flight that I'm in. You want to pull a stupid prank then get off the fucken plane and joke all you want while you ride your fucken camel all the way to the hell hole that you crawled out of. Fuck you and your fucken cigarette smoking mule.