Unique Situation

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SouthGAGuy, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. SouthGAGuy

    SouthGAGuy New Member

    HaHa...they have layed off. Someone said "they are just mad because they aren't with her" and that's very true. I think it's just as much of a shock to them as it is to me though (the fact that she's sleeping with such a younger man, I mean).
  2. SouthGAGuy

    SouthGAGuy New Member

    By the way, thank you all for all your kind words and support :D
  3. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Now that I think of it, if your mom is really that hot I might be inclined to hate on him too.

    I would be out on your front lawn with a big sign that says "leave him for me!" Then I would appear in your house some kind of magical way like brotha man off of Martin.

    She would be like:

    "Who the hell are you?"

    "Oh *ahem* *Closes the refridgerator door and talking with a stuffed mouth* I am your knight and shinning armor baby!

    "I am calling the cops!"

    "No! No! no! I am SouthGAGuy bestfriend!"

    "Oh really? For how long"

    "I mean I don't know him personaly but....."

    "Get out! NOW!"

    *Frozen Veins gets arrested and sentanced 33 years where he spends most of his time thinking about all the hot white chicks he could have met, but instead he has to sleep in a corner of a jail cell watching his rear end and making sure it won't get raped*

    Afar from my twisted imagination that always puts me in the worst situation.

    I would ask you if you had a sister that took after your mom and was over 18 preferrably 20 because I am 20 also.

    I would probably take her out to dinner and a movie and bring her home before dark and be a true young gentilemen.

    Then I would try to hook you up with my cousin because she really digs white guys; but due to recent events I think she likes white and latina GIRLS and probably pull more chicks than I do, leaving me in a state of awe, self pity and slight confusion and you think that I am a pretty messed up and insane dude with a twisted family.


    *Frozen veins continues running his mouth and flood this whole forum with wierd and slightly off topic post and occasional topic Hijacking*
  4. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    You know, i've always wondered why that happens a lot .......

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