Unemployed? Go to North Dakota

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  2. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Brilliant solution, move to North Dakota and drive up the rate of unemployment there.
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i saw this on world news tonight...in williston they have the busiest mcdonalds in the country...they pay 15.00 an hour to work there...you can live a pretty comforatble life in north dakota on 31,200...the oil boom will create alot of jobs...the more people that move there the more housing they will need...this is pretty exciting if you consider the fact that the largest major city to the east and west of north dakota would be minneapolis and seattle...lippy expects that the hispanics will be moving further north to snap up these jobs
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    if is unfortunate with one of the highest unemployment rates belonging to black men...north dakota more than likely has a very small population of blacks...i grew up in montana and there was one black guy that went to my high school...a few went to another high school...
  6. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member


    How the Nation’s Only State-Owned Bank Became the Envy of Wall Street

    Don't worry, The Bankers will find a way to get North Dakota.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    No thanks.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    15 dollars at mcdonalds?

    shit i was making 6 bucks workin at Wendy's fast food

    that's insane

    u can actually live off that and support a kid...which is how it should be, tbh
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    This. The only place that is any more happening is........Wyoming. :(
  10. North Dakota has somewhat been progressive state....
  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I made $5.35 an hour at Long John Silver's lol. I'm going to check this out.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    let's not forget south dakota...montana...kansas...nebraska...
  13. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    You're straight-up retarded. I'm guaranteed at least one dumb-ass reply to my thread.

    The Kid Rasta
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    North Dakota is all good but you had to have some skills to have those jobs. Plus,I doubt there is a custodian or any low skilled job pays $30 a hour.
  16. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    You gotta do the groundwork first b4 you move.

    The Kid Rasta:cool:
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you would be considered middle class or rich if you made 30.00 an hour in north dakota...the cost of living is very low...
  18. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Yes you do.

    I went up there last summer and it is not what you think.

    Housing - There is no housing. Apartments are full , rental homes are full and hotels are full. The cost of renting a hotel on a weeknight will run you a minimum of $150/night at a lousy local no-name motel.

    They are building apts, homes and hotels. but as soon as they open they are full.

    Oil companies are the ones that usually buy up all the apts and rental homes for their employees. So if you ain't employed by them, you ain't getting in.

    If you get employed by a oil company, they have man camps located out in the middle of nowhere where the oil fields are. They are solid built trailers with heat/ac, power and bathrooms.

    Majority of people sleep in their cars. ND will not allow you to sleep in your car during the winter months between Sept and April due to extreme cold weather they get. They will arrest you if caught.

    My advise is to find someone who owns a home and is renting out a room.

    Rental rates will run you about $2K/month minimum.

    Employment - ND gives priority of employment for local residents.

    Which means if you show up filling out applications and put your home address and cell phone number from whatever state you from, good chance they will not call you cuz they think you are still back there and not in ND.

    You are gonna have to get one of them discount cell phones they sell at walmart and then get yourself a local PO Box or use the address where you are staying.

    Working the oilfields on those drills is a young man's job. It is a shitload of manual and fastpace labor. They usually work about 12-14 hour days for 2 weeks straight, then take about a 1 or 2 weeks off.

    Also, work is considered "seasonal" if working for a oil company out on a rig. They will hire you and keep you employed for about 3 or 4 months, let you go and rehire you in about 2 or 3 months. So that fast $60K you made in 4 months will have to hold you over until they call you back unless you work somewhere else.

    Criminal Records will not keep you from working unless you are applying for a job that deals with money or working around or near children like retail/restaurants.

    Pay is high and there is plenty of overtime. It is true places like Walmart and McDonalds is paying high wages. The reason for this is that there is a demand for low, unskilled labor. When the day comes when there is more people than jobs...pay will drop.

    Recreation - In Williston and Dickerson....there ain't shit to do. The major entertainment is going to the Walmart Supercenter in both towns.

    Dickerson has a small mall, I did not see one in Williston.

    The local bars are small and boring. It's just dudes with a shitload of money in there pocket getting drunk and fighting and acting stupid.

    The movie theaters they have are tiny and set up for small town use. The only big chain restaurants you will find there are McD's, KFC, Taco Bell and Burger King. Believe it or not, they will actually run out of food by 4pm. The restaurants are small and food storage is setup for small town use, not for the large infux of people coming in. They will not build larger facilities and larger food chain restaurants have not opened there...there is a reason for that that I will explain later.

    Both towns have community/recreation centers. Local parks are small with no amenities except maybe bathrooms and a water fountain.

    Drugs....whatever you want....they got it, to keep you hooked.

    Alcohol/Cigarettes....plenty of it and cheap to keep you hooked.

    The male to female ratio up there is basically there is a shitload of men and a small amount of females. Williston and Dickerson is not safe for women. Majority of the local women you see will be in groups or with their husbands/boyfriends. Young teenagers (boys/girls) are basically nonexistent because they have been warned not to wander out alone or in groups without adults.

    There are prostitutes that have moved to the area, but there is not enough of them to satisy the male population.

    Men need females, if there are no females around to satisfy them...the human animal comes out. Similiar to what you see in American prisons/jails.

    Overall - North Dakota is a modern day boomtown. Infrastructure up there is basically nonexistent. Local municipalities and the oil companies are investing in local infrastructure...but it is mainly to benefit the oil companies.

    Once they have tapped out every good potential site where they can drill and get the oil flowing, the oil companies will pack up and move on to the next area. Which means all those employees wil leave and the towns will revert to small town life again. This is why major chains like Lowes, Home Depot, Macy's, Sears, Applebee's, TGIF, Hooters, etc will not build there. They do not want to invest money building a facility and then everything shuts down and they are stuck with a empty building nobody will buy.

    Walmart is there because....its walmart and they dont give 2 fucks about anything but money.

    Right now they are close to tapping out northern ND around the Williston area. Majority of the drilling is going on north of I-94.

    They discovered last year that the Bakken shale stretches south of I-94 and possibly may stretch as far south as Oklahoma. They planned on moving operations south of I-94 in 2013. I do not know if they have begun at this time.

    I do know drilling has begun in Kansas and areas of Nebraska.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2013
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    A person would had to stay in his/her vehicle there before getting a good place to live there. Plus there had to be a cost of living website in SD for newcommers. BB1970,you hit it on the head.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    BB1970,the consevative talk show hosts always painted a pretty picture of those places mostly they have a lot of jobs there is no need for unemployment insurace. What you said is reality and not a fairy tale. What they never said is what you had mentioned. If a able bodied person want to work in those place if that ever happens they had to save their money and get a small computer or gaming device. Also never use substances and tolerate the bordom until the oil runs dry.

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